Elf Antics

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MHH Member
Oct 22, 2007
So, what will your elves be up to this Holiday Season? I posted this on the OC forum but thought I would post it here too.

Let's see, mine will be doing all of the following...

Reindeer hanging from the ceiling fan in an attempt to help them learn to fly (they're in training).
Small Christmas tree appears in DD's room.
Blond boy Elf runs away to friend's house. They have 3 blond boys!
Elves try to bake cookies and leave a mess.
Snowflakes hang from the ceiling to make it feel more like home.
Elves are caught watching a "new" Christmas DVD.
Advent Calendar pieces for one of the days are missing and wind up in one of the Elve's bags.
Elves are caught drinking Red Bull from a straw to get "Fairy" wings.
Basket with Christmas craft project will be found.
Snow Angels found all over the kitchen counter.
Elves hide and leave "snowflake" clues for us to find.
Elves build a house out of Legos. I don't have all the pieces yet but next year, they'll be building a reindeer and elves of their own in Legos.
Camera on tripod found with Elves doing silly poses on there.
Elves make a snow family out of styrofoam balls and leave instructions for 1 more.
Cracker crumbs everywhere…and Elves found guilty on the counter surrounded by them.
Elves offer up an Elves sticker story book for DD
Elves get into DD's little people and are found driving tractors and riding horses.
Snowball fight in the living room.
Elf breakfast awaits. Red & green pancakes, red juice, green eggs, etc..

That's about all I've come up with so far. I'd like to have them do something every day and I'm missing about a week's worth. Please share your plans! This is my first year doing this and I'm loving all the planning that goes into it.


Retire Member
Oct 14, 2007
South Carolina
Love those ideas! This will be our first year doing the elf. Let me ask, do the elves only come at night at your house or do they come during the day when the family is away?


MHH Admin
Oct 9, 2007
Missouri, USA
Thanks for posting your list in both places. Its a great resource...I'll try to add some of mine later also. :skate:


Retire Member
Nov 11, 2007
This is great! I'm going to start planning for next Christmas. I didn't find this thread until today.