Mom used to say the same thingWas talking with someone a few months ago about ouija boards and he said they were doorways for demons to come through.
Mom used to say the same thingWas talking with someone a few months ago about ouija boards and he said they were doorways for demons to come through.
OMG @Whusky ....Interesting story my friend thanks for sharing.Not spooky, just stupid.
When my friend and I were 14, we made a Ouija board out of paper and Scrabble letters. We were both moving the glass, spelling out stupid words and both decided to lift our hands off at the same time to see if it moved on it's own.
The instant we did, a lorry horn blasted from the busy road outside her house and we both jumped out of our skins. We threw our home-made spirit board in a cupboard and went downstairs to be around the grown ups.
Nothing to do with séances or spirit boards, But something serious happened to me 14 years ago when I was pregnant, and I've never found out what it was. I opened up a food cupboard door, and a ball of bright white light flew straight at my face, fast enough (and realistic enough) to make me stumble backwards and duck my head out the way. The person I was with saw it too. We looked around to see if it was a bug or something but there was nothing there. It was in winter too, so the chances of it being a flying insect was low. Never happened again and I have no idea what it was.
I also believe in spirits and ghosts and also readings from psychics....I would love to do a seance but all of my family have said no way lolI loved both when I was younger. I used to try to conduct my own seances when I was young and scared the crap out of my friends. I love the weird and peculiar. I have never been to an actual seance, too many kooks out there that will swindle people. But I do believe in spirits and ghosts and that it is possible to contact those that have passed on. I used to have a ouija board when I was young, but haven't seen it since then.
Wow, what a wonderful story. Sounds like your DH loved you very much.So glad you shared this. I, too, have had "visitations" from loved ones. DH visited me at our patio door several months after he passed, told me he couldn't come in, but wanted to check to make sure that I was OK, and then my DFather called to him that it was time to go.. Similarly, after I moved, he visited and told me I'd made a good choice, suggested I add a rocker to the front porch to watch the sun rise. Ha, I've got a dog to wake me up for that! But sometimes I wonder why my pup wakes me up when he does, when the sun's not even starting to rise. But when we're out there walking in the dark, there's a sense of peace and a beautiful sunrise over the pond. It's like he's channeling through my pup to make sure I see that sunrise from the front porch.
Hi Kate.....Yes definitely a touching tribute....I always believe in life after death.Wow, what a wonderful story. Sounds like your DH loved you very much.
Not a visitation, but a neat DH loved roses, and had a climbing rose that went up the side of the garage. The day after his funeral, the roses all bent towards the ground and died. A touching tribute, I thought.
Hi Lori...So sorry i missed thiis.......What a lovely story my friend....I am pretty sure my mom has visited me since her passing.....Weeks before she passed away she always said look you know that i have not long to go but just to let you know i will always look over you and your family...They always say dogs have a sense and from time to time she would just sit looking at the living room door and wag her tail i would say thats mom looking over us.So glad you shared this. I, too, have had "visitations" from loved ones. DH visited me at our patio door several months after he passed, told me he couldn't come in, but wanted to check to make sure that I was OK, and then my DFather called to him that it was time to go.. Similarly, after I moved, he visited and told me I'd made a good choice, suggested I add a rocker to the front porch to watch the sun rise. Ha, I've got a dog to wake me up for that! But sometimes I wonder why my pup wakes me up when he does, when the sun's not even starting to rise. But when we're out there walking in the dark, there's a sense of peace and a beautiful sunrise over the pond. It's like he's channeling through my pup to make sure I see that sunrise from the front porch.