2022 Healthy Living

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Sep 12, 2009
Hi all,

I've found it helpful over the years to be accountable to others if I want to achieve a goal. One of my goals for 2022 is to do daily exercise. I've been doing it for the most part. But life happens and sometimes you get off course. Let's cheer each other on towards a Healthy 2022. Check in as often as you want: daily, weekly, monthly. It's up to you.

What are your 2022 health goals?


Well-Known Member
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Oct 15, 2007
Mary ~ Thanks for starting this thread. I agree that having someone outside of one self to be accountable to is very helpful! I might try to post my progress (let's hope it's progress) at least weekly.

Exercise: I would like to get at least 3 good (more strenuous) workouts in per week (aerobics and strength) with added aerobics, stretch, pilates and yoga workouts in between, plus enjoyable, functional workouts like gardening, hiking, skiing, etc. I exercise mostly with home videos. Yesterday I did an aerobics/strength workout; and today I did a pilates-type workout. Getting my workouts in seems to be the easiest thing to put off and skip every day. I posted on another thread, that I try to keep the old Nike motto in mind: "Just Do It". Get those workout clothes on and start the workout. Stop procrastinating!

Healthy eating: I will keep up with our weekly menu planning which greatly aids in planning healthy meals. We try to keep things low-carb for the most part.

Weight control: I have a few pounds I would like to take off. That should be easier now that the holidays are past us. The worst time of day for me is the afternoons. I have a bad habit of walking through the kitchen or laundry room (where our snacks sit on top of the washing machine ... should move them) and grabbing something. I need more self control in the afternoons. Plus I need to have some snacking vegetables set out as an alternative to the cheese, chips and nuts.

Mental fitness: I'm good about making time for myself, family, friends, and outside activities. So good, infact, that I don't leave as much time as I need to take care of my home. It's pretty neat and clean, actually, but it's getting replete with "stuff". What I think would/could make the biggest mental/emotional difference for me would be to make time for more organizing and purging and, again "just do it". All my "stuff" is starting to get me down. This would be the most difficult challenge for me though.



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Sep 12, 2009
I was doing okay until November when my schedule got off track and we had the time change. I did keep up with the PT stretches but everything else fell to the wayside. I picked it back up on December 1st with a few 30 day challenges then once my nephew's viewing happened, that was the end of that. Dh and I have been walking daily this week but he and I both go back on Monday.

My main goal is to walk a mile every morning do the 30 day challenges. We eat non-fat and low carb as much as possible. Breakfast is the same 6 days a week. Lunch is the same 5 to 6 days a week. Dinner is a carb, a vegetable and a protein. Nothing too exciting. I'd like to lose 5 lbs after eating so much these last three weekends.


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Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
Mary, thanks for getting us started, I find the benefits of sharing my journey with you all immeasurable.

I would like focus on loosing more weight. I find it hard now that the motivation of DD's wedding has past. I did so well and I was so proud of myself, I have to remember that feeling and keep going.

Meal planning and budgeting is a component of this. If I plan my meals well and shop accordingly the weight control is easier to manage.
Walking or any exercise does not thrill me but I do understand the benefits, I need to figure out a routine (especially through Summer) that is going to work for me.

The other benefits of loosing weight were I slept better, had more energy and some of my incontinence (sorry if too much) issues seemed to be better plus I found many more clothes that fit me.

My mental health was much better the last part of the year, I was in a pretty good place. I think being organised and really getting on top of things through the year really helped. The end of the year was relatively stress free and I want to enjoy that again this year. Finding the balance between getting things done and down time is important to me.
Part of this is to connect more with members here and my family. I must set time aside to email my Aunty, call my sister in law and connect with the children more. I want to organise more family gatherings even if it is just a quick cup of coffee on a Sunday afternoon.

The other place that I need to rethink is my budget. Having a good rein on the money means that there is less stress and a certain freedom.
This is a work in progress but at least we are setting goals and working towards them.


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Oct 14, 2007
Cadyville, NY
Great goals everyone.
I plan to make use of the Weight Watchers app I've been paying for. It starts today.
I always do great the first few weeks then fizzle right out.
Having accountability is most definitely a good thing.

Lori K

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Nov 13, 2018
Yes, yes, and yes. I really never lost the post-baby weight, and gradually let things slip upwards every year after. She turns 40 this coming August!!!!! :eek: I've also been battling high blood pressure and high cholesterol, both of which are currently controlled with meds. Not happy with that, and I'm determined to make this year count. My head is in a better place than it's been in the years since my DH's passing. So this is the year! I'm determined to make it happen. It all boils down to making better choices, limiting eating out (as I can't control the ingredient list), controlling my portion size, and getting those steps in. While I walk a lot during the day, taking pup out for his "business," it's not raising the heart rate as much as is needed, nor is it burning the calories I need to burn. So, I'm making the plan and am committed to work the plan. :cool:


Well-Known Member
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Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
For me it is being accountable. I need to lose the 3 kilos that I have put on since the wedding and Christmas. We have 4 occasions in January, Australia Day and 3 birthdays. I need to come up with strategies for getting through these. I know that walking at the moment will not feature as it is hot and I cannot deal with it so I either set up the TV and do some inside walking or find another way to exercise. When I am at work it is not too bad as I can routinely walk 6,000 steps there so that helps.

*drink more water,
*meal planning
*portion control
*look at snacking
*be mindful
*keep busy
*brush teeth after meals
*self care, realise why I am doing this


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Apr 10, 2008
My first goal is to get back into the pool 2x a week, but now I need to add some strength training. My city opened a new AMAZING rec center and I want to take the time this month to learn the equipment and get more comfortable. Once I learn my way around, my focus this entire year will be to do strength training in a variety of areas, but especially my back. I need support for this neck and my hips if I'm going to go several more years without another cervical fusion.

As far as weigh loss, I need to loose the few pounds I gained over the holidays. As of this am it was about 4 pounds. So we'll see how that plays out. I realize when I eat crappy I retain water and I tend to get more constipated. A week of good eating and increased water intake should get some of that off. Then I'll move onto my next number goal. That's going to be 180 pounds. I don't know that I want to put a time frame on that just yet, but that may change. Being under 200 for the few days before Christmas felt amazing. I have a taste and now I need to keep going.

Like others, meal planning is a biggie for me. Honestly, I do so much better when I have things worked out and lunches made ahead of time. Vege prep as well. If I take the time every few days, I'll eat way more vegetables than if I do it on a daily basis.

I'll also continue with WW as my template, but I don't follow the plan 100%. BUT having the tracking app and going to weekly meetings is very, VERY helpful!!!! I can say, if you haven't checked out WW their new plan is awesome. So many people would fit crap and artifical food in and get away with it before, but now they basically reward you for your water and fresh vegetables. It's honestly what I was doing before joining and for someone who doesn't like to eat processed foods, I'm happy to see them going in a whole food direction for those just starting and figuring stuff out.

Last, but not least my mental health. Even though walking has gotten somewhat easier for me, I do have bad pain days still and it's a chore. WITH that said. If there is 1 thing I've learned in the past 5 years, it's that being outside is KEY to my mental health. Doesn't matter how cold it is (heat's another story...hahaha), but I try and get out regularly. Even if it's to walk down the block. Last week I even walked my neighborhood at night to see Christmas lights. That was such a needed boost for me. During the lockdown in 2020 my only advice for people was to GET OUTSIDE. Even if it meant sitting on your porch or front step for 15 minutes. I'll say the same thing now for anyone reading this that's struggling. If you don't get fresh air...JUST DO IT!!!

Oh..and one thing..If we are personal friends on Facebook I've not publicly told anyone I'm doing WW. I've told a few people who have asked "What are you doing", but honestly I don't tell people becuase as of right now I don't think of WW as the reason I'm here. It's been a long 6 year journey for me and WW has only been part of it since summer. I'll get there, but I've been open about sharing my path along the way, I just don't want someone to think going to WW is quick fix and it's something I'm choosing to keep to myself. In fact, my brother and husband who I live with don't even know I'm doing it. That's primarily because I'd already made so many changes, what I do choose to do is not different. I just have an app now to count my food portions. I hope that all makes sense...

I'm looking forward to having all of you along for the ride while I work at my new goal. I can still officially say I've lost 100 pounds as of this morning, I just can't say I'm under 200 still...lol.....so let the work begin!!!!


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Oct 14, 2007
South NJ
Like everyone else I feel off the healthy wagon and did a faceplant.
1. Need to drink MORE water and I mean a lot more water.
2. Need to cut out the sodas, i normally would have maybe 1 a month but with hosting over the holiday season we have had sodas in the house.
3. Plan on getting back to having an apple with pb or sliced peppers daily.
4. Restarting my morning work outs 5 days a week (m-f) and hitting the gym 2 to 3 times a week.

I am kicking all of this in gear tomorrow!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 24, 2007
Ditto here .... Hydrate better, my YouTube exercise videos 5 days a week, walking with friends more, eating better ...

I like the Mediterranean diet meals and will try to do more. Oh, and less sugar!

I was 157lbs Jan 2021. This Jan I am 170. Soooooooooooo, I got me some work. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 24, 2007
I'm watching this fun gal on belly fat ...

Did I exercise in January 2022?
3 Walked 1 mile on friend's Uncle's farm :)
5 Did 5 minute stretching with Denise Austin, Walked 1 mile with Leslie :)
6 Did 5 minute stretching with Denise Austin, Walked 1 mile with Leslie :)
7 Did 5 minute stretching with Denise Austin, Walked 1 mile with Leslie :)
8 Walked 1 mile on friend's Uncle's farm :)
10 Did 5 minute stretching with Denise Austin, Walked 1 mile with Leslie :)
11 Did 5 minute stretching with Denise Austin, Walked 1 mile with Leslie :)
12 Did 5 minute stretching with Denise Austin, Walked 1 mile with Leslie :)
13 Did 5 minute stretching with Denise Austin, Walked 1 mile with Leslie :)
14 Did 5 minute stretching with Denise Austin, Walked 1 mile with Leslie :)
15 Walked 1 mile in my neighborhood with my friend :)
17 Walked 1 mile on friend's Uncle's farm :)
18 Did 5 minute stretching with Denise Austin, Walked 1 mile with Leslie :)
19 Did 5 minute stretching with Denise Austin, Walked 1 mile with Leslie :)
20 Did 5 minute stretching with Denise Austin, Walked 1 mile with Leslie :)
21 Did 5 minute stretching with Denise Austin, Walked 1 mile with Leslie :)
24 Did 5 minute stretching with Denise Austin, Walked 1 mile with Leslie :)
25 Did 5 minute stretching with Denise Austin, Walked 1 mile with Leslie :)
27 Did 5 minute stretching with Denise Austin, Walked 1 mile with Leslie :)
31 I cleaned a house for a job for 2 hours ... that WAS my exercise! LOL :)
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Well-Known Member
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Nov 6, 2007
Southern Arizona
With my word, "Consistent" and the goal system I use,
I will be concentrating on these 3 things in regards to health and fitness through March:

* Work out- some kind of physical movement- a minimum of 30 minutes 4-5 x per week
* Eat a minimum of 3 servings of vegetables
* Drink a gallon of water a day

After March, I will add or expand these habits



Well-Known Member
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Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia


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Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
did a little stretching this morning (10 minutes), then 30 minutes of a health challenge after work and then a 40 minute walk with dh. for supper had a vegie soup.


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Oct 15, 2007
I've worked out every day so far this year. Some more than others. Today I did a shorter workout thinking that would be al;, but "a body in motion stays in motion" and I did an additional 20 minutes. Sometimes I just need to take the first step and the rest follows.

I'd be interested in a weekly review thread to re-cap how we think we did in the areas we are working on improving. Each person could choose their own categories. I might use: Exercise; Diet (healthy eating); Weight control; Mental/emotional. Would this be of interest to others? If so, I'd be glad to start it off on Sunday or Monday. Any preference?


MHH Member
Jun 30, 2020
San Diego County
I think this is a great idea......I would like join in ! ! ! My problem is carbohydrates.......I feel bloated after i eat them, and eat them out of habit.....plus if i could minimize them at least, I think I would lose weight......I cook every night using very few processed foods, buy veggie pasta, eat sweet potatoes instead of white potatoes and put honey in my coffee instead of sugar. It is my lunches I take to work I have to work on......no or less bread and give up potato chips!!!!


2022 - Simplify


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Oct 13, 2007
I love reading all of your goals! Thank you for sharing. I need to focus on mental and physical health most of all.

I have vowed to get into therapy this year. There is not one specific thing that I want to seek therapy for, more like a lifetime of things that I feel like I need to work through to be the best me, if that makes sense. I have felt this way for years but have just never taken the plunge and I feel past ready at this point to make it happen. I will be calling on Monday to schedule an appointment. I hope that this will also encourage DS to do the same.

As far as physical health, my diet is crap. My water intake is not nearly enough. I just had the pretty big surgery on my foot/ankle. I have a lot to work on here. My weight is fine, so no worries there really although personally I would like to be back down to 110-115 but i'm fine at 120. I really would like to gain muscle and be strong. A number on the scale will not define me, I just want to be strong and right now i'm very weak, surgery aside, I've been weak for a long time.

I want to work on my diet:
* more fruits and vegetables daily
* first goal is a consistent 60oz of water daily and then go up from there. My skin is literally flaking off right now from the dry winter air and lack of water in my system. It's gross. I usually take a bath nightly and I can't do that right now, so my body is 100% parched.
* eat at home and make eating out a treat and not the norm, no matter how busy we are (this is a big one with both of us working full time in separate towns, and a big struggle)

I will start physical therapy at some point when the doctor deems me ready and I plan on putting maximum effort into it. I hope that will help me get back into exercise and continue even when the PT is over. I got a bow for Christmas and honestly i'm not sure that I can even pull it back unless it's on a very light weight and that is discouraging.

Personal goals
* start journaling daily- this has always been hard for me, but I think it would be beneficial.
* read again- I love reading and i've let work and stress get in the way
* do what makes me happy- again stress from work has gotten in the way
* be in the moments with family- don't worry about work on the weekends or holidays- i've actually gotten pretty good at this. I don't bring work home anymore unless I absolutely have to, which is rare. I've drawn the line... I don't get paid enough to suffer my home life. I get done everything I can at work and leave it there. It's not worth my mental health.
* start looking for new job for next year

* start putting money in savings again
* pay off car this year
* look into investments (maybe)


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Oct 15, 2007
MrsSoup ~ For meals, do you like to use a slow cooker? I think that would be perfect, and you can do some very simple recipes in it. Add a chop salad which is very quick to fix, and you have a great meal to come home to after work. I season a whole chicken, stick it in the crock pot and cook it on low all day. I don’t add water or anything, just the seasoning salt and sometimes some dried basil. The chicken just falls off the bone so tender and moist. Then there’s plenty of chicken for several meals if it’s just the two of you. Personally, I would prefer a slow cooker to an instant pot, because, quick as an instant pot may be, I don’t feel like cooking anything at dinner time. I just want it to be ready to eat. Are you an archer? I’m impressed. You should still be able to do some weighted upper body work while your foot is healing. There’s also Pilates. What kind of work do you do? Reading is such good escape.

Well, I’m pretty pleased with myself that I’ve gotten in some form of exercise every day this year so far. Today, DH and I plan to take a walk. Hopefully it will be a brisk one. I plan to go about 3 miles.



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Nov 6, 2007
Southern Arizona
DahliaDoll- I would participate in a weekly check in.
With my word, "Consistent," this would fall in line with my goal(s).
Congrats on the daily movement!

Jess- Fabulous insights and goals.
For cooking at home- particularly during the work week, I have to have something super simple.
Chicken put in the oven, a veggie or salad. A (homemade) soup that can be heated up, or a casserole assembled that just has to be put in the oven.
If it's not simple, I'll talk myself out dinner at home and get take out.

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