Here comes August 2023

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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
It looks like it will be another lovely week here. We enter August and for us the last month of Winter. The weather will be lovely, around 17c (62.6f) everyday with some rain here and there. I am working all week to cover staff that are on holidays and while it will be a busy week I won't get too much done here. It is times like this that I am glad that I keep up with things fairly well week by week. I will need to focus and get little things done every night to keep me on track.

Water throughout day, especially as we have the heating on.
Shower/bath at night,
Moisturise, brush teeth, lip balm, hand cream
Clean kitchen and DW on before bed.
Read and sleep at reasonable time

*washing (X)(X)
*fold washing (X)
*vacuum floors ( )
*clean bathrooms ( )( )
*meal planning ( )
*general tidy up ( )
*clean fridge/freezers ( )
*tidy pantry/stockpile ( )
*make work lunches (X)
*shopping list (fortnightly) ( ) grocery shopping (fortnightly) ( )

Quarterly/Seasonal Goals:
June, July and August.....WINTER

*Baking day, try a new recipe and an old favourite (X)
*Target savings in bank (X) Set a new goal to hit buy the end of Winter, and save for cruise. Have full payment by December.
*Review word of the year ( )
*Visit DH's Uncle ( )
*Day trip to Yass ( )
*Day trip to Oura (X)
*Sort through and organise Family History (X) This is my Winter project for 2023, must get it took 4 days but it is done!!!!
*Work on and post June Rudy Day (X)
*Work on and post CIJ (X)
*Work on and post wrapping party dates to post in August (/ )
*Start planning HGP (X)
*Start decluttering for move next year (/ ) I have a plan for this at least, will ramp up during HGP
*Plan mini vacation to coast September ( )
*Holidays in September/October? ( )
*At least one no spend day/week per month (X)(X)( )
*Start thinking ahead for Winter, meals (X) plans (X) celebrations (X) goals (X)

Fun/Christmas prep:

*tidy gift closet ( )
*update planner ( )
*work on wrapping party posts (X)
*do something that is just for me (X)
*start/continue/finish one craft project ( ) Using up scrap wool
*start/continue/finish one book/magazine (X) Goal for the year is to read 10. I have read 10
*continue looking for stocking fillers, gifts and supplies ( ) My challenge for 2023 is to do great stockings, useful and interesting items.

This week:

*Post CIJ stories (X)
*Connect with family via phone, email or text (X)
*Contact kitchen planner ( ) Left text message/send Facebook message (X)
*Work every day this week (X)

5 small chores:
*Post wrapping party days ( )
*Print off HGP forms (X)

Word of the Year 2023: Progress
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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Sep 12, 2009
School emails are arriving signaling that the end of our summer break is approaching. Septemeber use to be the month that I would get the back to school blues. August is the new September for me since colleges, grade schools and high schools have moved the start of school to August.

  • Exercise
  • Prayer
  • Calendar Review of Appointments/Meetings
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Dust/Vacuum/Mop
  • Bills
  • Laundry
  • Menu Planning
  • Groceries
  • End of Week Reflection
  • Set Research/Writing Goals
  • Weed Garden
  • Living Room/Dining Room/Hall/Front Porch
    • Dust Blinds.
    • Sweep the front porch.
    • Clean the front door.
    • Wipe down the wall and door jambs.
    • Dust the chandelier.
    • Wipe down dining room chairs.
    • Declutter


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
School emails are arriving signaling that the end of our summer break is approaching. Septemeber use to be the month that I would get the back to school blues. August is the new September for me since colleges, grade schools and high schools have moved the start of school to August.
I too used to get the back to school blues, I loved having the kids at home and enjoying the school holidays especially over Summer.
I have the type of personality that gets very melancholy when something that I enjoy is over, I think that is why I suffer from the post Christmas blues so badly. Something that I am working on.


MHH Member
Jun 7, 2022
August has always been a bit of a weird month for me. I love it because it's the one month of the year that has always been relaxed; no school for me (I hated school!), And nothing too formal on for my kids.
On the other hand, I'm always chomping at the bit waiting for autumn/Halloween/Christmas to kick off!

My plans for this month: all I want to do is finish my current module. It's veterinary pharmacology, it's a lot of work. That's my only goal lol.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
My plans for this month: all I want to do is finish my current module. It's veterinary pharmacology, it's a lot of work. That's my only goal lol.
Whusky, WOW! That is some goal. Hoping that the studying goes well.


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
August has always been a bit of a weird month for me. I love it because it's the one month of the year that has always been relaxed; no school for me (I hated school!), And nothing too formal on for my kids.
On the other hand, I'm always chomping at the bit waiting for autumn/Halloween/Christmas to kick off!

My plans for this month: all I want to do is finish my current module. It's veterinary pharmacology, it's a lot of work. That's my only goal lol.
Doing a bit at a time will get it done. You can do it!
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