To-Do List for Week of 6/8-6/14

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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
It's the second week of June, summer is almost upon us here in the North Country. We still have 3 full weeks before school is out, but the temps are starting to get and stay a little warmer. What's on your to-do list for this week?

[X] Podiatrist appt. (Mon)
[X] Lunch with friend (Mon)
[X] DS dental appt. (Mon)
[X] DS soccer game (Mon)

[X] DD dental cleaning (Tue)
[X] USO (Tue)
[X] Pick up fruit tray from Commissary (Tue)
[C] DD track (Tue)

[X] Education Center (Wed)
[X] Exchange DS's shin guards (Wed)
[C] DS soccer game- don't forget snack and drinks for after for team (Wed)

[X] Mountain Mudder (hope I don't die!- Thurs)
[X] After party for the Mudder (Thurs)
[ ] Fax transcript and application (Thurs)
[X] DD track (Thurs)

[X] Flag Day celebration at kid's school (Fri- Addison's essay got chosen for her to read)
[X] Volunteer for Ice Cream Social at kid's school (Fri)

[X] [ ] Vacuum
[ ] [ ] Dust
[ ] Laundry
[ ] Pick one room and clean walls and baseboards
[ ] Wipe down all bathrooms
[X] Poop scoop (Thurs evening)
[ ] Weedeat backyard
[ ] Mow backyard

[X] Finish book
[X] Return books and pick up rest of series
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