Thanks, everyone!
They did mealtrain for her for two weeks about two weeks ago. I did one meal fresh that they ate the night it was my turn and sent frozen beef and chicken enchiladas, as well as frozen cheesy chicken spaghetti. Tonight, I made chicken and dumplings, green beans, and cornbread. I think they plan to do it again after the baby comes.
Annie, I used to teach my home economics students that trick! Not that any of them paid it any attention, but...oh, well. Their lose if they didn't.
Frosty, I had to look that one up. Like our potato soup, but without the added Americanized unhealthy ingredients! Do you use potatoes? Some said turnips or rutabaga.
She came through our youth group at church, was a classmate of DD31, and she and her husband go to our church. Her DH and my DH are pretty tight. He played football under DH in school. He's a small engine mechanic and works on DH'S lawn mowers when they break down. So, this is something I want to do just because.