Up for sharing tips and tricks on how to stay as efficient as possible?

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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 22, 2007
South Bend, IN
I was hoping to get some advice and inspiration from the awesome group we have here at MHH! :)

I have googled and browsed the internet for the magic answer to handling the challenges of housework, laundry and meal prep when you also work full time and have children.

Guess what? I didn't find much! Other than suggestions to hiring cleaning help! lol Not in our budget!

Soooo...I'm left with the impression that really it all comes down to everyone finding a method to cope that works best for them. Some things give a little, sometimes different things at different times.

What I'm making an effort to do is remain aware of ways to work smarter - not harder. Those little things that suddenly hit you - "Oh! I've been storing XYZ cleaning product all the way over here for years. Everytime I need it I have to go find it, use it then put it back. If I just stored it here, using it would be so much quicker!"

I've had epiphanies like these from time to time and they are a mixed blessing. I'm usually torn between excitement at the possible time savings and irritation at myself that I didn't think of it sooner.

Every once in a while, I'll also come across a gem of advice or technique when browsing on this site and a few others.

I'm not really talking about cleaning tips. Those are great but there are plenty of sources for those out there.

I'm more interested in your thoughts and opinions on ways to save time during your hectic day to day schedule. Whether it is something to do with cleaning, or meal prep or laundry - whatever!

My goal here is to share some of the things I've learned and to hopefully pick some more ideas. I want to be as efficient as possible! Can you guess why?

I want more time to play with DS! To craft gifts! To HGP! To do whatever else is part of LIFE! :)

So, I'm throwing down the gauntlet (aka bright orange rubber cleaning glove - he he)!

What ideas can we share?


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 22, 2007
South Bend, IN
Okay, here are a couple of Cleaning Related things I can think of, but they may apply more to homes with more than one level:

- Never make a trip up or down the stairs without something going along for the ride

It might be a load of laundry, clean or dirty, items to be returned to their proper place, canned goods or other items going to or from a pantry, etc.

I sit small items that need to go downstairs on a counter right by the stairway - I now have the habit of grabbing those items as I go by. If the counter is empty I still usually think about whether or not I could start a load of laundry, etc. and then I detour as needed.

- Store cleaning supplies as close to the areas you'll use them in as possible

I store Comet and scrub pads underneath the kitchen sink - so they can be pulled out and used quickly as needed

I have no extra room in either of bathrooms (storage is all open) so I store bathroom cleaners in a cleaning bucket in the closest closet to each bathroom. This does require two buckets, and two sets of supplies but I buy in bulk and just keep refilling spray bottles with cleaners etc. and it has worked pretty well.

Laundry Related idea:

- If your laundry area is on another floor or in a remote area of the house, keep one bottle of stain treater in the laundry area and another stored where you can quickly get it as needed.

For example my son comes home from daycare everyday covered in food! He is a messy eater and they don't get bibs on him consistently. This is no problem if I use the stain treatment (I love SHOUT) stuff on them before I wash.

Sometimes I treat a whole bunch of stuff at once in the laundry area. But now I also have a second bottle that I keep upstairs so that every night after DS is in bed I can take his clothes from the day (stripped off for bathtime and still laying on the counter) and spray them real quick.

They can then be thrown in our hamper or in his hamper the next morning when I am tidying up.


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
15 minutes a day will keep your house clean. This is from Flylady, it works but you do have to do the 15 minutes and KEEP it up.

I have a roll of paper towels, cleanser, sponge, cleaning cloth, lime a way, old toothbrush, Windex, and liquid soap under every sink. I do not have to go look for something when I do my cleaning or haul around items.

I have a vacuum upstairs and downstairs. Same thing, I do not have to haul something up and down stairs. I vacuum the places I walk on every week, I do not move furniture for this.

I wash each person's laundry separately. This helps when putting things away. It save time and the hassle of separating each person's clothing. I do not do a huge day of laundry either. I was almost every night. Putting away one or two loads of clothes is easier than trying to do 15 at once. I have metal hoses on my washer so I do not worry about them breaking so I can toss in a load of wash before I leave for shopping trips or when I go to bed.


Santa's Elves
Premiere Member
Oct 27, 2007
You've received some good tips. I also keep cleaner, towels, sponges, and such in a basket in each bathroom. I find that Clorox wipes are so perfect for keeping the toilet and sink surfaces clean and have those in every bath and in the kitchen.

I usually do my laundry on weekends. I also do separate loads of laundry for each person..except for whites...makes it easier to put away and saves time. I also find that if I put it away as soon as it comes out of the dryer, then I feel "free" and it's not another thing on my to-do list.

I menu plan all of our meals and do one big grocery shop every two weeks. In between we pick up milk and fresh fruits/veggies as needed. It is really a time saver. I also take out the frozen meats the night before and let them defrost in the fridge, then it's ready when I get home.

I tend to keep up with the house all week long...picking up, running the vac, etc. We also do a pick up before going to bed, then we don't have to worry about it in the morning.

I also delegate a lot of jobs to the kids...setting the table, unloading/loading the dishwasher, making their beds, putting away their laundry, taking out the trash, doing the recyclables and papers. My dh helps too.

I find that when we aren't home during the week the house is definitely neater and easier to keep up with. Summertime kills me....lol.


Santa's Elves
Premiere Member
Oct 27, 2007
Oh, and to make morning smoother we always lay out our clothes the night before, press them off and have bags ready by the door. Most of the time lunches are packed as well and in the fridge.


Well-Known Member
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Nov 6, 2007
Southern Arizona
Loving all the tips! Great topic, Aunt Jamelle!

I'm with Lisa- Anything I need for the next day HAS to be done and ready the night before- or it doesn't get done.

Work clothes- need to be out and ready.
Lunch- packed and ready in the fridge.
Any errands, etc after work- all needs to be ready to grab as I head out the door.
Gym after work- Bag needs to be packed



Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
I usually try to do a sweep of the house before bedtime. All toys get picked up and put away, etc. I don't work so I don't have many tips for you as to all that. I stay at home and still don't have it all figured out. I need to make a calendar for specific jobs on certain days of the week and stick to it.

Kim Loves Snow

Santa's Elves
Aug 3, 2008
Richmond, Virginia
In January I started meal planning for a month at a time. I do the grocery list based on my meals for the month. While I'm at it, I make a weekly shopping list of things that I need that week - fresh fruits/veggies, breads, milk, etc. so I don't have to try to figure out what things are needed for the meals that week.

I have a focus area for each day of the week and it is this area that gets dusted, vacuumed, etc. and we do the "15 minutes to fantastic" each night for the rest of the house.


Retire Member
Oct 16, 2007
There are a few things that I started doing that have really kept me more on top of things with less effort.

I've tried to get in the habit of putting one load of laundry in the washer in the morning. In the evening I switch the mornings load to the dryer and put in a new load after doing the dinner dishes. I fold the finished laundry while watching TV or take a few minutes before I go to bed.

I too have a focus job for each day of the week for the basic stuff that has to get done each week like dusting(Mon), moping(Tues), vacuuming, bathrooms etc. I split longer jobs like the bathrooms (we have 3) up a bit more. Dh does one shower on Saturdays before he showers, and I do another one (3rd is rarely used).

When my kids were in diapers, after a diaper change, I would always add one additional task like emptying all the garbages, swishing a toilet, reloading the dishwasher,or wiping down a baseboard or two before washing my hands. Several diaper changes a day got a lot done.

I'm trying to start the habit of unloading the dishwasher in the morning so everyone can put their dirty dishes directly in the dishwasher instead of piling them up around the sink.

I think it helps alot to have one or two nights a week, if possible, for a take out meal and even eat on paper plates. It doesn't have to be anything expensive, maybe just a burger or taco and have cut up vegetables at home for a side. Or maybe have dh cook or do the dishes one night each week. Use that extra time with DS, crafting, or a decluttering job. I also tend to make quick and easy dinners, most of them vegetarian or I cheat by using pre cut chicken strips etc. When Dh grills, I have him grill a few extras to use in other dishes. I try to eliminate anything time consuming when it comes to making dinners. I really want to begin cooking a double or triple batch of a meal at least once or twice a week for the freezer to give me another night off each week from cooking. This will free up more time for something else.

As for the HGP, I'm really considering doing something different this year. When I can't keep up, I end up feeling behind. Sometimes I feel like I'm cleaning things that aren't a priority just because that is the focus week. Alot of times, the rooms that did get done, need to be done again. I read an article somewhere about task cleaning instead of zone cleaning being more efficient. For example, when you have your specific cleaner out, clean everywhere that needs that cleaner. For some reason it just seems simpler and a bit less overwhelming to go around the house dusting all the furniture and/or light fixtures one day, cleaning all the drapes or blinds the next day, windows/screens on another day, vacuuming any cobwebs in all the rooms while you have the attatchment out anyway, and then going in a rotation with the vacumming/baseboards until all rooms get done. Maybe choosing a declutter focus, cabinet or closet each week according to priority. Some cleaning tasks may only take a day, some might take more, especially when real life gets in the way. I think this way wouldl help me to be more focused and get it all done in the end, instead of me feeling like I have to give up on one room, because we are onto a new week. The only thing holding me back is I like going along with everyone else, so not sure if I will do this or just stay with one of the cleaning plans.

Colleen in PA

Retire Member
Aug 20, 2008
Great topic. I don't have any earth-shattering tips, but little things that help me...I agree with preparing as much as you can the night before. I have "days of the week" hanging organizers in both boys closets...on Sunday night I look at the extended weather forecast and pick out outfits - underwear to socks for each day. My 5yo is responsible for dressing himself and "making" his bed before coming down for breakfast. For the 2yo, I just bring down the next day's outfit after putting him to bed. My boys take a bath every might after dinner. We have a large tub in the Master bath so they take it together. I let them play a bit after they're all washed while I quickly swipe & swish...check! Check! check!

I use a timer to "challenge" my boys to pick up all the toys before dinner...they think it's a game and I'm not left with toys all over the floor. It's not perfect, but good enough.

I also keep the sink full of hot water while I cook so that I can put the pots, etc in as I finish with them...they soak during dinner and cleanup is much easier later.

I do at least one load of laundry a day, but I never thought of doing each person's laundry separately! I might have to try that. The part of sorting that drives me nuts is socks...even with a 3 year age difference, their white socks look very similar, so I started buying champion socks at target (the symbol is a different color depending upon the size...voila! Easy sorting!)

That's all I can think of right now. I've never been successful at menu planning. I think I have a mental block...probably because I hate to cook!

I look forward to everyone's tips!


Retire Member
Oct 16, 2007
One other thing I just thought of. I love having a 3 bag laundry sorter with 3 separate bags that you can lift out. It makes doing laundry so much easier and faster, especially when the laundry room is not on the same floor as your bedrooms.

Colleen in PA

Retire Member
Aug 20, 2008
Jingle mom - check out the Holiday Houseworks Plan...the focus is more on holiday prep than deep cleaning in every room. As for wanting to go along with everyone else, you can follow the holiday prep stuff and just make your own list of focus areas for each week's cleaning ( week 1 dusting, week 2 baseboards, etc)...lots of people customize the plan to suit their own homes/lives/preferences. No need to stick to a format that doesn't work for you...I'm sure we'd all be very interested in hearing about your progress no matter what "system" you use! :)

Please keep us posted!


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
One other thing I just thought of. I love having a 3 bag laundry sorter with 3 separate bags that you can lift out.

I just picked one of these up for DD. They are really nice. At Target there was one that even had a small ironing board that flipped up on top.


Premiere Member
Oct 24, 2007
I have struggled with this my whole life. I get so overwhelmed that I don't know where to start. After trying so many different ways of motivating myself to get started I finally found one that works for me. I typed up a one page list of cleaning "to do's" for each week. Then I modified it and made a monthly plan for items that do not need to be done each week. I use the weekly plan for 3 weeks (depending on the calendar) and then the next week I use my monthly plan.
It lists each room and the chores for that room. If it is something that needs to be done more than once a week I add check boxes. Ex:
Weekly Living room:
vacume [][]
dust []
polish []
clean mirror []

Monthly Living room:
vacume [][]
dust []
polish [] [][] (* here I add a box for each item to polish)
clean mirror []
Wash windows [][] (* here I add a box for each window )

I ck off when completed. I don't designate a day as my schedule is too hard to plan ahead.
Checking off also helps me to know, for example if I changed the sheets on Monday this week or last Friday. If something doesn't get done I just know I must do it next week; like polish the mirror in the living room. I can look back and see how long ago that the mirror was washed. It's amazing that things like that can be put off and all of a sudden you realize.....that mirror hasn't been washed sine last Christmas LOL

I am thinking about adding a every 3 month one the lists things like dust curtains in dryer, vacume under couch cushions, etc.

When I use this I am on top of things. It's what works for me.


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
If something doesn't get done I just know I must do it next week; like polish the mirror in the living room. I can look back and see how long ago that the mirror was washed. It's amazing that things like that can be put off and all of a sudden you realize.....that mirror hasn't been washed sine last Christmas LOL

Oh, think I'll go clean the living room mirror. Thanks


Retire Member
May 15, 2010
Perth, Australia
Make a list of things to do first thing in the morning (eg: start the washing machine, empty the dishwasher etc) and DO THEM BEFORE CHECKING EMAIL/FACEBOOK ETC!!!!

It's way to easy to get distracted on the net!!


Super Moderator
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Oct 14, 2007
South NJ
I use the plastic grocery bags as trash bags in the trash cans in the bathrooms and bed rooms. I will also stick extras bags in the bottom of the can under the bag currently being used so when I remove the used bag the next bag is already there.

The night before:

I set up my coffee pot the night before.

Pull whatever meats I need for next days dinner and place in frig.

If I am using a crock pot to cook the next days dinner then I pull that out and get it ready and line up any spices/broth/etc I will be using next to it.

When school is in - have the kids make sure everything is packed in their book bags - glasses, homework, pencils, any papers that needed to be signed and returned, etc.

If calling for bad or cold weather - make sure kids have hats, gloves, boots, etc ready

Have kids pick out clothes for next day

Winged One

Retire Member
Sep 2, 2008
Fluttering happily in the clouds!!
Get breakfast laid out, lunches made and clothes laid out the night before, and anything else needed for morning.

As much as possible, prep dinners the night before (peel veg, take things out of freezer, cook a sauce like bolognaise or curry) so that dinner is fast when you get in from work, school etc. As much as possible, it should be about turning on pots to cook so that you can concentrate on hearing about everyone's days, emptying bags of lunchboxes and artwork, tidying away outdoor gear, changing into non-work clothes... I do Monday's dinner on Sunday evenings as I am making a big Sunday dinner so in the kitchen anyway - something like a lasagne or curry usually.

I do laundry maybe 4-5 times a week. I set the washer so that the clothes are washed when we get in at night, and we put them on the line outdoors, clothes horse indoors or into the dryer then (depending on weather and our needs). When they're dry, I throw them into a basket and fold them once a week - we can find them if we need them in the meantime but Saturday night after dinner while the movie is on is a good time to fold and sort things. DH does the ironing on Sundays just before or after dinner.

When I think of it, I put 3 or 4 new liners into bedroom bins as they never have liquids in them. So I can just grab the full one for a few weeks running and there is a replacement there already.

I try to keep clutter to a few "hot spots" rather than going everywhere. One spot where I hang a paper bag to gather the recycling, one spot on the worktop for post or papers needing attention, a paperwork basket on the dresser to put papers dealt with until I have time to file them, that sort of thing.

I try to have a place for things, and return things to those places once we are finished with them - hooks for coats inside the door, toys into big boxes, sports equipment under the stairs, magazines onto one shelf.

We do a fast loop around the house early on a Saturday, cleaning bathrooms and giving a decent but fast clean generally.

They're kinda mostly small things, but I hope they help a little. They work for us.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 22, 2007
South Bend, IN
So much great advice! As I knew very well - you guys are awesome!!!

I am already feeling a little less overwhelmed after the last 2 days - just getting back into my habit of making a list and bringing it home with me so that I know what all my evening tasks are - instead of going off memory and forgetting most of them - is helping alot!

I'm already in the habit of doing dishes each night and picking up clutter before bed - we had in home daycare for DS for so long - and I was very aware of how the house would look - that this is now a habit for me and I love it!

I'm going to continue to try and save time on the meal prep - and cleanup! It is sooo much easier to have a night where we eat carry-out (but too $ to do often! :( ) --- but it is also just as nice to pull a meal from the freezer. We did that last night and it was great!

I've continued to scour the web for other tips and here is one I am loving:

After doing the dishes, wipe down/clean off the front of 1 cabinet or appliance in the kitchen.

I love this! I've done it the last 2 nights. I take a Clorox wipe and keep going until it is used up - actually more like 2-3 cabinets for me. I feel like it is a nice way to keep up with an area that is constantly being re-covered with little spots and smears, etc.

I keep mulling over the best ways to make my tasks more efficient. How many times do I go into the office during my evening routine?

I go in there to:

- Put away my laptop and purse
- File the previous day's Toddler Report Sheet from DS Daycare (new one goes on fridge to be referred to throughout the night)
- Throw dirty bib and washcloth in laundry basket
- Pull out clean towel from linen closet for DS bath

I should at least be able to trim this down to 2 trips into the room - 1 to put away bags and file old daycare paper right after work and one to toss dirty bib/washcloth and grab a clean towel.

This is just a small example of my trying to because my own Efficiency Expert! You know - like those people that study motions in assembly lines to cut down on wasted time! lol

On a side note - if you ever see the original version of the movie Cheaper by the Dozen - or better yet, read the charming book - there are some great parts about efficiency. The father is forever trying to find faster ways to do simple everyday things, from buttoning his vest to soaping up in the bathtub - and is forever embarrassing his children by telling others about it! :)


Retire Member
Oct 16, 2007
After doing the dishes, wipe down/clean off the front of 1 cabinet or appliance in the kitchen.

! :)

Aunt Jamelle, I tend to do this, but with my full size doors and stair railing. Things I was tending to overlook until I realized how dirty they are looking.

Another thing I thought to add is when baking, cook you cookies on parchment paper, and other heat and serve things that require a cookie sheet on aluminum foil. Lining your baking pan with aluminum foil as well, can save alot of time with cleaning those items. I especially do this with the Thanksgiving turkey and foods that tend to stick alot.

Not an everyday tip, but I read a tip recently about rolling your cookie dough by placing it between two pieces of parchment paper. I haven't tried this yet, but it does seem like it would work and be less clean up too.

When microwaving sauces or foods that splatter, use a paper towel or microwaveable splatter thing to avoid having to spend time cleaning the splatters in the microwave.