How was your Thanksgiving?

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MHH Member
Oct 13, 2007
:turkey: I hope everyone had a blessed day with loved ones and plenty to eat!

Our day was quiet but all the boys were home plus DMIL so we were happy! The turkey turned out great, everyone pitched in and made it all happen. The gravy turned out too salty but DMIL was right when she said once it was on the potatoes no one would notice. Whew!

I lost count of the loads of dishes we did--by hand and by machine. But, it's all done and put away.

DMIL brought over the game, Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader? and we had loads of fun playing.

Today was also our middle son's 19th birthday so it was a double celebration for us! As long as he gets his own Pumpkin Pie he's doesn't mind sharing his day with a holiday...LOL!

Tonight we all put the tree up and decorated it--it turned out great! Tomorrow the boys will help DH put up the outside lights.

It's quiet now...the boys have all headed out to see their girlfriends. It was a good day! I hope that the same can be said for all of you!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 14, 2007
Cadyville, NY
We had a good day, too.
It was actually pretty relaxed. I have had Thanksgivings in the past where I ran around like a chicken with my head cut off, but....I was even able to watch a video with the family inbetween appetizers and dinner.
We called all the kids that do not live nearby. We had a nice day. I was very pleased.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
My mom's birthday was the 22nd (73) and she is in great health so it was a doubly Thankful Thanksgiving day. I have a friend whose Mom the same age as her and is in the beginning stages of Alzhiemers.
My sister made it in from a two week trip just in time for lunch, all my family was home!!!
The food was great - just enough without loads of leftovers!
I sat down after luch and made out the black firday deals list.
Then DH, DD (14), DD (10) and I went out to the tree farm and tagged a tree for Christmas at the tree farm. Today we plan to decorate for Christmas, take down fall decorations after shopping.
We'll go back for the tree in a couple of weeks.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
Mine was better than I expected it would be. DH invited his mother, sister, and niece over. I was really upset by it. But in the end only his mom came for dinner and sister and niece came up later. Which was alot better. My 11yr old son called my mom and told her he thought I needed a catscan while watching the parade. I have three non-believers in Santa and one that I am not sure of yet. DS11 was upstairs playing his video game and I ran up the stairs yelling come on Santas coming, Santa's coming. He thought I was nuts.
We had a lovely Thanksgiving!

We had invited a co-worker (and wife) of my DH but they cancelled at the last minute so we have plenty of leftovers! The children loved the turkey and stuffing. We did not have any pie because we are watching our weight....actually I am watching mine go up! :slap: I made a fresh organic Turkey that I paid a pretty penny for and we are still trying to decide if there was any difference from a frozen hormone laden Turkey.

I was going to do some Black Friday shopping today....still might go out later but don't feel like braving the crowds and the cold, windy weather.


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
Elizabeth City, NC
Mine went pretty smooth. I cooked the turkey the day before and cut it up and just reheated it. I have a double oven that's pretty small so it was easier to bake the sides on Thanksgiving.

I did forget to toss on a couple of ingredients on the salad though (nobody noticed). It was only some crumbled feta and dried cherries, it was good anyway. We had to make do with a store bought pie. Every store in my area was out of pumpkin! They also do not have spice cake mix in the stores here (weird, am I the only one who likes it?).

I also have a small fridge which I just managed to stuff the leftovers in with instructions for everyone in the house to now open the door with caution and if anything falls out-they clean it up or feed it to the cat!



Retire Member
Oct 13, 2007
Southeastern PA
Mine was nice but a bit of an adventure! While we were enjoying the lovely buffet at my BIL's country club, they lost the power. We thought it would come right back on but it never did. We had to finish eating by candlelight and a few emergency lights. It was rather nice until we had to take the kids to the bathroom - not to mention my 89-year-old uncle.

The funniest part was that they couldn't ring up anyone's meal so we had to leave without paying. The manager told my BIL he would get in touch with him this week. :haha:

Merry Christmas

MHH Member
Oct 16, 2007
Rocky Mountains
Ours was very nice. I was up at about 8:30am to make breakfast. By the time I got that cleaned up my mom showed up and we started working on dinner. By the time it was all said and done I was in the kitchen for pretty much a strait 12 hours by the time we cooked, ate and cleand up.

It's one of those things that I look so forward to, but then I'm always glad when it's over, and that I only have to do it once a year. :turkey:


Super Moderator
Oct 10, 2007
Arkansas-Go Razorbacks! Whoo Pig Sooie!
Ours was LOUD. We had 48 people at Mom's. At least at one point, I think everyone was talking at once. I couldn't help but wonder who was listening! No one, is my guess. Anyway, it was fine and we had a ton of food, but curiously, not much left over! The appetizers were about the only thing that wasn't devoured.

I have DH's family coming tomorrow...actually, it's today-I just looked at the clock! I have almost everything done, just have to make the mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes and cook the turkey breasts and warm the ham. I did my table and serving areas today.

I'm itching to decorate for Christmas-that will have to wait until next week, tho!

Glad everyone's day went well.


Retire Member
Oct 13, 2007
Ours was nice. Everything went as planned, food was wonderful. We had plenty of leftovers to send home with everyone. Even the kids were well behaved. It did get loud, it always does with this bunch, but not out of control.
Glad to hear everyone had good :turkey: days!

Now on to Christmas preperations :sleigh:


Retire Member
Oct 14, 2007
Fallsington, Pa
We had a lovely day with everyone here-the food turned out great
and everyone ate till almost all of it was gone-my husband was very
happy about this because he does not like left over turkey but I do so I have been eating all the left overs-I have some of my decorations for Thanksgiving put up but hope to do the rest tomorrow so I can get started on the Christmas ones-I was so tired on Friday that I just pampered myself and rested-sure felt good.
I also have to finish my notebook and put my notes for next year
all together- WOMAN

:friendly: :friendly: :friendly:


Santa's Elves
Oct 11, 2007
Baltimore, Maryland
Mine's was very nice and exhausting at the same time. I was so glad to finally lay down at the end of the evening. I spent Tuesday night and half of Wednesday at the hospital with my boyfriend. He's home now and feeling better. As soon as we got to my place I had to get started with dinner.


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
I enjoyed reading over this thread so much - that I wanted to bump it up for this year! It is nice to look past all the planning and all th work -- an anticipate the pleasure to come! I wish that I had started a Thanksgiving notebook -- and written down memories of Thanksgiving each year. It is such a nice holiday! And - there are so many different ways to celebrate it.

Dh and I haven't made plans yet for Thanksgiving. This is a year of changes for our extended family. So..... Thanksgiving is about three weeks away. At this point...... I am thinking about being prepared for different contingencies. Back to Plan A, Plan B, and Plan C.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 24, 2007
Yes, it was really nice to read over everyone's different and enjoyable Thanksgiving days.

Thanks for pointing this out!