Personal Life Rules for 2023

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Nov 6, 2007
Southern Arizona
Our Work Health and Fitness Advisor helped me establish a personal rule of:

"No more than one evening with an activity during the work week."

I would like to expand this to other things such as how many times will I run back and forth to Phoenix.
It's a 3 hour drive one way. So, to go up there for a get together often is way too much for me.
I'm thinking, "One trip to Phoenix every 2.5-3 months."

I would also like to be stricter with, "48 hour notice for plans."
That way I'm not tempted by last minute invites or notices of activities.

What are some personal life rules you would like to implement in 2023?

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May 27, 2011
Washington, the Evergreen State
Thank you, Annie @AnnieClaus, I love that you made it for 2023 so we can go back in 2024, 2025, etc. to see what worked, what didn't, what we plan to do differently.

I like "No more than one evening with an activity during the work week"

and I'm adding these two:

"No outside activities on Sunday evenings".

"30 minutes of scrapbooking each weeknight - set a timer and stick to it".

Lori K

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Nov 13, 2018
As I've got a big "bucket list" trip (2 weeks in Ireland) planned for May, I need to be stricter with my budget in the New Year. I'm thinking of either a rule of "Eat out no more than once a week" or perhaps setting a dollar limit for each week (or month? which would allow for more flexibility). So often, it's easier to grab something while I'm out and about, rather than cooking from my pantry. Given the increased cost of eating out -- even fast food drive-thru, I need to be a bit more frugal.

I'll likely throw in an additional one that stipulates "If it doesn't bring joy and satisfaction over a period of xx weeks/months, consider it time to move on." Some activities and groups have become rote and are no longer fulfilling, so change is needed.

Lastly, there's got to be a rule to "Expand my circle / activitites, to grow as a single senior." It's time to move in a forward direction, rather than sidestepping issues that have kept me rooted in one place for longer than I should have stayed there.

Thank you for starting this thread. Putting it in writing makes it a real committment for the New Year.


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Oct 13, 2007
So often, it's easier to grab something while I'm out and about, rather than cooking from my pantry. Given the increased cost of eating out -- even fast food drive-thru, I need to be a bit more frugal.
I told DH tonight that it costs less for me to drive home for lunch each day than to eat out for lunch. Lunch is usually provided three days per week at work by drug reps.

I need to make a rule to, either, take food for lunch on days lunch isn't provided or to just drive home and eat. Our office isn't "user friendly" for heating things up, so coming home is much more appealing, and I have about 15-20 minutes to do a few things around the house if I want to.


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
As I've got a big "bucket list" trip (2 weeks in Ireland) planned for May, I need to be stricter with my budget in the New Year. I'm thinking of either a rule of "Eat out no more than once a week" or perhaps setting a dollar limit for each week (or month? which would allow for more flexibility). So often, it's easier to grab something while I'm out and about, rather than cooking from my pantry. Given the increased cost of eating out -- even fast food drive-thru, I need to be a bit more frugal.
Every time you go out to eat is one less meal in Ireland You could be enjoying. This thought might help with your budget for this wonderful trip.


Well-Known Member
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Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
I am so happy to see this.
I don't know if it is because it is the end of the year but I always get a little reflective around this time. I look at all the goals I set for this year and realise that I did not achieve a lot of what I wanted. I need to sit and evaluate what I would like 2023 to look like.

Miss JoDee

MHH Member
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Apr 22, 2011
Gurnee, IL
I am so happy to see this.
I don't know if it is because it is the end of the year but I always get a little reflective around this time. I look at all the goals I set for this year and realise that I did not achieve a lot of what I wanted. I need to sit and evaluate what I would like 2023 to look like.
Katrina, It's hard to picture an entire year's design. I personally would divide the year in smaller sections, Plannning a season at time sounds doable to me. I think I already do that without even putting thought to it. For instance, I have boxes of pictures I need to cull and put in to sheet protectors. I do not do much in the winter months which, so that has become my goal for December, January, and February. I will plan small weekly goals, go through all the boxes by the end of December. From there I will need to sort and then place them in the sheet protectors.

You have done a lot in the past year, you just haven't seen it because you didn't do all that you planned. Your plans changed that's all. A lot got done at the farm this year and you are getting so much closer to having it done.

Life rules are good. Think of them as self-caring will help with making and keeping the rules.


Well-Known Member
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Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
Jody, you are very wise. I like how you break down the year into seasons. Smaller chunks of time will certainly makes more sense to try and deal with. Something to ponder as we head into the new year.