HGP Week 12 - Attic/Storage Week!

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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 22, 2007
South Bend, IN
This weekend was a bit more productive for me as I am finally starting to kick this sinus infection down the road.

I still had to stop for naps, but I got a few things done and it was nice!

I'm not in desperate need of help in the attic this week so I'm using this time as catch-up for previous weeks on the HGP.

I only did basic housework over the weekend - and it took longer than usual due to having been let go a bit while we were sick.

We did get alot of DH's tools cleared out of the house - there is some stuff left - but I hope to get it out of the house by the end of the week!

For holiday prep I did the following:

- Slow roasted another batch of chicken, shredded and froze

- Chopped up and froze a bunch of celery

- Made up a batch of White Choc-Peanut-Rolo Cookies and flash froze the dough

- Wired mini red bulbs to the two mini trees that will go way up on the cupboard in the bathroom this year

That is it. I'm planning on making up another batch of chicken stock tonight and a batch of chicken noodle soup for my lunches this week.

If I can, I'm also going to hit the gym. I won't last long, but I have GOT to get started going again or all is lost!


Okay, a bit dramatic, I know - but hey, It's me!

Let me know how you guys are doing too! Good, bad or indifferent - I just wanna know I'm not alone out here!

Winged One

Retire Member
Sep 2, 2008
Fluttering happily in the clouds!!
I am falling behind. I finished at one desk on Friday (and it was a mad panic to get everything done so I didn't get my planned day off - any days I get between now and Christmas are for specific things like a graduation, a wedding and a lunch with my old section - so that was to be a "ME" day). Not only did I have to finish my work, I had to box up 6 years of "stuff" to move it to a new building (I have moved desk once within that 6 years, but in the same building so it was much easier).

Yesterday, I arrived at my new desk (having entertained the IL's for the weekend and done a long shopping trip late on Saturday). So I am getting organised while hitting the ground running workwise (the job was vacant for almost a year and they were desperate for me to get here). So I may not be on much for the next while.

But I am now relying on the bus in the evenings - so I will be home on time 4 of the 5 days. And I can't drag home loads of junk, so I will have to get organised again and that means I should get back on track fairly quickly.

The attic is a nightmare - but not worth tidying at the moment. January job (have to clean it out as it really looks like I will be going to Brussels for work in August next year).

But apart from losing my master gift list in the move (it was on my personal drive on the pc - which didn't transfer fully), I am doing OK for Christmas. Most gifts bought, cards bought, most crafts under control. And I will get time enough to finish them all - maybe closer to the day than I wanted and under a bit more pressure than I wanted, but not nearly as bad as the last few years!!!