Since Covid we have kept a little stock of most everything. When we take something from the basement stock room or freezer we put it on the list to get more.
Me neither! Fortunately I've not had trouble finding them. In a pinch use a tube of biscuits - I can't make those either.I've never made them from scratch,
I am still shocked by the shortages even 4 years into Covid19. Every week at the supermarket there seems to be something that I cannot find.Has anyone had trouble finding frozen pie crusts?
This is very wise. I certainly hold more stock on hand than I did previously. I do think I will 'struggle' with food insecurity for a while yet. You hear of people who hoard food after the great depression, I think I will be one of those.Since Covid we have kept a little stock of most everything. When we take something from the basement stock room or freezer we put it on the list to get more.
Me too.I need to buy some more butter
I am lucky enough to have a very large linen cupboard in my laundry and I store items there.Can I ask where you store your Christmas food (non fresh) items?