Crafters Challenge May 18th-24th

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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
Southern Illinois
Hello! At the end of this challenge it will be 7 months until Christmas Eve!

Last week I did Teigans hat, 3 washcloths and 2 bibs. The bibs I have to topstitch yet.

This week I plan on 3 burp rags, another hat for Teigan in white eyelet and not sure if I will go alittle smaller or not. Tried finding the eyelet for the first one and couldn't here. Wal-Mart here got back an aisle of material that has some on both sides and Jaymee saw it last night. I also got a pattern for 18" doll clothes. Owe Kristen 2 items yet.

Have a couple more babies coming up I need to sew for. Guess 3 if you count a great niece end of May--but she should have stuff yet from first daughter and hasn't said anything about more. My other nephews GF in Texas commented on how she loved the bibs so I made her more with their 2nd.

What are you all working on?


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
Need to add more coats of paints to the orange crate... the writing keeps coming through.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
Southern Illinois
This a.m. besides doing things to show improvement on the surface, I sewed. Made 2 burp rags and top stitched the other one. Now to put the snaps on the bibs. Saw on FB neighbors are at hospital so none to soon finishing the items.

I also sewed 1 part of the lining for a hat.

Maybe a.m. should be sewing time not laundry, dishes etc....


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
Southern Illinois
Finished the eyelet hat yesterday. Will sew the ribbon band down at lunch for the other. Went to the newborn size and it fits so much better with growing room. Did a small one the first time.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 22, 2007
South Bend, IN
Great work, everybody! :)

I finally finished 1 of the two felt ornaments I've been working on. The other is 99% finished.

I've made some progress on completing embroidery of pillow case and plan to finish that up next week and do the sewing.

I have a UFO waiting for my attention! A felt/fabric ornament that looks like Raggedy Ann meant for DMIL last Christmas. Will pick back up with that and try to get it out of the way too!

Still toying with ideas for crafted gifts for this Christmas. Might sew some things that are along a kitchen theme for DSis. Apron, potholders, etc. Maybe knit some washcloths from Sugar & Cream yarn? She's young and single and living on her own so is still working on outfitting her kitchen...

But that's as far as my browsing/planning has gotten so far! :)