2021 - HHP - Week 9 - Living Room

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Sep 12, 2009
This week marks the half way point of the House & Holidays Plan! We will look at getting the Living Room cleaned up and organized. For our Holiday Prep, our focus is on getting our cards ready.

What would you like to get done this week?
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Sep 12, 2009
With Halloween next Sunday, I feel like it's the launch of the holiday season. It's always a balancing act with Thanksgiving next month and Christmas the month after that.

Household Checklist

  • Clean and organize the living room:
    • Vacuum
    • Dust
    • Organized books
    • Declutter magazines

Holiday Prep Checklist

  • Write out Christmas cards.
  • Prepare to mail Christmas cards or letters.
  • Prepare for Halloween gathering
    • Food/Drinks
    • Paper Goods
    • Table cloth
    • Pumpkin carving knives
  • Think about Thanksgiving menu/plan
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Oct 18, 2007
My Happy Place
I did the living room last week, so this is a free week for me. I'm going to work on my Master To Do list instead. I have a lot of outside work that I want to get done while the weather is still good.

Have a great week!


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Aug 3, 2008
I am working on my living room today going to take the cushions out of the sofa and clean under them shampoo the rug Take the curtains down and wash them pick up some unnecessary toys that my grandson doesn’t need anymore


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Oct 14, 2007
South NJ
I am so far behind in all the major and deep cleaning that I am taking next Monday and Tuesday off from work so that gives me 4 days to get the house decluttered, cleans and ready for the holidays. DH and the kids will help me out during the week and this weekend and I will spend next Monday and Tuesday finishing up with no one to bother me lol. DS is grounded due to being lazy and not turning in his school work on time so he gets to spends a a few hours this week after school and after his homework is done cleaning the inside of all the windows and we have a lot. Add in caked on dog slobber on several of those windows and maybe it will be enough to deter him from turning in work late again lol.


Well-Known Member
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Sep 12, 2009
I am so far behind in all the major and deep cleaning that I am taking next Monday and Tuesday off from work so that gives me 4 days to get the house decluttered, cleans and ready for the holidays.
Minta, post here so we can cheer you on! :)

The living room is in pretty good shape. I just need to go through the magazines. I have a few to read. I think I may try to take some to a donation center that accepts magazines on Friday. I just need to see what their hours are for Friday. Otherwise, I'll wait until November.

I'm going to have to really make decisions and get moving on Halloween. I just realized after looking at my schedule on the calendar that it would really be in my best interest to have those things done or ready to go by Thursday night.
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Oct 14, 2007
South NJ
Minta, post here so we can cheer you on! :)

The living room is in pretty good shape. I just need to go through the magazines. I have a few to read. I think I may try to take some to a donation center that accepts magazines on Friday. I just need to see what their hours are for Friday. Otherwise, I'll wait until November.

I'm going to have to really make decisions and get moving on Halloween. I just realized after looking at my schedule on the calendar that it would really be in my best interest to have those things done or ready to go by Thursday night.
Thanks ... starting in the kitchen tonight. Planning on cleaning all the cabinets inside/out.


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Sep 12, 2009
I got the living room done. Magazines were donated today. Christmas cards will have to be dealt with next week. I'm way behind on that.

I think we are in good shape for Halloween. There are just some last minute food items to pick up. We'll have to do a quick clean up in the house on Sunday morning. Hopefully, the rain will stop tomorrow long enough for things to dry out on the patio. That needs to get cleaned up as well. The pumpkin carving will happen out there on Sunday.
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Oct 14, 2007
South NJ
Well in the past few days I got most of the 1st floor done with the exception of the desk in the foyer, steam mopping the floors and the bathroom. Got both bathrooms upstairs done except for steam mopping the floors which will be done today, got the hall carpet steam cleaned. Going to work on our bedroom this afternoon and then I will be good shape.
Was hoping to take down the outdoor halloween decorations today and get the Fall/Thanksgiving stuff up but that will depend on the weather.


Well-Known Member
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Sep 12, 2009
Wow! Minta, you've gotten a lot done in a short time! You must be exhausted but happy to get it done. :)
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Nov 4, 2007
You go Minta! Missed this week completely as I was wrapped up in other thing.s. The Living Room here is in pretty good shape but a deep clean on the floors would be really nice. Might try for that in the coming weeks. I miss our old floor scrubber (the mini version of the commercial ones they use to clean commercial floors that have the 2 rotating circular pads? That thing was great! It got lost in a move years ago. So sad.). My mudroom is NOT in good shape. That's where I need to catch up. I have a pile of donations that need to get out the door and they are all going to different places. Our garage has a MOUNTAIN of donations again at this point. It's all killing me. Third time we have filled that garage. It is SO hard to get stuff off this property! Maybe once the kids are all off at college and hubby retires we can finally get it all out of here. Meanwhile -- at least the house looks nice.


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Sep 12, 2009
Cindylouwho, I chuckled at the donations sitting in the mudroom and garage. I know that all too well. I do a basement declutter every January and February. The last two years, we had basement flooding due to hurricanes so the basement once again got decluttered in August. Really, how much can one accumulate things in 6 months. :rolleyes: Each week I'm decluttering the focused HHP room. There is always something going out the door. I think there is nothing to donate and then next thing, I've made three donation trips in three weeks!