My AHA Moment

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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Jan 1, 2008
I just made the post below in my possibilities blog. Thought I'd share it here too.

Hope everyone is having a Happy 4th of July. I've picked up a lesson from today already lol

I like the lead up to holidays and events but sometimes don't enjoy the actual day. I figured out today what it is that I dislike about holidays.

I HATE the stresss. Got to have everything just right, so and so is coming. We need this we need that, got to get this done and that done by a certain time. HURRY HURRY HURRY!

WHOA buddy! This is my world. Slow down. Others are more than welcome here but they'll have to move at my pace. Which around holidays has to be relaxed and slow in order for me not to get so stressed.

And guess what? I bring the majority of the stress on myself. I want to enjoy the holiday's, I don't have to perform at what I perceive as others expectations to do it.

So this day has took a turn for the slower more relaxed way.

Happy Holiday's to all.


Premiere Member
May 23, 2008
I can so relate!

When my kids started getting old enough to enjoy the holidays and celebrations, i used to get stressed and frustrated and I couldn't understand why. I LOVE the holidays (any holiday for that matter), and the celebrations that come with, so why wasn't I enjoying them now?

And then, it dawned on me. I loved these celebrations when I was younger because I didn't have to do anything. My parents did. And now, i'm the parents, and I want my kids to have the same joy that I did growing up. that was my AHA! moment, and since then, I've worked hard to concentrate on celebrating and not sweating the "prep." And, it helps now that I've discovered all the Plans & Countdowns, lol!


MHH Member
Dec 22, 2007
Great Smoky Mountains
I remember that revelation in life....what a difference it makes! I'm not perfect, and I don't know anyone who is that walks this earth. My guests don't expect perfection, they expect a great time. How can I give them a great time all stressed out? Good for you!!!! I enjoy the holidays much more today!@!!!!


Retire Member
Jan 10, 2008
Absolutely! That revelation is precious. I often worked towards what I thought I should do but really didn't enjoy. After touching base with DH and reflecting on each of our ideal holidays, I cut back on the life clutter and neither of us miss the fuss. The previous hustle and bustle taught me to get/stay organized, reflect on what truly matters to me, and simplify my holiday activities. Now we enjoy the quiet moments that remain and find more meaning in our chosen activities because they reflect our unique ideals and interests. Thanks OC/MHH! ::eek:rnament:


MHH Member
Nov 27, 2007
I've experienced that moment just this year, too.

I absolutely adore the holidays and planning for them, but inevitably I find myself so stressed and worn out on the actual day that it's just no fun for me.

I really appreciate this forum and all the support here. You have such inspiring ideas and your enthusiasm is so contagious. I think this year and years to come are going to be different for me!
