:gingerbread: :elf: :snowman:
Thank you!!!
Oh, teachermomof2 – You can feel better at least a little better about your amount of boards and pins. In my defense I can only say…well…not sure what to say but that I looooovve Pinterest! Over time I have “broken” out a lot of my boards into smaller, more specific ones, that may not have as much in them. Just makes it easier for me to find things, browse, etc.
BTW - The Italian Deli Crazy Bread you have on your Appetizer board has my brain spinning!
Snowlvr – That Chicken Cordon Blue casserole that you have on your recipes board was a HUGE hit at our house! I made the whole recipe but served half for dinner and froze the other half for another day.
I just didn’t freeze with the breadcrumbs on top, I’ll add those day of cooking. In any case, it was SO good!
Great idea piratemama! I love connecting with MHH members on Pinterest!
Repinning lots of stuff from all of you! And if I've made/tried something you've pinned I'll try to comment as well...