Christmas Bucket List

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Santa's Elves
Premiere Member
I found this list on the web and thought I'd share.
I've been slowly starting to give up on life lately. With my illness it's been stuck in my head that my life is over. I have a cyst on my pancreas it's not malignant but it has caused some very frightening problems.
Then I remembered I am a child of God and I will live forever. I will not fear what the future will bring, I will trust in the Lord to see me through. And I will live my life with all the hope of a sixteen year old.

I am making a Christmas Bucket list.
I may make a fall Bucket list too (we will see)
I am have a lot of trouble with my memory and my Attention Deficit disorder.
I do pretty well with list. but have a lot of trouble making the list.
But I am working on my Christmas list now so hopefully things will go smoothly.
I work 3 hours a day at the shop sometimes more.
I spend most of my time alone but that's OK because I am content with my life except for the being sick and exhausted thing.
For any one thinking about having a gastric bypass I would highly advise against it.
It can cause severe problems with your pancreas.
OK rant over


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
DebbiG, I have told people repeatedly that gastro surgery is dangerous. I have several friends that have nightmare experiences with it. I'm sorry you've had the results you've had. Truly, none of us knows how long we have, and if we're believers, we get to spend the rest of our lives with God. It's good to read that you've chosen to live life as long as you can live it. I hope we can help hold you up as you go through this journey.


Santa's Elves
Premiere Member
Thank you mrs jane
I'm not critical just feel like it sometimes I can't control my blood sugar any more. It goes real high and then crashes.
I had a hard time getting the doctors to listen to me.
They have been telling me for 3 years that it was hot flashes, turns out it was my blood sugar going down to low.
I would wake up and not be able to think all sweaty and shaky,
I couldn't get out of bed or stand up so I would roll over and go back to sleep till it passed.
I'm very blessed to be alive it's happened 5 or 6 times.
At least now I know whats happening and I can yell for help, my son moved beck into the house so I wouldn't be alone.
He's already saved my life. And he puts me back to bed when I start sleepwalking,
I take a strong med for my sleeping disorder to try keep the fibro under control and it makes me do wacky things when I take it.
including getting into what ever sugar I can find.
He's caught me eating frozen cookie dough twice now. Very dangerous for me.

I lost 2 husbands to low blood sugar and I just felt like I got a death sentence when they told me what it was.


Santa's Elves
Premiere Member
Oct 27, 2007
debbie....the list idea is great. I will keep you in my prayers. Remember to take one day at a time.


Retire Member
Jun 4, 2008
Memphis TN
I love the list that you shared. It's just the right mix of once in a lifetime things to do and things that have so much meaning. I know it's easy to say, but be encouraged. I have a really good friend who is battling a often painful illness, too. She still finds a way to inspire me when I'm supposed to be inspiring her. The list that you shared today inspired me.
Always know that it's not over even when we think it's over because you are doing things that will last forever in some way.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 8, 2008
La La Land
Debbie=sorry to hear you are going through so much right now. Will keep you in your prayers. Great idea to make lists to keep you on track both with Christmas and daily life.


Retire Member
Feb 14, 2012
Richmond, Virginia
Debbie, I just read your post and my heart goes out to you. I am a believer, too. My husband and I have gone through a horrible August, but God has given us several miracles and he is still here and we enjoy each and every moment together. My prayer for you is that God will give you a miracle healing also. And may he wrap his arms around you and shelter you in his wings. May He give you a peace that surpasses all understanding. Never give up! Our God is in the miracle business every day. Love and hugs, Mary in Virginia


MHH Member
Premiere Member
Oct 12, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Living with a chronic illness is exhausting and each day will bring its challenges - but there will be days that all is great and THOSE are the days we need to hold onto.

I do not believe we are given these things in our life from God to create us into better people or lessons or whatever else I was told .... I tend to mentally withdraw from these ideas.

I come from the angle that we live in a flawed world, full of illness and suffering - but through faith we are given hope that there is something better, something that is perfect - peaceful - and without pain illness or suffering. We are given some relief through our faith while we inhabit this earth, and that is a good thing!

This world, however flawed, still holds wonders and joy - and we can celebrate that! Some days are harder than others to live a life of gratitude and joy - but that is something I am working on.

May you find the strength you need, blessings.