Organize now! weeks 1-4

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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 8, 2008
La La Land
Ok ladies. This is to get us caught up to our current week.

Our first four weeks are working on Organizing yourself.

Week 1-Organize your mind
*Your actions are influenced by your thoughts and your thoughts coincide with your feelings so pay attention to your feelings. When you have a negative feelings towards someone or something reflect on what your thoughts are about that person/thing.

This weeks goals
*Try to get a minimum of 7 hrs a sleep a night. This is hard for us women b/c we do and do and then don't let go to sleep. Getting enough sleep leads to a better attitude in the morning.

*Start your day with a short to do list. This frees your brain from trying to remember it all day

*Start a journal-you don't need to write in it daily but it will be there for you when you do

*limit TV time

*Schedule a 2 min break 2-3 times a day to be alone and "just be"

*practice meditating

*schedule time to exercise

*schedule "me time" to distractions just doing something that makes you happy

*eliminate energy drainers (clutter, unfinished projects, unhealthy relationships)

*Take control of your time. set goals then break them down into manageable goals

I know it looks like a lot but remember these are suggestions and not Must do. Make this work for you.


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
All good ideas that do not take a lot of time.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 8, 2008
La La Land
Week 2-Organize your schedule

*Have one daily planner for both work and home so there is no overlap in schedules.

*Have a family meeting and plan out your week/month. See if driving schedules need to be set, meal plan, find sitters....

*Gather all those reminder notes from all over and put them into your planner. Be as specific as you need

*Sort your TO Do tasks by
A-Tasks that need to be done today
B-Tasks this week
C-some thing to do in the future (meet a friend for lunch, dog to the groomer, hair cut)

* Organize the task from above (order to be done, if you A list is done early see if you can move onto your B list)

*Schedule all your repeating apts (dentist, dr, hair, pet....)

*Put a notebook by the bed for those times you wake up or can't sleep. Write down what is on your mind to get it off your mind.

*Create a long term TO Do list. Ie things you borrowed to be returned, books you want to read, movies you want to see....

*Be realistic with you time, don't over schedule/plan
*Try to plan apt early in the day. They later in the day the more likely they will be running late.
*Break down big broad tasks into smaller more manageable ones.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 8, 2008
La La Land
Week 3-Organize your cleaning schedule

*Make a list of the chores that need to be done around the house and break them down into daily/weekly/monthly activities. Make a chore chart and inlist the help of your family

*Get a basket and when you are cleaning one room and find things that beling in another room put it in the basket. Stop going to the other room to put it away and getting off task. Be sure to empty the basket so it does not collect more clutter. (I have baskets on the steps for each boy and my self so as I find things I throw it in the basket and they put it away or I grab mine as I go by it upstairs)

*Take 15 min each night to straighten up the house. Work as a family. (Timers are great w/ kids b/c they can see how much time they have left)

*Clean room room or do one chore each day to save yourself from cleaning all day Saturday.

*Consider color coding item for you kid for them to use for the week (one towel, cup etc) cuts down on dishes and laundry

*Have disposable wipes in each bathroom for quick clean ups.

*Save space by minimizing cleaners. Use all purpose cleaners when you can.

*Make your bed daily
*clean a room top to bottom, left to right so you don't have to go back over spaces.
*take one big garbage back to empty smaller cans into and throw away trash you find as you go
*play music when you clean. It helps keep up your energy and is less distracting than TV


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 8, 2008
La La Land
Week 4 (current week) Organize your priorities
Are you spending your days doing and not living? HAve you lost sight of what is important to you?

*Ask yourself what is important to me? What motivates me? What do I want to accomplish?

*Make a list of your top 10 priorities. They are thing important to you. Keep it where you can see it.

*Make a list of activities you are involved in. See if you fit your priorities. Cut out activities that don't make you happy or just take up time that are not important.

*Schedule time to contribute to your priorities. (family movie/game nights, sit down family meals, girls night out, book club, exercise....)

*learn to say NO. It's a hard one but important.

*honor your priorities.

*try to minimize time with negative people
*Pray, meditate, spend time in quiet
*make a list of fun family/friends things that cost little to no money and try to do some each week.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Sep 12, 2009
Thank you. These are all great things to think about.