"Great Expectaions"

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Retire Member
Well my DH has warned me this morning to curb my excitment just a little; and with good reason, I am one of those people that tends to get so very excited that even the most perfect laid plans can not live up to expectaions my anticipation has created in my own mind.

I look foward to Thanksgiving and Christmas longer and with more anticipation then all the other holidays combined. The anticipation is what brings me the greatest joy. Christmas Day itself is not what brings the thrill, it's the journey that brings the real joy, the planning and participating in every moment that this magical time of year has to offer. I tend to get what you might call an emtional overload created from my own expectaions of myself and what I expect from others.

So occasionally he or one of the boys will reel me back in so that I don't experience the Chistmas Blues created by expecting a Norman Rockwell Day! My family thinks that
Bing Crosby had me in mind when he sang "A Marshamallow Word" . But we are so bombareded by "It's a Wonderfeul Life" and our Hallmark movies that it's easy to want to our homes to look like they do in the magazines and our families to dress and act like they are straight out of a Dickens Novel. When in reality things aren't like they are in the movies or in my favorite books, but it is fun if for even just the weeks before Christmas that we can escape our real lives and live like we wish we could all year.

So to keep eveyone in my house happy I will stay as grounded and possible and will take thier advice and manage my expecations of myself and those around me so that I don't let myself down by an emotional overload of unrealistic ideas of a Norman Rockwell Christmas.


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Belles and DancingElf -- may I jump in with you? Please move over -- because we are all three just alike!

Just this morning, an hour or so ago, I said to dh: "Why am I getting so nervous about Thanksgiving?"

Dh replied, "Because you put so much pressure on yourself to make everything perfect. PLEASE remember that there will only be FOUR of at dinner tomorrow, and we all love each other! And -- there is TONS of delicious food. What is there to be nervous about?"

It is possible to escape into a fantasy world of perfection. And -- WHY do I do that to myself? It just makes me, and the people I love, really miserable. The real world of loving real pople is so wonderful! Why do I spoil it by wanting some sort of stupid perfection that doesn't really exist?

Thanks for the reality-based thread, friends!


Retire Member
Sparkel, how we expect to be grounded during a holiday that is completely centered on
childlike magical imagination. We lavishly deocrate our homes and transform them into a magical place of fairies and elves, with the jolly man himself the center of attention bringing toys to all the good boys and girls. The lights on the tree, the holly on the door all helps us to escape into a world of fantasy, that I for one find absolutley wonderful; and yes we forget for just a time that we live in a real world, with real conflict and real budgets, with real jobs and stress. Instead we play Christmas and take on the role of a character from a Norman Rockwell painting where everything is as we wish it really were; and then when something doesn't turn out just right and someone acts out we are jolted for a moment back to our reality and dissapointed that it was an illusion. I for one could live in the illusion of Chirstmas forever!!


Santa's Elves
Premiere Member
Oct 27, 2007
I am the same way Belles and am always let down because my expectations exceed what really happens. I am getting better and KNOW that tomorrow will not be all that I wish/expect it to me so I am trying to prepare myself for that. LOL Fantasy is so much more fun and PERFECT! LOL


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 14, 2007
Cadyville, NY
It is hard to stay grounded during these two times of the year.
I am lucky to have my children and grandchildren and they know how I am when it comes to all I want to do for them.
THEY keep me going, and they keep me grounded at the same time. They are awesome!