Rudolf Day 12/17/07

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Retire Member
Dec 6, 2007
Okay, we are in the home stretch and sadly I am among the group of people that still has a list of things to do so here we go.

( ) Clear out refrigerator in preparation for Christmas Eve dinner
( ) Make final decision about who is getting what for Christmas
( ) Buy last few gift cards and misc items
( ) Wrap 3-6 gifts today
( ) Finalize the baking decisions and purchase missing ingredients
( ) Put out snow village
( ) Do swags for banisters

Well, I'm going to stop my today list here as I am also supposed to meet up with my father for lunch and too many more on here might really put me on overload, LOL!



Super Moderator
Oct 10, 2007
Arkansas-Go Razorbacks! Whoo Pig Sooie!
So glad you started this! I had planned to start it to get me going! This is PUSH WEEK as we called it in the home party plan business when we trying to win a specific contest!

So, here goes:
1. shop for DSabouttobe15's birthday stuff-gift, cake ingredients, and snacks. Done!
2. re-con mission on house, especially kitchen, living room and bathroom
3. wrap some gifts that I couldn't wrap yesterday due to prying eyes
4. laundry, laundry, laundry
5. pick up kids at school at 3 p.m
6. make dinner-

1. wrap any thing that hasn't gotten wrapped, with goal being everything wrapped today
2. run through the house to tidy and declutter
3. Baby sit great nephew at 11:45 am
4. Kids and dinner
5. 6 pm-walk down to SIL's preschool Christmas party, complete with Santa!!

1. Bake cake for youth group "Bad Christmas Sweater Party" tonight
2. Put chicken in crockpot to stew all day, to make chicken noodle soup for dinner
3. Give DS his birthday gift

1. Re-con mission on house for DS's party tonight
2. Wrap any straggler gifts not wrapped
3. Make ice cream cake for birthday party
4. Pick up pizzas for our family and 4 teenage boys! :help:

1. Get little boys to school with books for book exchanges, treats for class, and teachers' gifts.
2. Breakfast for 4 teenage boys!
3. Pack for night at SIL's house (2 hour trip)
4. Meet DH for an early lunch
5. School parties at 11:45 and 12:00
6. Take little boys home
7. Finish shopping for groceries and last minute gifts
8. Feed the crew, head to Linda's house

FINALLY RELAX! What a week-good thing I started planning in March, huh?


Santa's Elves
Oct 11, 2007
Baltimore, Maryland
Well here's mine.

[ ] Complete shopping for gifts. (I'm the worst this year with this task)

[ ] Purchase groceries for Christmas Eve family gathering.

[ ] Tidy apartment

[ ] Bake last batches of cookies

Wednesday will be my last day at work. Then I'll have more time to get everything done.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 18, 2007
My Happy Place
I don't mean to rub your noses in it, but I am done. It feels so good to be able to say that. The kids and I are even taking an extra week off from school and we aren't going to be doing anything but watching movies and relaxing. I have OC to thank for this!!

Have a good day everyone,

:snowman: Melanie


Santa's Elves
That's awesome, Melanie!
I'm at the "not done yet but just taking my time and enjoying it" phase!
All shopping is now delegated to DH! There are only a few things for the boys anyway.
I'm going to just read a couple of more posts and then wrap the Stocking stuffers while DS3 is sleeping!


Retire Member
Oct 29, 2007
Northern Illinois
I have two more batches of cookies I'd like to do, but if it doesn't happen I'm not going to sweat it.

Tonight I need to put 4 gift bags together for my co-workers in the main office and a box of treats for my Director so I can have them delivered tomorrow. Then all that's left is wrapping what I have, and picking up three gift cards!

Then of course the four hour road trip to DMoms - they are calling for MORE snow this weekend so I may see if I can have a half-day Friday and leave early!


Retire Member
Oct 22, 2007
Chicago suburbs, Illinois
[ ] mail last 20 cards (need more stamps)
[ ] bake cookies to take to Slava on Wednesday (my husband's saint's day)
[ ] wrap one gift
[ ] purchase one gift
[ ] take all the party stuff to school friday for son's holiday party
[ ] check on upstairs bathroom (clean w/fresh towels, etc.) before company arrives Friday
[ ] shop for Christmas dinner food Thursday and Sunday

I think that's all that I have left, but you know, there is always that one glaring omission! :haha:
I sent out my xmas cards. I am decorating house tonight too!!! Gifts are all bought some need wraping but we are done with gifts to buy!!! yippy

WAtched rudolph yesterday and now franklins xmas special


Super Moderator
Oct 10, 2007
Arkansas-Go Razorbacks! Whoo Pig Sooie!
Amazing how much you can get done when you don't stay on the internet all day!! LOL!

1. shop for DSabouttobe15's birthday stuff-gift, cake ingredients, and snacks. Done!
2. re-con mission on house, especially kitchen, living room and bathroom Done
3. wrap some gifts that I couldn't wrap yesterday due to prying eyes Done
4. laundry, laundry, laundry Working on it-almost done
5. pick up kids at school at 3 p.m Done
6. make dinner-Done


MHH Member
Nov 3, 2007
Southwest Ohio
I thought I was doing well until yesterday when it was decided that WE were doing DH's family for Chirstmas Day!!! Long story as to why it was switched at the last minute, but I'm happy to do it. Only problem is I wasn't doing any entertaining this holiday so I kinda took the KISS method (keep it simple, stupid) with decorating, cleaning, etc. The in-laws are by no means picky or snobby so I know I don't need to go overboard, but I'd still like it to be nice. That being said, my to do list has suddenly grown!

Over the next two days I need to:
  • plan Christmas Day dinner DONE
    assign SIL's dish to bring DONE
    double check serving pieces, wine glasses, etc. DONE - purchased extra wine glasses
    run to local vineyard for bottles of wine hubby doing tonight
    wrap gift for family we "adopted" ALMOST done
    deliver gifts for "adoptive" family Thursday morning
    grocery shop with kids and neighbors for the dinner they will prepare for needy family friday morning
    take DD8 to ortho - getting her braces on!! - Tuesday morn. DONE - she looks Sooo cute!
    neighborhood cookie exchange Tuesday eve DONE - good time!
    kids' Christmas parties at school Wednesday morn and afternoon (thanks to morning kindergarten) leaving soon to go
    clean living and dining room DONE - well, almost
    restring lights on ledge above front door need to wait for hubby to get ladder out
    plan regular dinner menus from Tuesday to Monday and grocery list DONE
    laundry DONE for now anyway
    finish getting teacher gifts together and make sure kids have them in their backpacks DONE

If I can get that much done before Wednesday afternoon, I'll be thrilled!


Retire Member
Dec 6, 2007
happy2bme said:
I don't mean to rub your noses in it, but I am done. It feels so good to be able to say that. The kids and I are even taking an extra week off from school and we aren't going to be doing anything but watching movies and relaxing. I have OC to thank for this!!

Have a good day everyone,

:snowman: Melanie
Great job Melanie! I'm happy for you and your family.

Hit a few road bumps here today. That quick lunch with my father became an ordeal as he had a flat and we had to get that taken care of and my plan was to pick up the last item or two and that didn't happen since the stores near by were out of every gift idea that would work. :( From there, I was informed by dh that he NEEDED one of the items he wore over the weekend so I ended up doing laundry today and then the service people decided today was the day they would send the repairmen out so I had to babysit them for 2 hours, UGH! I guess tomorrow is another day. :confused:
( ) Clear out refrigerator in preparation for Christmas Eve dinner
( :grin:) Make final decision about who is getting what for Christmas
( ) Buy last few gift cards and misc items
( ) Wrap 3-6 gifts today
( :grin: ) Finalize the baking decisions
( ) Purchase missing ingredients for baking
( ) Put out snow village
( :sad: ) Do swags for banisters Not going to happen. I spent 2 hours trying different things and nothing I tried looked even half-way decent so that is the end of that idea for this year.

Still a bit of time left in the day but family time is starting so who knows what will happen. I'm happy to see so many of you with a clear idea of what is left to be done and realistic about how much time is still done.
:skate: (perhaps on thin ice here, LOL!)


MHH Admin
Oct 9, 2007
Missouri, USA
Well my list is getting better but I still am a tad bit panicky.....i have taken what still needs to be done and divided it among now and December 23rd....NO 24th for me...want to relax although I may still be wrapping a few

Today I

1. Stamped and mailed cards......very late for me!
2. Bought gift cards
3. Finalized Christmas Eve plans
4. Picked up my final Secret Santa Gift
5. Made some notes in my notebook for next year.

More Tomorrow!!!!!!