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...get out of the kitchen???" What do you do when you have to make goodies for your twins' birthday tomorrow AND it is the last day of school til next year aka Holiday Parties??

I'll tell you ....you walk away in between bakings and jump on the computer and vent to all your lovely friends at MHH who understand what you are talking about.....lol

OK so far I have made 24 cupcakes in ice cream cones and 32 chocolate chip cookie lollipops and more waiting to go in the oven!!! Oh did I mention I live in Florida and it was in the 80's outside today and it is currently about 100 degrees in my house right now!!!! This is when I wish I had a pool!!! But I must say it definitely has got me started on my baking for the year. Last night I also made some banana bread....yummy!!!!


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
You have reminded me of why I like living in Wisconsin! It was -20 today with the wind chill. The driveway was so icy from the blowing snow that I actually "drove" to the mail box to get my mail instead of walking the 20 feet. lol

You've done a wonderful job in your kitchen! My hat is off to you.
OK so the last batch of cookie lolllipops are cooling off and waiting to be wrapped. Tomorrow after I drop the kids off at 7:30 in the morning I will put icing on the cupcake cones and then bring them to school.

Every year I visit my kids at the school during their birth time and tell them the story about when they were born. And every year I cry. So at 9:04 and 9:05 I will be telling Trevor and Travis all about their "birth"day that occurred 7 years ago!!!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
Christmascreations. I always wake oldest dd up at 12:52am on her birthday to tell her Happy Birthday. The phone has always rung at that time too. The past couple of years she has had a voice mail on her cell from grandpa (my stepfather) telling her Happy Birthday at the time of her birth.

Both my boys were born at home (not purposley) and they loved to be told about it.


MHH Member
Oct 14, 2007
Tall Corn state
You're fortunate....our schools won't allow any "homemade" treats.


Pippi said:
You're fortunate....our schools won't allow any "homemade" treats.



Technically we aren't "supposed" to either but our school LUCKILY isn't as strict on that rule as the schools we used to go to in NY. As a matter of fact even the teachers have a tendency to "sneak" holiday items to their class parties because of all the "Political Correctness" that has taken away our enjoyment of celebrations!!!

Plus I special wrap each one so it looks store bought.......hehe