Rudolph Day 12/12/07

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MHH Admin
Oct 9, 2007
Missouri, USA
Here a carry over list from yesterday:

[/] 1. Address two more cards, finish letter and print and put in envelopes, stamp, mail.

[ ] 2. Shopping list for food stuff

[ ] 3. Wrap at least four presents

[ ] 4. Continue to get Christmas Recipes into correct notebook

[/] 5. Clean laundry room....need to continue tow rok at this


Santa's Elves
Oct 11, 2007
Baltimore, Maryland
Here's my update:

[ ]Shop for groceries for Christmas Eve family gathering.

[x] Mailed Christmas cards out late - yesterday

[x] Wash and hang up red shower curtain in the bathroom

[/] Wash up all dirty laundry. Half way done.

[x] Finish baking.

[ ] Make a dish to bring into the office

Little Elf

Retire Member
Oct 13, 2007
Alberta, Canada
[X] Gifts for kids
[X] Gifts for daughter's birthday (Jan 2nd)
[ ] Get daughter's invitations and have them sent out
[X] Cards all done and sent
[ ] Get stocking stuffers for everyone
[X] Wrap 1/4 gifts
[ ] Purchase food for Christmas Eve and Christmas day
[ ] Get dh to book bowling alley for daughter's party

I'm sure I'm forgetting something but that's all I can think of for now. :grin:


MHH Member
Oct 25, 2007
Hello I think I will jump in on these daily to do lists because I have a lot to get done and not a lot of time to do it. We have to have our house empty and in storage by the 27th or 28th of this month. We are building a new home and it is going where our current mobile home is so we are selling the mobile home and living in our offices and our camper. YIKES :help: It is more space than it sounds we are just going to need to get down to the basic essentials for living. I thought we would have until mid Jan before the mobile home moves but as I said it has to leave 2 days after Christmas. My house has always been pretty much decluttered but it still seems like a lot of stuff has accumulated over the last 12 years. My kids are taking it well and I promised them that the tree will stay up so Santa will have a place to leave presents but most of the other decorations have to come down. To top it all off I work for 1-800-flowers from home and this is our busy time and I am working 40+ hours a week instead of my usual 10-15. I work the overnight shift so I am exhausted but it is pretty slow overnight so I have been able to get all my gifts wrapped and ready to go while working.
OK I guess I better get back to work, as my DH says"We have a long way to go and a short time to get there....:

() finish my closet-get rid of clothes that don't fit
() go through my dresser drawers
() Move towel from armoire to closet temporarily and rearrange armoire to maximize space
() Put away Christmas decorations in bedroom :frown:
() Box up and throw our anything from under the bathroom cabinets and medicine chest
() Move bedroom heater to storage

OK that should get my room and bath as clsoeto done as we can get before moving furniture so that way I can work on the kids rooms and kitchen this weekend



Super Moderator
Oct 10, 2007
Arkansas-Go Razorbacks! Whoo Pig Sooie!
I am feeling so much better. I was able to shop this weekend and have almost everything done. I still need to get DH's and a few stocking stuffers, plus a few more things for each of the kids-little things, but important ones. I'll try to get some of it done Monday or Wednesday, but most of it will have to wait until Friday. We are going to DH's sister's house either Friday night or Saturday morning early to do Christmas with his sisters and nieces, so I expect Friday will be a late night. We have school parties starting at 11:45 am and then the boys will likely come home, so I'll have to make some arrangements to get things done. Of course, if worst comes to worst, I can shop in her town Friday night or Sat afternoon, between family gatherings.

My mom got her tree up today and the boys helped her decorate it. She is having a hard time.

Things are looking better!


MHH Member
Nov 18, 2007
Because of all the snow we got in Ohio this weekend, my boys have been stuck at my parents all day. dh and i have been able to get most of the presents wrapped and got the gifts from santa wrapped and put up so on christmas eve all we need to do is carry them in. still need to do some shopping, but that feels like it is never done , there is always something to get.