Resolutions / goals for 2016

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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
My word for 2016 is Simple things

- Drink more water ( I am doing 1 glass of warm water 1st thing in the morning. I need to continue that and add lemon to it once in awhile). I need to add one glass warm water before meals and 1 glass warm water before bed to attain my goal.

Add $2 in the pot everytime I exercise.
- Cardio 3 - 4 X week.. continue as I've been doing
- Tai-Chi - start doing it once again
- Yoga 3 X week - continue as I've been doing. Try to add a bedtime routine at night.
- Deep breaths: when I wake up, before meals and before bed

Bed-time routine
Try to go to bed by 9:30? Do bedtime routine ahead of time

To add to routine
Probiotics regularly
Green juice daily
Soup 3XS week - to hellp with this prepare in freezer for crockpot
Self-massage & exercises for my feet

Mindfullness - one thing at a time
Read 15 min a day - improvements... Happiness project, Dr. Saldimann, etc...
Work on my relationship with DH
Active listening

Bad habits to break
Less or no swearing
Facebook - spend less time there
Less tv , more music
Listen - do not interrupt

Learn / creativity
Spanish - try to listen to CD in car or at work 3 X week. read spanish blogs
Trip to San-Francisco to plan for July 2016
Create 15 minutes a day (drawing, spatula painting, crafts - pinterest)

To try
- oil-pulling (1 tablespoon coconut oil + swish in mouth 15-20 minutes in the morning)
- Neti -pot at least 1 X week
Research - ayurveda medecine, chinese medecine, reflexology, accupressure points.

.... well I've got my work cut out!

What about you?


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 14, 2007
Cadyville, NY
I remember in the past we did LIFE GOALS.
I am going to continue on with that tradition.
For 2016 my LIFE GOALS are:

MARRIAGE: Try to be more tolerant. I get so flipping angry at him sometimes. He's old fashioned, he's set in his ways. I just need to be more tolerant.
FAMILY: Continue with my monthly Family Dinner Days. I've accepted that sometimes people cannot attend & some people just don't want to attend. I won't let that stop me.
FRIENDS: My group that I belonged to split in two. People had disagreements & trying to be faithful to all (the fight had nothing to do with me) was very difficult. I will just do what I can when I can.
SELF: I started back with Weight Watchers yesterday to get the info on the changes to the plan. I will attend meetings every other Saturday, which is the only time I have to do so. I will try to take at least one day a month to myself--to recharge.
HOME: Simplify & organize. Get rid of things I haven't used in ages.
WORK: Just be the best employee I am capable of being. Avoid the people who just complain about how others do their job & only focus on how I do mine.
HOBBIES: Scrap again. It's been months. I just want to scrap again. Even if it's just once a month.


MHH Member
Jan 11, 2010
Laura, I love the idea of life goals !! Some of mine are very similar to yours.
So here goes:
MARRIAGE- don't have to worry about that one . Just have to keep the memories of my darling DH alive.
FAMILY - to plan monthly dinners with my children and grandchildren. Be understanding if some are unable to make it.
FRIENDS- I have a best friend that we try to get together once a week for dinner. Sometimes we don't make it. So I will make more of an effort to do that. My other friends I see at least once a month.
HOME - organize especially the office. Get the rooms painted that have put off. My bedroom, my bathroom and the office.
WORK- to stay positive to all other teachers, but to discourage their bashing of some students. That really stresses me out.
HOBBIES - to get into Scrapbooking again. I have several different ones started that need to be finished. Also to spend some time Quilting.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
I used to love to do the life goals. I will have to think on this and pull out my notebook.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
I have never been one to make resolutions, they just don't work for me.
I do though like the idea of setting goals that are realistic and possible to attain.

MARRIAGE: DH and I will be married 30 years in February. I need to appreciate him more for all he does for us.

FAMILY: I have the most loving family a girl could have, I need to look after my family better, whether that be with healthy eating or just listening when they have something to say.

FRIENDS: I don't have many friends and I hope that people would say that I am a good friend, work on connecting with them more.

HOME: Continue to organise and maintain my home. It is a haven for my family and I always want it to be safe and welcoming for them.
Be aware of what I bring into the home. Can we "afford" things? I don't just mean monetarily but also can we afford to give up space to have that object in the home, really think of the use for that object and do we really need it. To look at things and if they don't add to our happiness or lifestyle out it goes.

WORK: to give 100% to my boss and colleagues. To learn what I can to make their work days better and to have the office running as well as I can.

HOBBIES: to organise crafts and complete what I want to complete.

CHRISTMAS: to make the season as magical as I can. To learn that it does not need to be perfect and to accept that things change over the years. To embrace whatever the "NEW" Christmas is for us and to not fret too much if what I imagine and what happens are two different things.

SELF:To try and be as happy as I can. Depression and anxiety are horrible to live with BUT I have a wonderful family, lovely home, good job and good friends. When I am in a funk remember what I have.

HEALTH: This is a big one for me, I am very overweight and have a few health issues. I need to chip away slowly at these issues and try to get myself a little healthier month by month.

BUDGET: just to work on the financial side of things. Watch what I buy, do we need it, will we use it. Be mindful of what I buy at the supermarket. Try to eliminate waste. Continue to save for the big bills and important events.

Above all just to be the best I can be and if for some reason things go off the tracks just get back on and start again, don't give up.
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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Sep 12, 2009
It's so neat to read everyone's goals. My word for 2016 is Listen. Here are my goals:

Mind - Listen to people instead of formulating a response while they are talking.
Body - Listen to my body: exercise daily; drink plenty of water; mindful eating.
Soul - Take time to listen to the Word and pay attention to cues for quiet time.

Happy New Year!
