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Well-Known Member
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Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
Further to groceries. Both of our major supermarkets have 1/2 prices specials every week. I scour those specials and of there is something that I regularly buy I will purchase 2 that week. This is one way of increasing items in my stock pile.


Well-Known Member
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Oct 22, 2007
South Bend, IN
be sure to check to check the "best by" or "use/freeze by" dates
SUCH a good tip!

Another thought, depending on your comfort level there are some things that are fine to use for a while after their expiration date. I'm thinking more of certain canned goods or cartons of stock. I usually Google it if I am not sure. When something comes up as good for 6 months to a year then I usually feel safe going past the date by a month or so. Just a thought!
the shelf price and the red tag price was the same. On closer inspection, it was not a sale tag, but a "new low price" tag, leading me to believe they've just raised the price and this will be what we should expect to pay going forward.
Doesn't this just make you crazy????
1/2 prices specials every week
Nice!!!! That is a really smart way to stock up!

MANY, MANY moons ago I learned a great deal from CEO on this topic. Among other things, the top two things I still use today are understanding UNIT PRICES and keeping a PRICE LIST.

Unit price is a breakdown of a price per unit - like ounces or pounds - for a given item. The price stickers on the shelves at the grocery store a actually have both the price for the item and the unit price. But you can figure it out yourself. If a 12 oz can of evaporated milk costs $1.89 then you divide $1.89 by 12 oz to get the unit price.

Here is a link to some good information about it and why you would care :) pricing is a way,pound for a few examples.

This is really helpful when comparing similar items to find out what is REALLY the better deal. Also when comparing between stores!

And when it comes to comparing between stores - CEO introduced me to the idea of a Price Book!

Price Books are your personal record of items you frequently buy - the store, the size/amount of the item, the cost, the unit cost, the date purchased. A great resource for building your Price Book is your receipts combined with sales ads or nowadays - the store websites where you can look up everything - see the size - see the cost, etc.

I've kept one for years now and although I use it more heavily at some times vs. others it is a great tool to help you understand sales cycles and price increases. It really makes me crazy to see just HOW MUCH prices have increased and how quickly in some cases.

Over time you get a feel for when certain things tend to go on sale. For whether or not buying in bulk at a place like Sams or Costco is really such a good deal. And so on.

If you google Price Book for groceries there are lots of hits on how to create them!

Miss JoDee

MHH Member
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Apr 22, 2011
Gurnee, IL
Today was a good day. I needed to purchase a wedding gift for a wedding I am attending on the 27th an the couple was registered at Macy's. I found the pillows they wanted on sale and saved $32.00. Looking at the sales I also found a 3 piece comforter set marked down for $80.00 to $19.99 with free shipping. I had been wanting one but didn't want to afford the price. (DH and I have sacrificed a lot of wants so we could pay off our mortgage early). DH liked it so I ordered it. Macy's is not a place that I normally shop but I have found some really sales there. I grew tired of Kohls and there is a design that works well with my size. Just thought I would share incase any one would be interested as the sale is good to the 31st.


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Oct 24, 2007
If you google Price Book for groceries there are lots of hits on how to create them!
Oh, wow! I didn't know about this! I'm reading now. I'm rather lazy and just go to Aldi's ... but I have Walmart, Publix, Winn Dixie, a local supermarket, Whole Foods nearby ... and well, Family Dollar, Dollar General, Dollar Store ...

Lori K

Well-Known Member
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Nov 13, 2018
This may have been mentioned before, but check your stores to see about senior citizen discount days, if you're at that age. My smaller locally owned store offers 10% off to 60+ on Tuesday. They have great produce, deli, and meats, though their canned goods atend to be higher priced than national chains. I try to shop there on Tuesday, whenever possible. $2 off on a $20 shop of meat and produce, I'll take it! They don't ask for ID, just a quick and quiet "senior?" with a "yes, please" response is all it takes, and sometimes they just apply the discount without asking, if the line is backing up.
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Well-Known Member
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Oct 22, 2007
South Bend, IN
Went to a local Furniture/Home Decor Consignment Antique store yesterday.

Sadly - it is closing because the shopping center was sold and the rent has been tripled :confused:

The prices were already pretty decent for most things but right now everything is a minimum of 40% off with some booths as high as 75% off.

I may have picked up a few things LOL

But my BEST find??? An absolutely MASSIVE set of Christmas dishes. White with the holly leaves / berry pattern around the rim. I haven't counted the pieces yet but I know there was a tall set of dinner plates, salad plates, saucers, coffee style cups and a bunch of bowls and a couple of serving style pieces.

Guess how much???

SIX dollars. I couldn't believe it. The cashier said that everything had to go and no wants dishes anymore so they were just thrilled I would take it.

Merry Christmas to me!!!


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
Went to a local Furniture/Home Decor Consignment Antique store yesterday.

Sadly - it is closing because the shopping center was sold and the rent has been tripled :confused:

The prices were already pretty decent for most things but right now everything is a minimum of 40% off with some booths as high as 75% off.

I may have picked up a few things LOL

But my BEST find??? An absolutely MASSIVE set of Christmas dishes. White with the holly leaves / berry pattern around the rim. I haven't counted the pieces yet but I know there was a tall set of dinner plates, salad plates, saucers, coffee style cups and a bunch of bowls and a couple of serving style pieces.

Guess how much???

SIX dollars. I couldn't believe it. The cashier said that everything had to go and no wants dishes anymore so they were just thrilled I would take it.

Merry Christmas to me!!!
I am thrilled that those dishes found you!
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Well-Known Member
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Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
AJ, what an amazing find.
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