The Happiness Project- Exercise 2

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Nov 6, 2007
Southern Arizona
In the book the author describes how our language and thoughts around certain pesky tasks can affect our happiness.
She describes how she always complains and grumbles about having to go to her daughter's doctors appointments. But then she thinks about it and thinks, "Wait a minute, I acutally WANT to go to these. I would never want anyone else to be there instead of me."
This changed her whole outlook on these appointments, and therefore she became happy going to them.

Look at chores, tasks, duties that you notice you do but you grumble, complain, and get annoyed about.

See if you can change your thoughts and attitude about and put the dreaded task in a positive light.



Well-Known Member
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Nov 6, 2007
Southern Arizona
I actually picked this exercise because I had a lightbulb moment.

You see, this week my nephew is graduating from H.S. in a town 2.5 hours away. The next night my niece is graduating from H.S. here.
I was grumbly about these because it will be tiring driving 5 hours to a graduation and then turn around and go to another one the next night.

In my mind I was complaining, fretting, being grumpy. Then I thought about The Happiness Project and what the author did.

I thought, "Let me turn this around."

So, I thought, "As an aunt I feel privledged that I get to watch my nephew and niece graduate from H.S.
That is, after all, one of the reasons I moved from Washington to Az!"

I thought: "I don't to drive 2.5 hours just to sit in bleachers with tons of people to hear a name being said and five seconds its over."
I turned it around to: "There may be tons of people out in the stands, but your nephew will know that you are there just to hear his name being called out."



Well-Known Member
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Nov 6, 2007
Southern Arizona
I think this applies to housecleaning too.

Many times I get grumpy about cleaning house.

BUT-I am happier living in a clean, organized environment.

So, I will say: I am happy to clean the bathroom today because then I get to enjoy coming into it's sparkly, glittery look all week long.

You see, the short term pain, gives way to a longer term happiness!!!!!!!!



Retire Member
Feb 25, 2008
Glasgow, Scotland
Wow Annie, this makes so much sense!

As you know I'm stuck in a study nightmare just now. However I CHOSE to do this course, it has absolutely no immediate life effects, I just wanted to know more about children's literature.

Before: I can think of so many things I want to do rather than write essay.
After: I want to write this essay and learn as much as I can.

I can see so many applications with this. I think at some point after Thursday (essay due date) I'm going to write a list put it in my notebook to remind me when I'm gettin needlessly grumpy :D


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Oct 13, 2007
A very good book that has a similar message is The Dragon Slayer with a Heavy Heart. He gripes and grumbles about everything in his life and embarks on a journey to lighten his heart. He learns how to turn negative thoughts into positive ones which lightens his heart and he becomes a better person. It's really a great story with an even better message, but in an easy to read format.


Retire Member
May 15, 2010
Perth, Australia
Makes so much sense :)


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Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
I Hate ironing HATE HATE HATE IT. But if I do 1 hour of ironing today on my day off while watching a movie that I enjoy, not only do I not have to worry about it all week, I get to watch the movie I have been wanting to see and have not had time for.


Well-Known Member
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Nov 6, 2007
Southern Arizona
Want to give an update on this:

Yesterday I was back to feeling grouchy about having to go 2.5 hours one way for the graduation. Mostly, because I was tired. Which reminds me again, being well rested is a BIG, HUGE factor on my day to day happiness.

But- I made it to the graduation. I know my nephew was happy to see me.
But, who it mattered to the most I now see was to my brother and SIL.
They were OVER THE MOON that I made that effort.

My SIL even called me once I had left to tell me again how touched she was that I did that.

And that, my friends, made me very very happy!!


Colleen in PA

Retire Member
Aug 20, 2008
What a wonderful aunt you are!!! The effort it took to get there for the graduation shows how much your nephew means to you. I know when someone does something nice &/or unexpected for one of my boys, I am often happier than if someone had done ME a favor! (unless of course they brought some LOUD toy - LOL!) Sometimes just the gift of our time is worth more than any present, and he will remember that you came FOREVER!

As for the exercise you posted, for me, one of the worst tasks is grocery shopping. Ugh! I hate it. Part of the problem is that I also don't like to cook and can never figure out what to buy ahead of time. (menu planning, anyone? that habit still hasn't sunk in for me). But when I really thought about it, if my fridge and pantry are well stocked then DH is more likley to cook! Wow! That was a lightbulb moment. DH cooking makes me VERY happy...even happy enough that I don't mind washing the dishes (he somehow uses every pot and pan in the house when he cooks!) So from now on that's how I'm going to look at it.

On the other hand, my DH hates doing laundry and I told him when we got married that I'd assume full responsibility for Mt. Washmore - because nothing says "love" like clean underwear in the drawer! (Thank you FlyLady!)


Retire Member
Oct 14, 2007
Happiness Project

I just got this book from my library. I'm in the beginning chapters of the authors lists. I thought Oh no, another organizing of "things to do," like I don't have enough to do as it is. After reading comments from others on MHH it motivates me more than what I have read so far, but again I'm only in the beginning of the book. So, I do want to change my perspective on the things that "nag" at me to get done so I think the farther I get into this book , the better I'll feel and especially reading others comments on how it has helped them.Sorry to ramble on but I am going to really try and do these "exercises for happiness" if it can make me appreciate being able to enjoy every day tasks so I don't feel guilty doing the things that I really enjoy before the "must do's" are finished. Ok. I'm done. Don't know if this makes sense but there it is. Have a wonderful day everyone. jy


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 6, 2007
Southern Arizona
I am almost done with the book.

In the book- there is no set Exercises, or "to dos."----> Like in many self-help type books.

The author picks a certain "theme" that she feels will bring more happiness in her life and works on it each month. And then she discusses what works for her, what doesn't.

Mostly it's about the author's journey.
Her journey will inspire us to be more mindful of the happiness in our lives.



Retire Member
Oct 14, 2007
Happiness Project

Thank you Annie for explaining the authors book. Now I understand. I was hoping that today I could spend time reading it but life happens so maybe tomorrow will be a more relaxed day that I will be able to read it in a more quiet atmosphere. Thank you for responding. Have a wonderful day. jy