38 Days - time is really flying by now!

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Winged One

Retire Member
Sep 2, 2008
Fluttering happily in the clouds!!
Good morning Christmas lovers,

What are you all at today for Christmas fun?

We have had a hectic weekend. My PIL's were here for the weekend, and announced that they were bringing SIL just as they left their house (she got the couch as we only have 2 guest beds). DH brought DD to get new shoes as she has grown out of her old ones (again!! She is sprouting fast at the moment), while I had an appointment to deal with the forest on my legs. And then I had to go into the office for an hour to finish clearing it out ( am in my new office now). Ran into the local supermarket for lunch tings and arrived home about 15 minutes after IL's (DH and DD still not there either).

DH and I disappeared in mid-afternoon. We were going to do our big "stores" grocery shop (2 hours drive away but very good value) and we got there just early enough to go into the toy store as well (they were doing a £1=€1 offer so we saved a good bit even on the few things we bought). DH bought a Godfather present, we got a jigsaw and 2 books for DD (wanted to get 1 of each, but the books were great) and a couple of characters from her favourite TV programme that she can use in her doll's house. Then we loaded up the car with food (we got some wine and beer too, but were out of space by then) and headed home again.

Yesterday I spent the morning cooking (Sunday Lunch before the IL's hit the road again and tomorrow's spaghetti sauce with a second helping for the freezer). I DID get as far as peeling and stewing the apples, but not making a crumble topping or pastry. Must do that tonight instead (IL's didn't want desert anyway as I had fed them well). The afternoon was just tidying and trying to catch up on ourselves again.

This morning I am emptying boxes and trying to find new homes for books in a much smaller office (ah BOO!!!), but I will be going out for lunch today (I figured my brain would need a rest) and as I am right next to the shopping street now, I will enjoy a wander around while I get something to eat!!


Retire Member
Oct 29, 2007
owosso michigan
I have school today (noooooo, please don't make me go) I have an afternoon class that I take pretzels to in order to stay awake not because I am hungry. So while I am in there I will dream of how much decorating I could be getting done at home. And what I WILL get done when I return. I was not able to get to cleaning in the workshop yesterday so either tonight or first thing in the morning. No trees will go up until at least after dds birthday party on Saturday. I am trying to tell myself that!

One of the priorities on my list this week is to get some cleaning done. Things like washing walls, ect.

Last night I got out the toys I have been collecting all year for toys for tots so my dds can take them to school to put in the box. They love to do that!

Have a Very Merry Monday, everyone! :skate:


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Boy - the energy is crackling on this thread this morning, thanks to ChristmasCheerSpredr and WingedOne. What a nice way to begin the week!

I did some gift wrapping yesterday. And treated myself to more wrapping paper, since it BOGO! Yesterday felt cold outside - and it is SO NICE to be inside warm and cozy!!!

It really seems as if the days are flying off our countdown to Christmas!!! Lets have some fun!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
I have alot to do today so not sure i'll get into any Christmas besides being on here. I need to work on my paper. It was due yesterday but the instructor gave us all an extension until Tuesday because he was late grading our last paper. So, I of course put it off until now. I have an OB appt this afternoon and i'm hoping he'll schedule my ultrasound for soon (i'm curious how many babies are in there, probably just 1 but ya never know). I feel awful huge already. Then tonight I have a meeting at 6 to put together favor bags for DS6's class party next week.

In between all that I really want to get into my closet and clean out my summer clothes and clothes I can't wear right now due to the growing belly. I would like to get everything bagged and labeled. I also need to start making blankets for the 3 elves that will be here in 2 short weeks!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
... have to go out at lunch... will buy Christmas decorations for the office.. and maybe try to buy a few Stocking stuffers for the kids... if I have time will look for 2 exchange gifts for the office too.

Christmassy stuff done over the weekend: Tourtière (my main meal for when the whole famile (2 sides) come over for supper), bought staples for that supper too (fruit ketchup, sweet gherkins, etc...) + some baking supplies... will probably start baking next weekend (or decorating). Bought 2 more gifts. DH put the outside christmas lights. Went over my gift closet and made a new list of gifts to buy.


Retire Member
Oct 7, 2008
Brrrr....It's cold! :frosty:

Time is starting to fly by and I find myself wishing for it to slow down a little so I can savor every moment of the holiday season. I'll have my coffee this morning and listen to more Christmas music. I hope to get around to putting my decorations on my wrap around porch today. I am going to finish my gift making supply list and also make a list of supplies to make my own stocking holders for my mantel this week.

Happy Monday Everyone!!



Super Moderator
Oct 10, 2007
Arkansas-Go Razorbacks! Whoo Pig Sooie!
I have to work late today, but I'll have a little time after seeing clients and before group therapy time so I'm planning to see if I can find some stocking stuffers. We finally drew names Saturday, so now I know who I'm buying for...makes it so much easier! LOL!

I made four banners over the weekend, but I'm only happy with one of them, so I need to tweak them and see what I can come up with. The funny thing is the one that I'm happy with is the one I liked the least in it's unassembled form. It turned out really cute.

My sister in law moved over the weekend and we ended up with her dishwasher. She didn't have a place for one in the "new" house. Mine is still working but is on it's last legs, so we'll switch that out tonight. DH also inheirted a 4 wheeler, so I may not be seeing much of him and the boys during the rest of deer season! LOL!

I need to do some tidying up around here before I leave for work. We had a busy weekend and there's plenty to do around here!!


Retire Member
Oct 29, 2007
The only Christmas fun I've had so far is reading posts on here. LoL The last four weeks have been crazy and this week doesn't look calm either.

Let's see...in the last four weeks I threw my back out so I couldn't do anything more than lay in bed or prop myself up in a padded rocking chair, had asthma/allergy problems due to weather changes (pick a season already!! lol) and trying to work AND help my church get ready for a preview service this coming Sunday.

I only have about 5 gifts wrapped and a few "in the works". One needs a box and the other needs to be made (A bracelet). Those I want shipped right after Thanksgiving.

I have my card design started, just need to finish the front and print out the saying on vellum paper. I only have to do about 15 so that won't take long. I'm glad I don't have a LONG card list! LoL

I'm going to look at it as a challenge instead of freaking out....some how I always get it done in time....LOL

Pam Spaur

Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Jul 17, 2008
Muncie, IN
Busy weekend, so didn't get much Christmas accomplished. I was hoping our oldest DGD and I could decorate, but it rained all day Saturday. I just didn't feel like dragging everything from the storage locker in the rain. Friday night, I put all the wrapping stuff away for now. My living room is about half it's size with all the gifts sitting around.

Yesterday, Sweetie and I went antiquing and flea marketing. At one flea market, there was a table with CHEAP prices on some Christmas decorations. I bought a box of 12 red glass balls for a quarter. Don't know exactly what I will do with them, but I think I may add glitter glue to them or some such thing.

The antique store: I got three throw pillow for $4.50. I will recover them later, just couldn't pass up the prices. Pillow forms on sale, even, are a little pricey sometimes. I also got some other things, including two more Boyds Bears to add to my collection. I have got to quit buying them. I'm running out of room. LOL

It is crunch time for me, now. I hope to get started sewing since I think I have everything bought for my gifts to be. :0) I got some other things at the antique mall, too. It was nice to get out and do something fun.

Enjoy your day, Everyone!!


Retire Member
Nov 10, 2008
Massachusetts, USA
I got our family's photo Christmas cards back from the photo place so I'm going to start addressing/stamping them this week. I collected all the gifts we've got so far and put them in one place, and dug out the wrapping paper, so I need to get going on that. Also had a talk with DH about our holiday budget this year! We blew the budget last year so and I'm determined to not let that happen again! He likes to shop for the kids, but I think he's on board with me on this one.

That's about it. I'm hosting Thanksgiving dinner next week (family friends coming over) so I'm focused on that right now. Got to get our dining room cleaned out for that - help! :)


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 18, 2007
My Happy Place
I am going to get the kids to write out their Christmas cards this afternoon and then all the cards are done and ready to be mailed. One more thing to check off the list!!

Have a great day,

:skate: Melanie


Active Member
Premiere Member
Oct 18, 2007
Sebastian, FL
I can't believe we're only 38 days away! This week I want to finish making my cards, only making about 25 this year (all others are getting store bought) and I have 11 or 12 finished. I want them done by this weekend so I don't have to worry about them during Thanksgiving week.

I want to run out one day this week and pick up a few more stocking stuffers for DD. I also have 2 more things to order for her online and want to get that done either today or tomorrow. After that I don't have too many gifts left to buy. Just 2 gift cards, something for my mom and a few things for DDs dad, she still has to get a few ideas from him.

My one SIL asked if it was ok not to exchange this year, and I asked my best friend (the only friend I buy for) if it was ok not exchanging, so that's 3 less gifts I have to buy. I also am not working right now, so no office gifts (usually around 6) and no bosses gifts (2). That's all so much easier on my budget this year!

DD has her cards all written out and she has started making gift tags, so she is doing well also. She is making cookies for all of her friends and putting them in Christmas take-out boxes.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
Southern Illinois
Good Morning!

It is the first day of my 2 week vacation (sorry to repeat that BUT...). I have put groceries away from yesterday, did 2 loads, showered and thought I would check this site before moving on. Hopefully I can stay off of it some and get some things done.

This a.m. on HGTV Craft Lab. It is on at 5:30-6 here they were making an envelope from ribbon for a CD or gift card. Would like to look up the directions as I got in half way thru but it looked neat.

I am now going to go work on crafts.

Yesterday while shopping with DD for groceries and trying to finish up other peoples gifts I got ideals for DD. She loves penguins and B&B Works has a cute Penguin cookie jar that she loved. It is $25 and coupons are out for over $30 $10 off. So will see. Some DVDs (musicals that I never knew she liked) and a book (dealing with sign language for reference if she needs it). That is what her degree is in and it is her first year doing it. She helps a freshman.

Hope you all enjoy your Christmas time today! DD put her tree up last night. We won't decorate till probably next week. It is deer season this Fri.-Sun. so everybody comes here and I cook.

Cathymac, the guys will be in heaven with the 4-wheeler.

Pam, that is a great deal with the pillows. I looked at forms for Christmas and ended up getting the traveling size. Now I think I will do those for next year. My sister and her friend saw mom and I at the store and the friend asked what are they all for and my sister told her, that at this time of year with those 2 don't ask questions. So think I will do for next year.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
I totally blew my budget this year. I don't really need to budget but I do anyway, just to try to keep it sane. However, I just ordered toy boxes for both kids so that threw me over. I was over anyway, but that really threw me over....I just couldn't help myself and they really need them. Oh well, we can afford it thankfully. I have a very clear vision of how I want their rooms when we move...clean and clutter free and functional. So the toy boxes will really help with that and take up less space than having several smaller bins scattered everywhere.

I warned DS6 that next year wouldn't be so extravagant, it would definitely be smaller with an added child to the family. He didn't seem to care too much. He gets so much from family members and his biological dad that I really shouldn't worry, but I like them to be happy Christmas morning at our house with lots of stuff to open.

Anyway, I used site to store shipping so no shipping fees on the order, which was very nice. Now I just have to wait for them to come in. I'm expecting two gifts in the mail tomorrow for my stepdad and DD2. Then i'll just have to wait on those toy boxes. It feels so great to be finished so early. I can do my baking and listen to my Christmas music without the added stress of still having to find time to shop. Bliss!!


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
MrsSoup -- you should feel great for being finished shopping! You should celebrate and enjoy! Whats more -- you are a GREAT inspiration for all your friends here at MHH! So keep posting! And we'll all keep chugging along! (It's fun to be here, isn't it!)

Little Elf

Retire Member
Oct 13, 2007
Alberta, Canada
Let's see...this past weekend I was able to get a few things done with the help of my dh. We moved the furniture around so we have a place to put the tree and rented a carpet cleaner and got that done. (the carpet really needed a good cleaning) Also got a few Christmas decorations and a new tree skirt.
My dh found a decent elf to replace the old one for my son as well. I was glad about that but now I have to think up a new name. LOL! Today though I am hoping to wrap a few gifts as dh picked up some tape, bows and tags.


Retire Member
Aug 18, 2008
Man, everybody is so busy ! Lots of Christmassy and other things being done.

Our house looks very much like Christmas, as all our decorations are up. We got that done over the weekend. The next time DH will be home is mid December, so we did it early. It really looked great this morning with the SNOW coming down outside ! We've gotten about an inch on the ground and it's still coming down. It looks like a snow globe out there.

I'm just cleaning up the boxes, and going through some things we stashed. Hoping to stay in today and getting lots done.


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Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In the process of cleaning out my bedroom and closets, I found a forgotten about Christmas tub with a very old Santa and a very old Mrs. Clause figurine that both are automated I think. We found them last year in my grandma's attic. Also a box of assorted ornaments and decorations and such. All in one green tub in my little unused closet.

Also my DD2's Dance and Twirl Palace arrived today via UPS, so only one more thing by mail and I don't have to wait for packages anymore. Woohoo! Now i'm taking a much needed break from all that work and then I need to start on my paper.


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Nursemomtothree -- it is so WONDERFUL! that your family had this weekend together -- with your husband and your good family friends! It is delightful that you decorated the house for Christmas while your husband was there! You are holding things together beautifully for everyone! I am proud that you are a member of this MHH family, and proud that I know you.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
Well, no shopping today at noon... I had a union meeting and I might be working a little later today... so no christmas for me today.. apart from here...