UK novice -planning village Halloween event..

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Retire Member
Jan 3, 2008
Hi all

For the past 3 years i have organised a halloween party at our village primary school. I am in a rural village in the Peak District UK (so Halloween is not as big over here as in the States - but is getting more popular each year - although trick or treating is frowned upon by many as scary for older people).

In the past the school halloween party has to take place a week before the 31st due to school holidays. Last year the 2 pubs in the village also put on Halloween events - fancy dress events, plus a childrens film and craft activities in one of the pubs. These tool place on the weekend of the 31st...

Now i would like to propose to the school and village that we put on a whole community Halloween event over the halloween weekend which brings together the school event and the pub events alongside perhaps an outdoor ghost walk, scavenger hunt event. The idea would be that adults and children participated and raised money for the school and other village charities. My aim is to bring the different age groups together to celebrate halloween, rather than the kids doing one thing and the adults another.

My idea would be that adults and children met in one of the pubs and were told the beginnings of a story and given a map of the village. They buy tickets to participate.

They are then put into groups and go off with their lead storyteller to follow the map to the next venue. Groups could be formed with different age groups so the story could be more scary for older groups than younger groups. They go off on their ghost walks around the village stopping at various community venues, village hall, sports hall etc and go inside each venue for a halloween themed activity - craft activity or apple bobbing, or challenges etc or just another part of the story....

and end up back in one of the pubs or village hall for a halloween movie.

I would need to get a number of adults to be dressed up storytellers....

It would be best if the pub hosted the film screening in one room so the kids were entertained whilst the adults spend money at the bar (thus bringing in money to the pub in exchange for hosting the film screening). Although we do have 2 village pubs at opposite ends of the village so need to make sure they both benefit from more customers on the night.

what do you experienced states side halloween experts thinK??

do you know of any examples of community halloween events i could copy?

Can i use this thread as a base to plan this event? i really need your help..




Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
Artichoke, yes you can use this thread as a base plan for the event.
I think it is a fantastic idea.

I know some people in the us do trunk-or-treating too.... they meet somewhere and the trunks are filled with candies and the kids go from one car to the next... no older people get scared.

In our village when I moved here NOBODY had any decorations - I started decorating and I disguised myself and now there are more & more every year. Even kids from the next town come here because the streets are safer (less cars).

Colleen in PA

Retire Member
Aug 20, 2008
What a great idea, art! In our neighborhhod there are several (competing) events including a Trunk or Treat in our church parking lot and a festival at the local nature camp...lots of spooky crafts, stories etc.

I love the sound of a ghost walk. Do you have a basic template for the stories? Is there a book about your area? Or maybe you could "stage" different things from popular stories (Headless Horseman, dracula, etc...or is that too scary?) The scavenger hunt is a great idea for groups of mixed ages.

My advice would be to get the high school involved. I'm sure lots of their students would love to get dressed up and lead tours - drama club? here in the US, most haunted Houses/Hayrides are staffed with teens/young adults.

I look forward to hearing more about your plans! Please keep us posted!


Santa's Elves
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