Stocking Stuffer Ideas

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MHH Member
Nov 7, 2007
I do "stocking" type gift bags for my mom & dad. So, some of these may be too big for traditional stockings, but here's my list.

Mom's is pretty full:
mini notebook, sticky pads, pencils, highlights, scotch tape, hand sanitizer, lotion, mini perfume spray, body powder, shampoo, lip balm... gosh, I know there's more???

Ideas for the guys (need to shop for these):
razors or refill blades, toothbrushes, chapstick, shaving cream, batteries, super glue, car freshners, small flashlight, lighters, dvds, magazines, candies.

I've done mini first aid kits (found in the trial section in CVS) a few yrs back. May get those again. Also, mini funnels, tie down "cables", duct tape & various "hardware store" odds & ends have made appearances in the guys stockings.