Sept 20th, Master Bedroom Week

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Retire Member
Mar 26, 2008

I've had a bit of a slow start to be completely honest, but, I got the Foyer and front entrance done. I feel good about getting those accomplished! This week is Master Bedroom week, and I really really need to work on it. Our room is a disaster for clutter, lol.

I haven't done any of the baking yet because I just don't have the room, and I haven't bought any canned goods yet either. I have bought a few gifts though ;o)

This week I really need to focus on my closets and drawers, they're stuffed. I have a lot of old clothes that don't fit me anymore, so those need to be sorted through and tossed.


Super Moderator
Oct 10, 2007
Arkansas-Go Razorbacks! Whoo Pig Sooie!
Well,,..master bedroom week, eh? I SHOULD be able to get some things done. I did a lot in there this summer, but I need to declutter, hang up stuff and just generally clean. I do love a good clean bedroom!

As far as holiday prep, I am making a list of the linens I want to add to my list. I want fall napkins for Thanksgiving dinner, and I found a new fallish tablecloth that would work in my kitchen all year round, so I want to get it. Also, I need about 5 yards of burlap to make a runner for the Boo!Bash3! so this would be a good week to pick that up.

Have a fun week, everyone! Stay in touch!!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
My master bedroom should be OK as it had a huge cleanout earlier as part of my room a month schedule. Need to sort through and pack up my winter clothes and bring out my summer clothes. Decluttering should be OK but do need to dust and just tidy up, Can pretty much tick this one off the list.


Retire Member
Oct 12, 2007
I'm ready to conquer the Master Bedroom. I've kept up the last three weeks and got all the cleaning done. Hopefully I will do as well with our bedroom. It really isn't that bad. I decluttered not to long ago. I need to get my list ready.


MHH Member
Dec 30, 2007
Need to sort through and pack up my winter clothes and bring out my summer clothes.

Pumkinpye, it seems so unusual to hear you talk about packing up winter clothes...were bringing them out over here...and treasuring the waning days of warmth...hope you have a GREAT summer!


Winged One

Retire Member
Sep 2, 2008
Fluttering happily in the clouds!!
This week's list, including stuff leftover from last week.

[] Clean outside windows on ground floor
[] Dust (properly) living room and hall/stairs/landing
[] Dust living room blinds
[] Brush ceilings and behind pictures in both areas
[] Hoover to skirtings in both rooms and master bedroom
[] Polish stair rail
[x] Mop wooden floor in hall
[] Clean inside windows in both rooms
[] Dust and polish bedroom furniture
[x] Declutter bookshelves
[] Organise jewellery box
[] Tidy off dressing table - halfway done
[] Clean and dust inside wardrobes
[x] Finish sorting top shelf of my wardrobe
[x] Look for work clothes for more formal occasions (not urgent but need to get a few things)
[x] Finish early seasonal clothing change for me
[x] Sort top shelf of guest room wardrobe
[x] Start a new "charity shop" bag - including some handbags I got as gifts but am unlikely to ever use (bit too fussy)
[x] Sort through winter hats, scarves, gloves - checking for size (too small going into attic) and cleanliness (large addition to laundrey basket)
[x] Remake guest beds after visitors
[x] Put away all clean clothes from hotpress

[x] Update budget spreadsheet
[x] Update Christmas gift list and Christmas budget
[x] Start Cards database - well, at least I've filled them in to my notebook
[x] Write 10 cards from last of old cards
[] BUY new cards - need about 20
[] Remind DH about making cards for couple of special folks (using photo of DD) - HIS project

[] Rip back and reknit (correctly) sleeve for cardigan for Baby boy (friend's baby)
[] Sew in tails on 8 facecloths already knit
[] Sew in tails on DD scarf (already knit)
[x] Make progress on DH's scarf (work lunchtimes project)

[x] Look for fabrics for bedroom curtains and headboard
[] Look for fabric for bathroom blind
[] Look for new towels to go with new bathroom colour scheme
[x] Stock up on bathroom essentials

[x] Organise meals for week - using freezer stocks
[x] Put something useful in freezer (small batch vegetable stock)
[x] Collect veggies from allotment
[x] Put extras sweetcorn in freezer
[x] Make large pot courgette soup - freeze 3 portions
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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 22, 2007
South Bend, IN
Okay, in line with my new "approach" to the HGP in light of my health/energy struggles - here is my list broken out by priority.

Must Do's

[ ] Empty hamper into laundry baskets, remove linen liner
[ ] Take all items down to laundry area (laundry baskets, linen liner, pillows, bedspread, etc.)
[X] Put bedspread in washer - DONE! Bought a new bed set yesterday & popped in the washer last night! :)
[ ] Throw the pillows into the dryer to fluff, and pull out all the dust they collect also
[ ] Dust ceiling, corners, doorway for cobwebs (remember closet ceiling as well!) and blinds
[ ] Remove marks off walls with Magic Eraser
[ ] Clean light fixture/ smoke detector
[ ] Wash windows, including sills
[ ] Clear off stacks/piles on DH’s dresser/nightstand
[ ] Dust/Windex and/or Polish all furniture (TV, Air Vents, Nightstands, etc.)
[ ] Pull out all items from under bed (dust items to be returned, throw away/relocate others)
[ ] Vacuum floor (including under the bed)
[ ] Replace items under bed that belong there (storage totes, etc.)

Would Be Nice - But Won't Kill Us If It Doesn't Get Done

[ ] Dump each drawer in both dressers/vacuum/wipe out the emptied drawers as necessary
[ ] Go through and sort items. Decide what you want to have in the dresser drawers and put only those items back. Use the 4 box method to sort the remaining items.
[ ] Go through jewelry box in same way, clean lining by using sticky tape, replace items I’m keeping
[ ] Now tackle the closet! Use the same technique as for drawers: take everything out of the closet and pile on the bed. (Remember items on top shelf! On top of shoe unit!)
[ ] Dust shoe storage, replace shoes I’m keeping
[ ] Turn or rotate the mattress


Santa's Elves
Oct 11, 2007
Baltimore, Maryland
I worked a little on my bedroom yesterday:

[ ]Clean windows
[ ]set up electric candles in windows (will start coming on Oct. 1st)
[ ]take down summer curtains wash and put away; put up new curtains
[x] vacuum carpet
[x] polish furniture
[x] organized closets
[x] put heavier linen on bed (the nights have been really chilly)
[x] cleared paper pile off bench at foot of bed
[x] threw out fireplace screen (was definately tired of it)
[x] purchase fall-tone candles
[x] dry-clean faux mink throw blanket

Hmm, looking at my list I guess I did more than a little.

Didn't spend anytime on crafts. Will work on a few Rudy Day.

I did bake but not for the freezer. I baked a boston creme cake - mmm, mmm, good. One of my cousins and her two daughters came and had dinner with me and boyfriend. That was really nice.

I won't be doing any major baking until December.

Also got quite a few gifts purchased Saturday.

Edited to add: wipe baseboards
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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
Berta thanks for that. We had a terribly HOT summer at the beginning of the year (we get 2 summers here) so I am really hoping that this summer will be a little cooler. Getting the house prepared for a hot one anyway so that we can hibernate.


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
The Master Bedroom Week is going slowly. Very slowly. So far -- I have picked up all the dirty laundry from the floor, washed and put away most of it. Also the bedding.

I have filled one big trash bag half-full of clutter. My goal was to fill at least one trash CAN full of bags of clutter -- since tomorrow is trash pick up day. Soon, I have to go pick up dgs8 from school. The prospect for getting more bags of clutter out to the trash can is..... not great. Possible. But -- not great.

Tomorrow is Rudy Day. I have to be at a 9:00 meeting. After that..... I hope to spend some time in the Master Bedroom....... wrapping birthday gifts for the party that night, wrapping Christmas gifts (hopefully) and watching QVC for inspiration. Inspiration may carry over to more decluttering of the Master Bedroom, as long as I am in there.

Please repeat after me: Every little bit helps.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
Every little bit helps ;)


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 22, 2007
South Bend, IN
Okay, finally making some progress this week!

Must Do's

[X] Empty hamper into laundry baskets, remove linen liner
[X] Take all items down to laundry area (laundry baskets, linen liner, pillows, bedspread, etc.)
[X] Put bedspread in washer - DONE! Bought a new bed set yesterday & popped in the washer last night!
[X] Throw the pillows into the dryer to fluff, and pull out all the dust they collect also
[X] Dust ceiling, corners, doorway for cobwebs (remember closet ceiling as well!) and blinds
[X] Remove marks off walls with Magic Eraser
[X] Clean light fixture/ smoke detector
[X] Wash windows, including sills
[X] Clear off stacks/piles on DH’s dresser/nightstand
[X] Dust/Windex and/or Polish all furniture (TV, Air Vents, Nightstands, etc.)
[X] Pull out all items from under bed (dust items to be returned, throw away/relocate others)
[X] Vacuum floor (including under the bed)
[X] Replace items under bed that belong there (storage totes, etc.)
[X] Dust shoe storage, replace shoes I’m keeping

I've decided to call the job done on the bedroom this week and use the time I have left this week to work on the tasks I have left undone from the earlier areas on the HGP.

Here goes nothing!

Colleen in PA

Retire Member
Aug 20, 2008
Every little bit helps! Thanks for the reminder, SparkleNana! Happy Rudy Day everyone!


Super Moderator
Oct 10, 2007
Arkansas-Go Razorbacks! Whoo Pig Sooie!
I have gotten nothing done again. And tomorrow (Saturday) DS9 has a ballgame at noon-so that messes up the entire day...I think I'll get up early and work on the back porch a little since it's supposed to be super nice tomorrow, then after the game move to the master bedroom. It's mostly just clutter in there...lots of it. Mostly clothes-we have serious storage shortage issues in there...but I'm gonna do the best I can.

And, since next week is master bath'll be easy to combine the two and make one big sweep through, if necessary. If I get lots of energy and get the bathroom done this weekend, then I'll have next week to work on the porch and the laundry room, which are still not done from previous weeks.


Retire Member
Oct 12, 2007
I've only gotten a few things done. We had a death in the family and had to travel out of state for the funeral. So... I'm playing catch up... Hopefully I can get it done so I can tackle my bathroom next week...


MHH Member
Dec 30, 2007
Well, this past week was a total bust for me. With DD's birthday, extra craziness at school, DD's tennis tournament and a sleepover, NOTHING else got done. Hoping to get on things this week while working in the master bath! More later this week...good cleaning everyone!

Winged One

Retire Member
Sep 2, 2008
Fluttering happily in the clouds!!
I updated my original list on the first page - I didn't get all I wanted done, but I did make progress and am starting to see clear spaces in a few key areas. Like, I forgot to put it on my list, but we actually did a lot of clearing out of the guest room yesterday - sorting winter outer clothes, putting a lot of clothes that are now too small for DD into the attic, and also putting up there a set of curtains that we aren't using and an old set of seat covers that DH wants to keep for the car, which were just taking up room in the guest closet and meaning that guests were afraid to pull out blankets.

And we also cleaned off the computer desk in there, and I sorted out the top of the guest closet. I have started a bag for the next charity shop run, and should fill that in the next week or 2. While not filed yet, I am feeling a lot better about the paperwork basket in the kitchen as a lot of the junk was thrown out mid-week, and filing paperwork is now sorted into categories so the basket is no longer overflowing and I can file slowly over the next few nights.

And I did a good clearout of the bookshelves in the living room, and sorted a lot of books that I'lll bring into my office when I move again in about 2-3 weeks (someone is retiring and I am getting his office, which is much nearer my staff and actually has room for a bookcase for my own books that are work-related (like the huge tome on management that I bought and occasionally refer to, but have to keep at home right now, to DH's disgust!!).