March 2013 Rudolph Day

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New Member
Jan 3, 2008
It is a beautiful Rudolph Day here today! Fresh soft snow.... has turned everything into a winter wonderland!!!!!

As you know..... I love to have people to our house. AND... dh HATES to have people to our house! So.... I try to have people over.... during the year..... and "counting those events"... as "Christmas entertaining"!. That way.... I can have people here.... when dh is away for another event. (And SOMETIMES... maybe once or twice a year..... dh actually agrees.... to have people here. Those events count as "Christmas entertaining"... in my mind!)

Dh is now contemplating.... attending an event on April 13. If he DOES register for that event.... I will THEN tell him.... that I will have a "luncheon" on that day. And... we will both be happy. So.... I will BEGIN tentative preparations today.... making lists.... and working on... "preparing the house for company".

How about you, dear friends?


MHH Member
Premiere Member
Aug 31, 2010
SW Louisiana
SN, your luncheon sounds wonderful. Everyone thinks married couple agree on everything and you are a perfect example of how marriage is not agreeing but having respect for one another's differences and finding alternative means to make everyone happy. I wish young couples today understood this.

I use to love having people over but I don't like the fact that the minute the festivities are winding down everyone bales out of here like their home is on fire instead of using their manners and helping the host to pick up and put things back to right. Here in the south we were all brought up to never ever leave a hosts home without making sure everything is as it should be. People have somehow lost their manners. We've always stayed until the trash was emptied, the dishes done, kids toys picked up and the floors swept at the very least. They allow their children to destroy a room and never once have their own child pick up their own messes either. I threw a fit yesterday when we held a big Easter dinner at my FIL's house and my own kids and DH bailed the minute they finished eating. This elderly man didn't deserve this mess. My DIL and her Mom stayed to help me clean up and that was it out of 12 people.

Happy Rudolph day!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
Ellen, we were brought up that way too. But that's the way people behave these days. I know that on Easter we will have help at mom's... but usually only a few help everyone runs away when it's time to clear up.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 6, 2007
Southern Arizona
I'm ALWAYS the cleaner upper- matters not whose house it is.

And yes, you're right. It's usually just me.

And I thought last Monday when everyone descended onto my house. I thought, "Wow, everyone left and there's a huge mess left too!"

Ah well............



Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 22, 2007
South Bend, IN
I actually got to celebrate Rudolph Day today, although the opportunity was unplanned. :)

DS was home sick and after his dr visit I got him settled down for his nap and I crafted! Almost finished a cute little embroidered heart Christmas ornament made out of felt. I am still low on craft supplies since the fire, but have replaced a few things recently.

I MUST craft again, at least sometimes, to keep my sanity!!! We are stuck in this little apartment for the next several months and having little projects to work on and ways to focus on the positive - like Christmas in our new/rebuilt house - will go a long way for me!

I have plans to make several felt ornaments and toys this year. I've picked up the acryllic felt I need for the ornaments and plan to pick up the wool blend felt I need for the toys sometime soon...I've got plenty to work on for now.

Hope everyone is doing well! Know what you guys mean after post holiday dinner cleanup! We always either clean up or try to help - sometimes MIL shoes us away.

If I don't have a chance to pop back on before next weekend, I wish everyone a Happy Easter!!!!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
AJ - glad to have news from you & your family. when will the house be ready?

did not do anything Christmassy today :( was a weird day with lots of not so good things thrown in (nothing serious just messes).

I will try to listen to Christmas music tomorrow... just to put me in a good mood. I have been reading Christmas for the soul - short stories lately. Nice