:ghost: Wearing a costume this year?
:ghost: Traditional pumpkin face or template?
:ghost: Favourite Hallowe'en candy ?
:ghost: Favourite Hallowe'en movie?
:ghost: What lights your pumpkin?
:ghost: Do you have any family traditions for Hallowe'en?
:ghost: How many trick-or-treaters are you expecting?
:ghost: What are you handing out this Hallowe'en?
:ghost: Traditional pumpkin face or template?
:ghost: Favourite Hallowe'en candy ?
:ghost: Favourite Hallowe'en movie?
:ghost: What lights your pumpkin?
:ghost: Do you have any family traditions for Hallowe'en?
:ghost: How many trick-or-treaters are you expecting?
:ghost: What are you handing out this Hallowe'en?