Sharing Documents

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MHH Admin
Oct 9, 2007
Missouri, USA
I have been playing around with a way to share douments so others can "see" our check lists, to do lists, and other things we have created. You can set it up so you have to actually email the link to people who want it or as an "everyone can view" document and then you would just post the link. It is at Googledocs. You would need to set up a google account but if you are at blog spot blogging then you already have one.

A word of caution.....COPYRIGHT.....remember when you put things up that it will be easy for others to copy and use your work, so just keep that in mind should you chose to use this service. The document can actually be opened and printed by whomever has the link. I am still just learning about it and playing around. You can also collaborate with someone and create a document together and there are places to "chat" about the document.

Right now I have a very basic document up with the link over at Month By Month...if you'd like to see how it works you can check it out there.