February 18th-24th 2024

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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
It was so nice to have a full week home last week. I got a lot done, made a few lists and gave my planner a good work out. The weather once again is very mild which means I can get more done here. Hopefully another productive week ahead.

Water throughout day.
Clean kitchen and DW on before bed.
Moisturise, brush teeth, lip balm, hand cream
Read and sleep at reasonable time/schedule no tech nights

*washing /fold washing(X)( )
*vacuum floors (X)
*clean bathrooms (X)(X)
*general tidy up/household maintenance (X)
*clean fridge/freezers ( )( )
*tidy pantry/stockpile (X)(X)
*meal planning ( )
*shopping list (fortnightly) (X) grocery shopping (fortnightly) (X)...remember to take water (X)

February goals:

*Keep saving towards car insurance and balance of cruise ( )Rebuild the savings account ( )
*Increase Christmas club amount (X)
*Judges workshop, Melbourne February 2nd-4th. (X)
*3 DrillDance competitions (X)( )( )
*Finish at least 1 craft (X) finished quilt top
*Lunch with friends February 16th (X)
*DH and my wedding anniversary 22nd February, celebrate (X)
*Daytrip to Mittagong 29th February ( )
*Prepare for modified HGP/Autumn ( )

Fun/Christmas prep:

*tidy/rearrange gift closet ( )
*update planner ( )
*do something that is just for me ( )
*read. The goal this year is 10 books ( ) Have read 3
*start/continue/finish one craft project ( )Work on baby cardigan,( )
*continue looking for stocking fillers, gifts and supplies ( )

This week:
*Connect with family via phone, email or text (X)
*Work Monday and Tuesday (X)
*DS home Tuesday ( )..... so sad, he cannot come now.
*Groceries Thursday (X)
*DH and my 38th anniversary Thursday (X)
*Harry the dog to the vet Friday (X)
*Daytrip to farm Saturday ( )

5 small chores:
*Update recipe book/tidy folder (X)
*Update household binder (X)
*Check batteries for smoke detectors (X)
*Look for items for next church fete ( )
*Work on DS's memory book (X) need to set a finish date for this.

Word of the Year 2024: Value
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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Sep 12, 2009
I was so engrossed in my projects that I forgot to post last week. I've been focusing on personal projects and evaluating once again my goals for this year. I'm questioning if I want to spend the time to complete it because I enjoy it or am I doing the project out of obligation. The more I do the work I love, the more I want to walk away from the other incomplete personal projects. Why spend time doing things I don't enjoy anymore when I can spend that time and more doing the things I really like?

I realized that reading books I bought versus reading books passed onto me on topics not of particular interest is still the same struggle years later. I just can not get myself to sit down and read certain genres. I'm going to let those books-to-read go without guilt. I think this will help in decluttering the house even more.

I just let go some craft items I thought I'd work on "someday." There is a ton of stuff that I can let go of now because I won't be using it anymore. However, I will hold onto for another year or so for my dds who sometimes use it for college and high school projects. After that, I will donate it to a particular thrift store who has a marvelous craft section or to a school who is need of art supplies.

  • Exercise
  • Prayer
  • Calendar Review of Appointments/Meetings
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Prep coffee for the next day.
  • Prep lunch for the next day.
  • Prep breakfast for the next day.

  • Plan outfits for this week.
  • Plan the menu for this week.
  • Prep meals for this week.
  • Dust/Vacuum/Mop.
  • Pay Bills.
  • Do Laundry.
  • Buy Groceries.
  • Answer one autobiographical question this week.
  • Write an “End of Last Week” Reflection.

Spruce Up Week: Work off of list of things to fix around the house.
  • Like
Reactions: Ahorsesoul


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
I'm going to let those books-to-read go without guilt.
Mary, you are so right. Time is so precious that we need to use it wisely. I no longer feel guilty about saying no. A friend recently asked if I wanted the 10 or so jigsaw puzzles that she had and would forward them to me. In the past I would have said yes but this time I said I had a few here that I had not done and that I was happy for her to pass them on. It was very freeing.

I hope that you have a great week doing what suits you!