With our first VERY SHORT LIVED cool front all I could think about was soups, stews and gumbo's for 2. Wow, it's impossible to prepare any of the above for only two. Not a problem. I've broken down my week and started refilling my pantry. I generally let my pantry dwindle down to nothing during hurricane season so that I don't ever have to face losing it all again. Well, hurricane season isn't over for another eight weeks but I decided to jump the gun and begin my canning earlier than usual. My theme this week is gumbo's, soups & chili)
Friday - Canned several quarts of navy bean and ham soup
Saturday - Canned 11 quarts of vegetable beef soup
Today - Canning 10 quarts of taco beef soup
Monday - Canning chicken noodle soup and split pea soup
Tuesday - Canning chicken & sausage gumbo and chicken & okra gumbo
Wednesday - Canning homemade chicken noodle soup and chili
Thursday - Canning seafood gumbo and shrimp & okra gumbo
These are so nice to have on hand to simply pop the top, heat and eat.
Then I move on to a week each of:
Breads/Muffins/Cakes/Corn breads in jars
On busy days it sure beats opening up the door to a hundred various cans, jars and boxes that when combined and alot of time create a beautiful meal. A little preplanning and that meal is already put together and ready to eat.
Are their any other wonderful canners out there? This lost art has saved me so much time in the kitchen.
Friday - Canned several quarts of navy bean and ham soup
Saturday - Canned 11 quarts of vegetable beef soup
Today - Canning 10 quarts of taco beef soup
Monday - Canning chicken noodle soup and split pea soup
Tuesday - Canning chicken & sausage gumbo and chicken & okra gumbo
Wednesday - Canning homemade chicken noodle soup and chili
Thursday - Canning seafood gumbo and shrimp & okra gumbo
These are so nice to have on hand to simply pop the top, heat and eat.
Then I move on to a week each of:
Breads/Muffins/Cakes/Corn breads in jars
On busy days it sure beats opening up the door to a hundred various cans, jars and boxes that when combined and alot of time create a beautiful meal. A little preplanning and that meal is already put together and ready to eat.
Are their any other wonderful canners out there? This lost art has saved me so much time in the kitchen.