Holiday_Mom 2021 - HHP - Week 4 - Close to Home

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Well-Known Member
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Sep 12, 2009
This week we look at the children's room or another room in the house. We'll also look at things around the house that need to be "spruced up."

Close to Home Week

What are your plans for the week?


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Sep 12, 2009
I'm going to be behind for a few weeks with the various things happening around here. I usually do the children's rooms in the summer so I will work on the Master Bedroom. I did a deep clean in August knowing that last week might be chaotic and it was!

Household Checklist

  • Declutter, clean and organize the Master Bedroom.
  • Sort through the clothes closet.

Holiday Prep Checklist
  • Check to see how many Christmas card I have.
  • Check on gift wrap supplies: wrapping paper, gift bags, bows, ribbon, tape, gift tags,
  • Update Christmas card list. Just found out that some people have moved or are moving soon.
  • Order additional Christmas cards. Note how many Christmas stamps will be needed. Will order more stamps in October.
  • Set up a weekly Christmas movie session on the calendar beginning in November.
  • Set aside a gift area for purchased gifts.
  • Do the seasonal spruce-up list.
  • Begin buying stocking stuffers.
  • Check to see if we need Advent candles. I need to buy more Advent candles.
  • Start working on Christmas cards or letters. I will start this when the order comes in next week.
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Well-Known Member
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Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
Mary, looking forward to cleaning the sparerooms this week. DS's old room is being used for wedding central so will need to pack all of that before I can clean the room.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 4, 2007
Okay I've actually got a list this time:

  • Declutter DS" Room -- We didn't some updates in there over the summer and it needs to be completed and decluttered.
  • Get a Reality Check on the budget & spending. Focus. (Might be next week).
  • Make a realistic list of home improvement chores to complete before the holiday season.
  • Begin collecting stocking stuffers.
  • Figure out when I need to get DD's box In the mail to Europe.
  • Hit the back-to-school clearance sales. (Stuffers, crafts, tape, scissors…)
  • Talk to DS and DH about our Halloween plans. Seems far away.
  • Look again at my Christmas apps and docs and see what lists need to be updated. I got a good idea on this board and I've already forgotten it. :).
Finish up:
Continue with Decor in the Master.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 18, 2007
My Happy Place
I'm off this week, so will be switching weeks and focusing on Week 10. My kitchen needs a lot work. I will do a deep vacuuming in DD's room this week when she isn't home and she can clean the rest.

*vacuum DD's bedroom :)
*deep clean kitchen - wash, declutter and reorganize cupboards & drawers, wash walls, windows & blinds, vacuum & mop floor, wash wall shelf & wall hangings :)

*set aside storage tote for gifts :)
*create stocking stuffer list :)
*seasonal spruce-up exercise :)
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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 4, 2007
Tackled DS's room. His schedule is so booked up with school activities he Is never going to have time to pull it together. Spent a half day and emptied it almost top to bottom. Removed snack dishes, garbage, outgrown clothes, deep cleaned any dusty corners, washed the linens, wiped down the surfaces etc, and filled a box with donations for him to inspect before it leaves. I came home from errands later and found him sitting at his "clear" desk if his room doing his homework. He was very appreciative. :) It looks SO much better in there!

DD's room needs the same thing since she is away at college. I have to ramp up some more energy for that one. She's a bit more of a hoarder than DS is and she doesn't like her stuff messed with. (DS doesn't care.)


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Sep 12, 2009
Finally had a chance to get to this and wow! I don't have any cards to start addressing this week. I usually do. I just placed an online order for cards. I do have left over Christmas stamps but I will order more in October.

Gift wrap supplies are good. We are going to use brown paper gift bags this year. My dd saved all the excellent ones from all the college take out deliveries last winter. I'll add an old Christmas card to the front or use old Christmas material to decorated the bag. I have plenty of wrapping paper to start but I will probably pick some up in November as back up. Every year I always think I have enough and then a few weeks before Christmas, I'm running around looking for something.

I've picked up a few stocking stuffers and I hope to wrap them this week along with things that I've bought in the last few weeks.

I'm feeling a bit like a scatter brain with all that is going on but after next week, no big time consuming events are on the horizon.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Sep 12, 2009
I really made an effort to get to things I could. I feel so much better getting things done off of my list and not someone else's list. ;)

I made a list of things that I'd like to see done in the next few months. Most of it involves dh's help. He's been busy with work on the weekends so I'm not sure what will get done.

I just got a notice that my Christmas cards order should arrive late Monday night or Tuesday morning!

Miss JoDee

MHH Member
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Apr 22, 2011
Gurnee, IL
I just got a notice that my Christmas cards order should arrive late Monday night or Tuesday morning!
I just decided I needed to redo my address list for the cards thinking I need to start soon so I can address card and create new list at the same time.