HP- Week 35

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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 6, 2007
Southern Arizona
Welcome to the 9th month of The Happiness Project. This month our theme is: Pursue a Passion. Corresponding reading pgs: 221-234., This month is for those things that lie in our heart that we never give any time to.
September is a perfect month for this. The kids are back in school, there's a bit of a quiet hush before the craziness of the holidays sets in.

This week our Resolution is to: Ask: What is your Passion? For Gretchen it was writing a novel. She chose the book No Plot? No Problem by Chris Baty to pursue this passion. For others it could be: crafting, following college football, joining a community theater, cooking gourmet meals.

Don't know what your passion may be anymore? Think back to your childhood. What did you enjoy doing? Maybe you can pick that back up.

Gretchen realized that her passion revolved around anything to do with books. But she felt guilty saying, "On a Saturday, I want to spend until noon in my pajamas reading." But, in this month she acknowledged that was her passion and gave up feeling bad spending time on it.

Pursuing your passion also allows for "an atmosphere of growth," which is essential to happiness.

Gretchen chose to write a novel. Another reader decided to learn Italian. Corresponding reading pages: 223-228. What will be your passion to follow?

This week's Resolution: Ask: What is your Passion?

This Week's Thought: Making time for a passion and treating it as a real priority instead of an "extra" to be fitted in at a free moment (which doesn't exist) will bring a tremendous happiness boost.

Share your thoughts, journey here this week.
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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
Crafting! reading!
I always lack some time for crafting but I do try to surf the web and find crafts - I love to look at craft projects

Reading - I love to read and have tons of books - I am trying to get rid of a few though - decluttering - NEVER throw them away - give them away to people who will want to read them.


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
My Passions: Scrapbooking, Genealogy and Horses.

I really need to set aside one day a week for the scrapbooking and then one for genealogy. I use to do this faithfully. With the problems with DD I stopped. Will have to start again. I can get a lot done with a day for each.

Now the horses. We sold ours when we moved off the farm. I loved them dearly and am glad I was able to have them. Now I'm glad I do not have the work of taking care of them. I need to frame some photos of the horses and I have some of their mane hair that I'd like to try making jewelry out of. I actually have bags of hair for that project. lol You got to just love those unfinished projects.

Hair Jewelry

patterns here
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Santa's Elves
Premiere Member
Oct 27, 2007
My passion is home decorating/interior design. I have a passion for education too, but am struggling seeing myself in the same position for the next 20 years...well 17 more until I can officially retire.

I feel stuck in my life...don't know how to get my passion reignited. It's been extinguished. I know it. I just don't know how to get it blazing.

Sorry that sounds down, but it is my reality of this moment. Now to make a plan...


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 6, 2007
Southern Arizona
Lisa- I think many many many of us are in the same boat as you.

As women, we tend to everyone and everything else and then our passions die out.

The thought of spending a whole evening with a good book always sounds sooooooo good but I rarely do this because I always feel there's something else that needs tending to. Or, by the time I can get settled in to read, it's so late I can only manage a couple of pages and then it's bed time.

This month we can explore what could be our passions or what used to be our passions and then begin carving time to indulge ourselves. Hint: Next week's resolution is: Making time for your passion.

We are together on this!!!



Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 8, 2008
La La Land
This is a area where I struggle. I have heard people talk about making money w/ their passion (that is is you have somthing tangible like crafts, helping other decorate or organize...) and while there is alot of things I enjoy I feel I have NO idea what my passion is. I enjoy some things like crafting and usually like what the end project is but then I second guess my self b/c it's not as nice or fancy as some one else's job or other things like that. Guess I need some time to think on this and see if I can find what it may be.

I enjoy crafting, baking, having people over (something I never do any more) but when people say Passion, I draw a blank. This is becoming a big transition time in my life right now so maybe now's a good time for me to think on this.

Annie- you are so right. we often let our desires slide to do things for others.

Lisa-you are transitioning again also so I can see how this will be hard for you w/ eductaion. Maybe once things settle in the new position will help you.


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
When one has a family, kids things, spousal things and career things going on I think our passions take a back seat. They just simmer until a person has time or energy to pick them back up.

I think women do this more than men. Men seem to be able to keep doing what they like in spite of what's going on in their life. Women need to do more of this.

DH made a comment about how much scrapbooking items I have one time. I just asked him if he'd like to compare my items next to his tools, gadgets and golf equipment. Haven't heard anything else about it since.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 6, 2007
Southern Arizona
Ahorsesoul- You are right!

In piratemama's and teachermomof2's situations- They both have children they are raising, jobs outside the home, obligations to other family members- it does't leave time for much after that.

And for you, Dear Diedra- You are so wonderful with your DD and all you do for her!

Sometimes there are seasons in our lives where our personal passions need to take a back seat.

But to even take a little bit of time for our own interests is important.

I have always wanted to run away for a weekend- to a cabin or even a nice hotel and take a project with me. And that's what I did for that whole weekend- with no other obligations, no phone, no TV, just me and my project. Or I thought it would be fun to get a group of gals, and we each bring a project to work on.



Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
I am like Shannon, in that I have no idea what my real passion is. I love to read but it's not really a passion, just something I enjoy. I used to love FRG stuff, i.e. working with people, helping people, etc. until all the drama and stupidity started. I really wish I could figure out something I would be passionate about doing.

In the next couple years I will enter the workforce for the first time really since I got out of the Army. That was 7 years ago, so add a couple years when Eli is in preschool and you're talking 9 years since i've worked by the time i'm ready to start looking for a job. I would love to go into something I really enjoy since I have the luxury of not having to work. I have a B.A. in Psychology but can't do anything with it until I get a Masters and licensed and all that.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 6, 2007
Southern Arizona
I thought of this on my walk last night:

I do have a passion for Relay for Life but I also like how it has a begginning, middle and end for the year. By the time it's over, I'm ready for a several month break from it.

But, definetly love it!
