Superbowl party tips and ideas

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Little Elf

Retire Member
Oct 13, 2007
Alberta, Canada
Here is something from my files I found that can be good if you have kids too!

Decorate with the colors to match your families favorite team using plenty of balloons and streamers. Add posters to the door and walls.
Cover your party table with green butcher and use white paint, or adhesive tape to make yard lines. Place a a bottle of Gatorade or a referee whistle at each table place setting...The possibilities are endless!

Add a quick party game during the commercials or when the kids get antsy. If outdoor play is not an is February after all, adapt games to play indoors or use a garage play space.

Training Course: Every athlete needs to be in top physical shape and this indoor course will give the kids a workout. Set up an obstacle course using items you already have around the house; Chairs, pillows, jump ropes, boxes will race the clock to go through the course.

Balloon Football
Use a brown balloon to represent a football. Play music while the kids try to keep the "ball" off of the ground with gentle taps. Hide and Seek Sports. Hide small football erasers, stickers, pencils and football cards around the party area then send the kids to search for them. Just like an Easter Egg hunt.

Football Scrabble
Use the pieces from one or more Scrabble boards but use only one board. Before your guests arrive place the board on a coffee table or any where that is centrally located. Keep the pieces in a bowl nearby. Start with one theme related word in the center, such as football, fumble, touchdown, etc. Throughout the party the guest can keep adding to the board.

Kids love to decorate cookies...
before the party use a football cookie cutter to make simple sugar cookie cut outs. then provide frosting, decorating tubes and sprinkles for decorating.

Kit's Party Tip:
Using wooden craft sticks will make frosting the cookies easier for the kids.

Food for Hungry Fans
Of course there is the usual football fare of chips, hero sandwiches etc. The kids will like simple sandwiches cut with your football cookie cutter.

Football Sodas Kids Love
Italian syrup comes in a variety of colors and flavors. Provide syrup/s to match your favorite team colors. You'll need clear plastic cups or glasses, Italian syrup, soda water and a small amount half and half (optional). Top with whipped cream and serve with a straw.

Party Favors:
Say "Thank you for coming" by filling stadium cups, or caps with any of these sports related items: stickers, candy, baseball gumballs, fruit snacks, baseball cards, Gatorade, wristbands, power bars or sunflower seeds.

Football Cake - easy
Frost a sheet cake with green frosting. Use white decorating frosting to make yard lines. Add football figurines to the top.

Kit's Time Saving Tip - Save time by ordering a sheet cake from your local grocery store. They will frost in any color and you can add your personal decorating touches at home.

Holiday Joy

MHH Member
Nov 4, 2007
I'm printing these out for next year! My family was never too big into football, but my dear sister has moved back into town,and she's an outrageous football fan! My two DS's are getting more into watching, too, so I think I'll have to put on a bigger spread next year and really celebrate!