2021 - HHP - Week 8 - Family Room

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Sep 12, 2009
We look at getting the Family Room in order this week and look at our Halloween plans.

Week 8

What do you want to get done this week?
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Sep 12, 2009


  • Clean and organize the family room:
    • Wash windows.
    • Clean carpet.
    • Sort through games and DVDs.
Holiday Prep
  • Prepare for Halloween Gathering:
    • Buy candy to hand out
    • Make a list of food and drinks to buy
  • Make a holiday playlist of my favorite songs.
  • Make a list of my favorite Christmas movies.
  • Discuss with family what they can do to help keep the house in good shape.
  • Work on Christmas cards.
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Sep 12, 2009
I worked on sorting through the games and puzzles that we had in the family room shelves and moved most of them over to our closet in the mudroom. Because I decluttered and organized the mudroom closet a couple weeks back, there was plenty of unused space for the games and puzzles. The family room shelves look less cluttered now.

The next two things I want to tackle today are windows and DVDs.


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Nov 4, 2007

Family Space Week – Week 8​

So here's what I have going on this week. Living Room is good to go. I do need to order new those new slipcovers for the couch. The math on that is stressing me out. Afraid I'm going to get the measurements wrong! Moved ahead and cleaned out the pantry yesterday (I "think" that's ahead?). Pulled out all the expired cans and corralled the soon-to-expire items so they can get used. I'm hitting the stores today to stock up the pantry for the holidays. So worried about this supply chain thing. Trying to figure out what holiday items are critical that the world will END if we don't have. Besides toilet paper. :). We should have a thread for that. I've been slowly stocking up the past several weeks on random items and tucking them away. Feel like I have to do the Covid stock-up all over again this season. Ugh. But...we tend to stock up for winter anyway because we live in the country and get floods and snow and general conditions where hunkering is necessary.

My big worry is that Europe mailing deadline. I am NOT ready for that this week. DD is over there or Study Abroad and will be there for the holidays. How long does it take to ship things from the US to Sweden? Trying to figure out what makes sense. Mostly she's getting a EuroRail Pass and funds for "experiences" but I'd like to send her a stocking and some small items too.
  • Decorate for Halloween -- Done. Put up the decor a few days ago, which is actually pretty late for me.
  • Tune time: make a music check. -- I think we have this covered with Spotify.
  • Movie review: check the schedule for upcoming holiday movies and set to record. -- Have to google the schedule.
  • Buy, wrap and mail overseas gifts. -- UH OH!! I actually have to do that this year! How long does this take??
  • Create a holiday chores plan. Delegate some of the holiday housekeeping. -- DS will be getting some new chores this season. He needs to take a more active role in the firewood I think.


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Oct 18, 2007
My Happy Place
*declutter, clean & organize living room: wash walls, dust, vacuum, mop floors, wash windows & curtains, clean couch & chair :)
*organize books & movies :)

*decorate for Halloween :)
*Christmas music check :)
*Christmas movie check :)
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Sep 12, 2009
I got the family room, living room and office carpets cleaned. I didn't do that last year with everyone working/taking classes from home. The water was disgusting! The carpets look so much better now. The family room is in decent shape now. There are a few areas that still need to be decluttered. I hope to get to that today.

I had all the windows in the family room open to help air circulate and dry the carpet quicker. When I went to close the windows last night, the window fell out of the track and hit me on the temple. :eek: I had to ice it the rest of the night. (This was 30 minutes before a school meeting via zoom where they asked to have the cameras on. I had it on for the twenty minute ice break and then went back to no video when the ice pack went back on.) In that room, we have the kind of windows where you can unlock the windows and pull them off the track and inward to clean. When you are done cleaning, you push them back into place. I apparently didn't lock it in place after cleaning it. I never mad that mistake before and I can guarantee you that I will triple checking that in the future.

A couple of years ago, I made a list of my favorite Christmas things like scented candles, teas, coffees and songs done by indie artists. I should have put it in my Christmas planner binder but I didn't and I have no idea where I put it. I'm going to make the list all over again. However, there is a song that I like that I can't remember the title or the artist. :rolleyes: I just hear it in my head. I remember going through the exact thing a few years back.

Cindylouwho - I'm sure the USPS has shipping dates up for the holidays. I know in the summer, a cousin living in Illinois sent a document to Ireland and I believe that it took 3-4 weeks to get there.

Mel - Looks like you got your Halloween decorations up. How are things going?


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Oct 18, 2007
My Happy Place
Mel - Looks like you got your Halloween decorations up. How are things going?
Things are going well. I decided to put out the Fall & Halloween decorations at the same time. I really like them all out together.
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Sep 12, 2009
I have a Halloween tablecloth that I will put out tomorrow. I have Halloween picture books from my preschool teaching days and early motherhood that are out for decorations. I'm missing those days fiercely so I think I will take time to read through some of my favorite books.