Boo Bash Update

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Retire Member
Sep 19, 2008
I am really rushing now trying to get all my decorating done. It has rained here for weeks and i can't get to anything outside. I am so afraid of it continuing through the 24th. I don't know what I will do with everyone if we can't use the screened porch area!!! We worked all day Sunday decorating and making and hanging ghouls and things in the house.

I also made an impromptu altered Spell Book. I found a large Reader's Digest oversize book that was facts and photos of the 20th century. I was about to put it in the Goodwill box, when I decided that it would make a great prop. It was silver in color and I had just looked at a large set of silver colored Halloween clings. I think they came from Dollar Tree. So, I took it out on the back porch and Mod Pogued some of the decals on the front and one on the spine. I didn't bother painting the book or covering the title. I just added the clings and one of them sort of becomes a graphic that alters the name of the book. I may be the only one who reads it that way, but I liked the idea. I will show a photo tomorrow. I am about out of time and this worked!

DH made some awesome looking ghouls or zombies or whatever (don't really know the difference) to hang around the house. I have several that I bought at Walgreens and CVS, but his look just as good. The kids and I made a couple of small ones that hang in one of the bedrooms. Ours are not really sinister, but are cutesy.
Lots to do and I am working everyday!!!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
Time is just flying by!

I have been putting things up too but tons more to be done! Can't wait to see the pics of your book and your decorations.