February Personal Life Goals

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MHH Admin
Oct 9, 2007
Missouri, USA
For those of you that are interested....I spend a bit of time at the end of each month reflecting on how I did with my monthly goals. I put my reflections about over at Month by Month

February Personal Life Goals

[ ] Continue to increase communication
[ ] Have a movie night

[ ]More 1 on 1 time with Kesley
[ ]Continue Sunday family dinner tradition

[ ] Host a Chinese New Years celebration

[ ]Continue to work on exercise program
[ ] Increase water intake
[ ] Do Celebrate Me on the 15th

[ ]Room a Month challenge: OFFICE...must get this in shape...makes the rest of my life go so much smoother.

[ ]Continue to work on purging files
[ ]Set a do-able morning and afternoon routine

[ ]Work on Celebrate Me art journal (4 pages this month)
[ ] Do one altered art project off the Artistic 8s

[ ]Start a Journey with God journal

That's about it for February. I strongly encourage you to try monthly goal setting. Even when I don't accomplish everything...it gives me focus.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
I had to go look at January's thread to get mine. I totally forgot I had even written any, shame on me!

Here are my January goals:
Marriage-- DH will be leaving next week for Korea. When he gets there, establish a plan for communication! (Completed, we talk via webcam almost every day and we emailed frequently before that)

Family-- Maybe weekly dinners at my mom's (depends on her) and try to see my dad more (he lives 1 1/2 hours away). (Completed, we usually end up at mom's once a week and i've been making the trip to see my dad more often)

Friends-- Work harder to stay in touch with my friends in Texas. We moved to Missouri in November and I haven't spoken to my friends in TX for a month or so. Make an effort to spend time with my friend from grade school who lives 1 1/2 hours away. (Partially completed, I have been in contact with my TX friends frequently, however, plans to meet up with friend who lives closer have all failed, not due to my willingness or lack of trying, we did make plans and then she bailed.)

Self-- Really work on learning to relax and taking care of myself. Get registered at the VA so I can get my knee looked at. Figure out something special for the 24th to celebrate ME. (Partially completed, I registered at the VA and have an appt scheduled! YAY ME! However, I didn't do anything for myself on my special day. I'm also on day 2 of my no yelling contract with DS. I don't yell and he tries harder to listen.)

Home-- Get this house organized so it can be more efficient, waiting for Jumpstart January to start. Also develop a basic cleaning schedule to stick with every week. And i'm doing the Monthly Magic. (Not Completed, I developed a cleaning schedule but have not suck with it. I tend to do things as they arise or I have the time. I got behind on JJ so i'm going to try the Room a month approach.)

School-- I changed Work to School because I don't work but I am a full time college student. My semester starts on the 14th so my goal is to start strong and stay that way. I tend to procrastinate alot and I want to not do that anymore. (Completed, so far-so good. I haven't really procrastinated yet and have been getting all my work done in a timely manner.)

Hobbies-- I plan on making time every week to work on something. I'm still working on my monthly craft plan. This is my first year doing this. I plan to start on a Photo Journal for DH while he's away and start and finish a Christmas Notebook for my mom for her birthday present on the 31st. (Partially Completed, I started the CN for my mom and it's almost finished. I have been taking loads of pictures for DH but have yet to get a journal together to put them in. I also have not been taking time every week to do anything crafty.)

Spiritual-- I want to learn more about my path and brush up on my tarot cards so I can start doing readings again. (Not Completed, I have done nothing as far as this goes.)

Okay, and now for my February Goals:

Marriage- Continue to keep the lines of communication open and try to stay focused and keep it interesting even though we talk mostly every day.

Family- I made a deal with my son yesterday morning that I will try not to yell if he will try to listen more. So far we're both doing very well and we have a much happier household. My goal for this month is to stick with this and take deep breaths before I open my mouth.

Friends- Continue to stay in touch with TX friend and try to make plans with closer friend this month.

Self- I started exercising in January and plan to continue in February. I am eating a little better and increasing my water intake. My goal is to stick with it and keep improving. I still need to work on the relaxation part of it and I think yoga will help with that. I also plan to make sure I do something for myself on my special day, the 24th.

Home- Reference my cleaning plan and start following it. Pick areas each week to organize more effectively and a room each month to focus on.

School- I have done really well so far. My goals here are the same as they were for January. Stay strong and stay on top of everything, no procrastinating. I have a paper I need to start!!

Hobbies- I made no time for my hobbies, except for reading, last month. This month I want to start something whether it's just working on my quilt or making a journal of some sort.

Spiritual- Again, I didn't make any time for this area last month. This month I plan to find the time to refamiliarize myself with my path.


Retire Member
Nov 6, 2007
Little Falls, Mn
Marriage- Plan a romantic Valentines Dinner for us. :love2:

Family- At least once a week have a really nice sit down at the table supper. Nicely set table, candles and the works.

Friends- Spend a day with my sister (who is one of my best friends!!) shopping and going out to eat, to celebrate our birthdays. Our birthdays are only two weeks apart so this is a yearly tradition we both look forward to.

Self- Celebrate my birthday on the 9th! :happybd:

Home- Redecorate our bedroom. It has always been the most neglected room in our house, and half of it has turned into a storage room. Can't afford to do anything major like new flooring ( which it desperately needs), but I can get a new bedding set, pictures for the walls etc., and do a real deep cleaning...which goes right with jump start!

Hobbies- Love the idea of a celebrate me art journal, I am going to try to do something along those lines.

Spiritual- Lent starts this month so this is a big area right now. I will continue with my Bible Study class and daily prayer journal. Will also attend wed. night Lenten services at church, besides regular Sunday services. I also want to follow the Lenten calendar someone posted in the Easter countdown.


Santa's Elves
Love your quote, Stephanie!
Marriage-Weekly Date and special Valentines
Family-go to discovery centre together-play the 3 facts of my day game at supper.
friends- e-mail far away friend and have girls night.
self-plan a spring wardrobe and work on it.buy treat for me on 14th
home-keep up with jumpstart,room a month and 6 hours in feb.
hobbies- halloween garland and gift cupboard.
spiritual-count my blessings and be thankful for every moment


MHH Member
Nov 3, 2007
Southwest Ohio
Did pretty well with January's goals. Here are mine for February:

Marriage Our date afternoon worked out great last month; do again in February, but it will take more work as our calendar is VERY tight!
Family Got a letter a week ago-our pediatrician is retiring:( - so find new ped. Also, we desperately need to update our will - make an appointment with lawyer.
Friends Plan tubing night with gamenite crew.
Self Continue to improve exercise routine - I've been getting 3-4 days a week in (mostly 3) - go for 4 days consistently.
Home Been following JumpStart fairly well - continue!
Volunteer Plan and organize DD8's 2 American Heritage Girl meetings for February.
Hobbies Pretty much gave up on this last month - Organize and declutter craft supplies. Complete 2 layouts.
Spiritual Begin & follow through on Lenten activities


Retire Member
Nov 6, 2007
Little Falls, Mn
How I'm coming so far

Marriage- Plan a romantic Valentines Dinner for us. :love2:
( Came down with the stomach flu so this one didn't work out so great! )
Family- At least once a week have a really nice sit down at the table supper. Nicely set table, candles and the works.
( This has been going real well, but next month I want to expand by making the table settings fancier. )
Friends- Spend a day with my sister (who is one of my best friends!!) shopping and going out to eat, to celebrate our birthdays. Our birthdays are only two weeks apart so this is a yearly tradition we both look forward to.
( We had an awesome day together.. one we'll remember for a while! )
Self- Celebrate my birthday on the 9th! :happybd:
( Self explanatory!! )
Home- Redecorate our bedroom. It has always been the most neglected room in our house, and half of it has turned into a storage room. Can't afford to do anything major like new flooring ( which it desperately needs), but I can get a new bedding set, pictures for the walls etc., and do a real deep cleaning...which goes right with jump start!
( This is the project I'm soooo excited about. Got it thoroughly cleaned, bought a new comforter set and nightstands and did some little decorating things. I have a few more little things I want to do, but so far it looks awesome. It finally looks like a bedroom!!!! )
Hobbies- Love the idea of a celebrate me art journal, I am going to try to do something along those lines.
( I'm working on a celebrate me scrapbook. Filling it with pictures of people I love, inspirational quotes, Bible verses I like, and mementos of my different accomplishments. I've got a ways to go on it, I think it will be a bit of an ongoing project, but I'm pleased so far!! )

Spiritual- Lent starts this month so this is a big area right now. I will continue with my Bible Study class and daily prayer journal. Will also attend wed. night Lenten services at church, besides regular Sunday services. I also want to follow the Lenten calendar someone posted in the Easter countdown.
( Everything is on target here. I've been taking a Beth Moore Bible study at church and have been really enjoying it and learning much. )

Looking back I think it's been a great month with much accomplished and many ideas for next month!!! :applause: