Thanksgiving Dressing

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Super Moderator
Oct 10, 2007
Arkansas-Go Razorbacks! Whoo Pig Sooie!
And not the cornbread kind! I was wondering what you wear for family holiday gatherings. :pilgrim:

My family is very casual, but I like to dress up just a little. Not so much that it's uncomfortable, but just a little more dressy than just jeans and a t-shirt.

I love to wear jeans, especially the newer dressier jeans, a long sleeved white blouse and big, dramatic (some would say gaudy, but what do they know about fashion!) jewelery. This is sort of my "fall uniform"!

I THINK I may be able to get into my black jeans by Thanksgiving, and if so, I'll wear them. I will wear a white button up blouse, turquoise necklace, bracelets, watch and ring, and big silver concho type earrings.

Then, for DH's family gathering at our house on the Saturday after Tgiving, I'll wear the same basic outfit, except with blue jeans and black and silver and silver beaded necklace, silver bracelets and earrings and a black and silver ring.

The rest of our families will be wearing jeans and assorted t-shirts for the guys, probably nicer tops for the girls. The "old folks" will wear dress pants and blouses. I try to avoid sweaters because I get so blasted hot, even when everyone else is cold. Getting old is JUST SO MUCH FUN!! LOL!

How about you? Casual or dressy?
I am the chef/baker/coordinator etc... Therefore I wear whatever is light and comfortable because I am in the HOT kitchen!!!

My kids wear nice button down shirts and khaki's or nice jeans. I usually pack some shorts also (we live in Florida) because if they are inside and playing around, they do get a little warm and last year it was WARM here. Let's just say at their schools Frosty Festival last year on December 1st we were in short sleeves and NO jackets at night. The ice machine brought in to make "snow" couldn't keep up because it was sooo humid out that night!!!

Holiday Joy

MHH Member
Nov 4, 2007
And I was getting ready to post my Turkey Dressing recipe! :turkey:
Thanks for the inspiration, Cathymac, to plan out my Thanksgiving outfit, down to jewelry. I usually get showered and shined in the morning and then don't take the time to check the mirror again until the last dish is washed. Maybe I can plan 'wardrobe change' into my schedule this year!
I'm going shopping this week for a nice new blouse to wear with my black pants, and maybe fun jewelry to match. I'll wear an apron while working in the kitchen.
DH will probably wear some casual pants and a pullover sweater. He gets cold easily while I'm so warm! Something about the amount of body insulation. . . ;)
Getting my teen/preteen boys to wear anything besides their favorite (read: worn out) jeans is more work than I have the extra energy for on Thanksgiving! I will insist on clean and wrinkle-free, though. DD will dress in one of her 'church' outfits, and then change as quickly as possible to get into some playclothes for some serious cousin fun.


Super Moderator
Oct 10, 2007
Arkansas-Go Razorbacks! Whoo Pig Sooie!
Yes, my kids also do the favorite jean thing. I've also decided it's not worth the effort to make them dress up-I just end up having to wash and/or repair their good clothes.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 14, 2007
Cadyville, NY
We are a very casual family. I wear jeans, but like to put on a nice blouse.


Retire Member
Oct 14, 2007
sunny California
Casual here. "Business casual" for the most part, but then there are a few who are sloppy casual. As long as we are together, I don't mind. Really just want everybody to be comfortable and want to be here.


Santa's Elves
Oct 11, 2007
Baltimore, Maryland
When I go to my parents for Thanksgiving I like to wear a nice long skirt with a pair of boots and a nice sweater. Since I'm hosting this year and won't have time to fix myself up really nice, I'll be wearing a denim outfit with a cotton shirt and of course a pair of boots.


MHH Member
Oct 18, 2007
We are super casual at our house. Well, most of us are. My sister-in-law and I will both have on yoga pants and long-sleeve T's; for shoes the only thing I ever wear in the house, summer or winter, is my Ugg slippers. Hubby will have on his favorite jeans and most likely a Patriots sweatshirt. My brother will have on either comfy jeans or track pants and a similar sports sweatshirt. My Dad will have on his soft broken in Dockers and a Tshirt. My Mom will wear loose cotton pants and a sweater. My uncle will wear either Dockers and a sweatshirt or track pants and a sweatshirt. My MIL will have on slightly dressier pants and a sweater or blouse. She is really "old School." But she will put her slippers on as soon as she gets in! :smile:


Retire Member
Oct 13, 2007
Southeastern PA
We have dinner at my brother-in-law's country club so my husband and I usually go for a festive business casual. I wear a skirt and nice sweater with some holiday jewelry and DH wears casual pants, a nice shirt and a bright tie. Both DD's dress to the nines in their holiday finery. They feel dining at the club is the equivilent of Buckingham Palace. LOL


Super Moderator
Oct 10, 2007
Arkansas-Go Razorbacks! Whoo Pig Sooie!
Well, I can't quite get in the black jeans. Sigh. Actually, I can get in them, and even button them, but for Thanksgiving...nah. I need to be comfortable! So, I'll just wear my nice blue jeans with the white blouse. It's all good!! Those jeans have gotten baggy!! LOL