September 10th-16th 2023

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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
The temperatures will be a gorgeous this week. A little above the average for this time of year which indicates a hotter Spring than we have had for the past 3 years or so. Makes me realise the importance of getting the HGP heavy house work done while it is still relatively cool. I am hoping that with some extra days at home I can achieve a few goals this week.

Water throughout day.
Shower/bath at night,
Moisturise, brush teeth, lip balm, hand cream
Clean kitchen and DW on before bed.
Read and sleep at reasonable time

*washing (X)(X)
*fold washing ( )
*vacuum floors ( )
*clean bathrooms (X)( )
*meal planning ( )
*general tidy up ( )
*clean fridge/freezers ( )
*tidy pantry/stockpile ( )
*make work lunches (X)
*shopping list (fortnightly) ( ) grocery shopping (fortnightly) ( )

Quarterly/Seasonal Goals:
September, October and November.....Spring :)

*Baking days leading up to Christmas....we have several scheduled ( )
*Continue with wrapping party dates ( )
*Christmas prep....focus on this ( )
*Target savings in bank ( ) Save for cruise. Have full payment by December.
*Review word of the year (X)
*Prepare house( )papers (X)emergency kits (X) for upcoming fire season (X)
*Start decluttering for move next year ( ) I have a plan for this at least, will ramp up during HGP
*House inspection September ( )
*Mini vacation to coast September (X)
*At least one no spend day/week per month ( )( )( )
*Annual Bathurst day October ( )
*Day light saving October ( )
*Organise Family get together for November ( )
*Complete the HGP ( ) This is a must this year
*Start thinking ahead for Spring/Summer meals ( ) plans ( ) celebrations ( ) goals ( )

Fun/Christmas prep:

*tidy gift closet (X)
*update planner (X)
*do something that is just for me (X)
*start/continue/finish one craft project (X) Using up scrap wool
*start/continue/finish one book/magazine (X) Goal for the year is to read 10. I have read 10
*continue looking for stocking fillers, gifts and supplies (X) My challenge for 2023 is to do great stockings, useful and interesting items.

This week:

*Connect with family via phone, email or text (X)
*Work Monday and Tuesday (X) (X)
*At least one no tech night (X)
*Niece visiting Friday-Sunday (X)
*Day trip to farm Saturday ( ) I did not go this weekend
*HGP Bedroom this week, it will take a few days (X)
*Work with Harry (X)(X)(X)(X)(X)( )( )

5 small chores:
*unpack from beach (X)
*concentrate on HGP (X)
*check and pack emergency kit for car and dogs (X)
*Clean stove top and oven (X)

Word of the Year 2023: Progress
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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 24, 2007
Progress is your word! :D I enjoy your organization!


Well-Known Member
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Sep 12, 2009
The temperatures got to the high 80's and low 90's this week. They are dropping back to the 70's where they had been for a while. The apple tree leaves are dropping here and there. I probably won't get to the monthly list since getting to the HHP list is my priority this week. I will be working at a festival on Saturday. I was disappointed that I had to drop my availability from 5 days to just 1 day.

  • Exercise
  • Prayer
  • Calendar Review of Appointments/Meetings
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Coffee Prep for the next day
  • Lunch Prep for the next day
  • Breakfast Prep for the next day
  • Outfit Planning for this week
  • Menu Planning for this week
  • Meal Prep for this week
  • Dust/Vacuum/Mop
  • Bills
  • Laundry
  • Groceries
  • End of Last Week Reflection
  • Set Research/Writing Goals
  • Weed Garden
  • Mudroom & Laundry area
    • Sweep
    • Dust
    • Wipe down the washer and dryer
    • Empty Trash can
HHP: Week 2 list
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Lori K

Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 13, 2018
I finished my hat during crochet class yesterday, just have to sew the pom on top -- an easy task and it's done. I also need to put in some work on the scarf for my DD for Christmas. And, I've got a fall leaf in works (decor for coffee table, if it gets done it gets done -- had to have a project to work on during crochet class, since I can't work on her scarf when she's there).

I also have to bake some mini loaves of bread for a fundraiser on Weds. evening. Easy to do, but time consuming when I have so many other irons in the fire. But, it's for a worthy cause.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Aug 30, 2008
Long Island, NY
A busy week upcoming - but I can space it out

M- cleaning lady comes so I think I'll do the shopping at BJ's
T - if I don't find everything at BJ's, head to Costco. Might need to go there anyhow
W - pick up fish and make gefilte fish
T. - cook brisket, make challahs in bread machine, make cole slaw, roast chicken, make sure DR table is clean (not sure if we will eat indoors or outdoors) and put out dishes and serving pieces
F - make noodle pudding, thaw soup, make matzoh balls, cut up apples for apples and honey, set table and have DH do final clean.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 24, 2007
During my Sunday YT video watching ... I keep up with this gal and the latest video had me giggling 6 some minutes in with the shower cleaning!