2021 - HHP - Week3 - Master Bedroom and Personal Spaces

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Sep 12, 2009
Another week here where I question what I will actually get done from this list. Monday and Tuesday will be the only days where I can focus on this list.

Household Checklist

  • Declutter, clean and organize the Master Bedroom.
  • Sort through the clothes closet.

Holiday Prep Checklist
  • Check to see how many Christmas card I have.
  • Check on gift wrap supplies: wrapping paper, gift bags, bows, ribbon, tape, gift tags,
  • Update Christmas card list.
  • Order additional Christmas cards. Note how many Christmas stamps will be needed.
  • Set up a weekly Christmas movie session on the calendar beginning in November.
  • Set aside a gift area for purchased gifts.


Well-Known Member
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Oct 18, 2007
My Happy Place
This is my favorite week of the plan; I love giving my bedroom a deep clean and then redecorating it.

* declutter & organize master bedroom including closet :)
*wash walls, dust, vacuum, mop floor, clean window, wash curtains, wash heated mattress pad, clean light fixture :)
*redecorate :)

*inventory holiday cards and gift wrap :)
*make Christmas card list :)
set aside storage tote for gifts
decorate for Fall/Halloween :)
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Well-Known Member
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Sep 12, 2009
Mel, do you decorate outside only or inside too for Fall?

I may try decorating next week if it is cooler. Last week the temperature was cool enough that it felt like fall was approaching. This week is so different. It is humid and rather warm.


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Oct 18, 2007
My Happy Place
Mel, do you decorate outside only or inside too for Fall?

I may try decorating next week if it is cooler. Last week the temperature was cool enough that it felt like fall was approaching. This week is so different. It is humid and rather warm.
I only decorate the inside, the winds are so bad here that the outside decorations just blow away.


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Nov 4, 2007
The Master is the room I most want to work on and finish. We did some major sheetrock changes on it right before the pandemic and I never really finished with the decor. It's "fine" but not the oasis I really want it to be. That's because I can't decide what I want that oasis to look like. Well, I can picture it but I find that ever since Covid, things are hard to find in stores. And I have developed a HUGE aversion to online shopping. So what is happening? I'm stalling. Ugh. Deep breaths. I am going to make something happen though. Probably a single major purchase that will propel me forward methinks. Hopefully the window seat cushions. I have an awkward window that, while I love it, makes things a little difficult to decorate around with any sort of practicality. I have a LOT of windows in this house. My kingdom for a sold wall! I think I'm going to get some online interior design help on that one. Just need to do it. Okay. That's happening this week too!

I'm not on my "lists" right now either. The ones we all use weekly? I'm kinda ballparking it because I have so much going on. Why do we put our kids in extracurriculars? It just makes everything so crazy. I'm getting too old for this! :)

So this week I've been decluttering like crazy. Purging the hotspots. DH and I got a load out to the dump and Goodwill last week and we are trying for a another one today. (the usual suspect areas like the mudroom and garage where everything collects.). Once we are through the OBVIOUS decluttering I want to get on a roll for the less obvious. Has anyone ever played the Mim's Declutter Game? I'm thinking about posting it for everyone on our site and starting it next week. It's basically 30 days with 1 item on Day 1, 2 items on Day 2 etc. Supposed to be really good for building declutter muscles.....I thought it might work nicely with our current plan? With the kids getting older I just want to manage less "stuff".


Well-Known Member
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Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
Master bedroom, it was deepcleaned in Spring. I do want to change bedcover and curtains before summer.... now to find what I want. I'll purge clothing when I change for winter clothes


Well-Known Member
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Oct 13, 2007
I need to get this done. I deep cleaned a few weeks ago, moving everything around, cleaning baseboard and window seals. I'll put the other bed spread on next time I change the sheets.


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Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
Deep cleaned our room, looking good. Changed the quilt cover to the Spring one, looks fresh. Just need to declutter the wardrobe and vacuum and we are done.


Well-Known Member
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Sep 12, 2009
Well, this past week not one thing got done on the list. It was music festival week with a lot of preplanning activities. I'll be adding everything to the upcoming list. Although, I just realized that I did get the paper work done from a few weeks ago.


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Nov 4, 2007
Master is in now pretty good shape. Got the seasonal linens swapped out. Nights are getting cool. Master bathroom completely decluttered with all drawers emptied out and purged. Pile of painting gear and decor items all packed away. We had an inspection done today for an appraisal so got hubby to help me bust through some piles over the weekend. That really helped! Nothing like a little motivation! :)

Holiday Mom -- I got a dent in some more of my paperwork too. I still have more to go but it is much more manageable now. We are on planners this week. DS decided he could not manage without a planner for all his activities, homework, college apps etc. Ordered him the colorful "Simplified" Planner (had to swap out the cover cuz most of them are pretty flowery). I've been looking at it and now I'm rethinking my own calendar setup. I think I need a smaller calendar and more notebook. Rather than a big calendar and small notebook. Toying with my system. (This is all on top of the calendar apps I have on my phone, Evernote, Excel and whatever other tech stuff I have going on. Sometimes for me to see things I just need to write them down.


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Oct 13, 2007
now I'm rethinking my own calendar setup. I think I need a smaller calendar and more notebook. Rather than a big calendar and small notebook.
If you find one like that, that you like, please share!! I've been thinking the same thing. I've tried designing my own, but that hasn't really suited my fancy, either. Crazy!!


Well-Known Member
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Sep 12, 2009
Sometimes for me to see things I just need to write them down.
You know, I was just saying the same thing today. I love that I can keep things online to search for items in a document or spreadsheet but sometimes, I just need to write it out with pen on paper. I really think there is something to the action where it helps me to visualize things better.
If you find one like that, that you like, please share!! I've been thinking the same thing. I've tried designing my own, but that hasn't really suited my fancy, either. Crazy!!
This is something similar to what I've been using for a few years. My current one is more visually clean. There is no boxing around the numerals on the weekly page or highlighting the day of the week in blue. The Lindley planner monthly and weekly pages are closer to my current format (w/o the watercolors).

I've thought about getting a notebook, dividing it into 12 sections and then stapling a free printable monthly two page calendar at the beginning of the section but then I go back to the planner and use the notebook for keeping my lists there.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
This is something similar to what I've been using for a few years. My current one is more visually clean. There is no boxing around the numerals on the weekly page or highlighting the day of the week in blue. The Lindley planner monthly and weekly pages are closer to my current format (w/o the watercolors).

I've thought about getting a notebook, dividing it into 12 sections and then stapling a free printable monthly two page calendar at the beginning of the section but then I go back to the planner and use the notebook for keeping my lists there.
This is where I purchased one from last year. https://www.personalplanner.com/US/planner I purchased a planner. They're a little pricey, so I was hoping to find something less expensive.

It may be what I do again this year. It's customizable and I can pick and choose what I want in it. Since I've used it for a year, I have a better idea of what I want and don't want it to have, and what I want more or less of. If anyone is interested, I have a one time friend discount code for 10% off. First come, fist serve because it an be used only once.