Anybody else awaken by the earthquake

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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
Southern Illinois
I woke up this a.m. to an earthquke. At first thought it was a storm but realized it wasn't. The alarm would of been going off in about 5 minutes anyhow. It was about 5:40. It was a 5. So then I have baked the chocolate chewy peanut butter cookies that is in the Kraft magazine that I got last night. Fast recipe! I haven't tried them (that diet thingy sure takes alot of fun out of stuff!!!), so will let the co-workers be the guinea pigs. They love it!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
You're in Illinois and you had an earthquake this morning???? Maybe i'm too far South in Missouri, but I didn't feel anything and I was awake. Wow.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
Well, that's too far from us but I 5 would have woken me up too. (we had one about 6 in 1988 and I still remember it...phew! it gets you nervous for some time after).


Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
In front of my computer
Way back in the late 60s, my high school girl friend said she was washing the morning dishes after a late night wild party. She thought she really had a huge hangover because she could feel the earth move. Turned out it was an earthquake and not her hangover. (update, heard on the news it was in 1968 when the last quake was as large as todays)

Hope everyone in the quake zone is ok. tfs


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
I did some research on this because it interests me. LOL Anyway, the epicenter was located in southern Illinois. Reports have been coming in from Kansas City, St. Louis, Des Moines, places in Wisconsin, all over the place. Luckily no injuries are being reported. I'll have to ask my dad if he felt it, he lives farther north than we do.

Here's a link about it: ... ing-e.html


Retire Member
Oct 25, 2007
I am in Northern KY and it woke me up- I was trying to figure out what it was and my husband said it was "just the wind"- I said "I don't think so" and then it stopped so I did not think anymore of it until I later found out- I pray for everyone.


MHH Member
Nov 3, 2007
Southwest Ohio
Oh yes, I felt it too! My alarm had just gone off and I was lying in bed willing myself up when I thought DH was sitting on the other side putting his socks on or something becasue the bed started shaking slightly. But it wouldn't stop. I rolled over to tell him to knock it off and no one was there! DH came in and asked me what was going on. He had just gone outside with the dog, hadn't felt anything, but HEARD the house moving - a kind of popping sound - weird. There was an aftershock a little after 11 this morning also.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Jan 1, 2008
I was in the restroom didn't feel it. But my daughter and granddaughter started to yell we just had a earthquake.

We all slept through the aftershock. Think they said it was centered around Salem ILL.


Super Moderator
Oct 10, 2007
Arkansas-Go Razorbacks! Whoo Pig Sooie!
I didn't feel anything, but the quake was supposed to be part of the New Madrid fault, which runs through part of north Arkansas. We're central Arkansas, so we didn't get any movement. The news was all about it though! Glad everyone is ok.


Retire Member
Jan 1, 2008
I live in KC - but was sound asleep. Didn't know a thing until I heard the news. My friend said her neighbors were up and felt it.


MHH Member
Aug 16, 2008
Hope you guys won't mind that I brought this back to the top . :-D

When this earthquake hit I was in Indiana taking care of my dad who had knee surgery.My step mom had already made plans to go on a 2 week trip to Hawaii before they knew that he had to have surgery .He was able to get around pretty good,but I just wanted to be there just in case ,especially since he's in his 70's.

Of course I was in bed as it was 5:00AM or there abouts (sleeping in my old room that I slept in until I moved away from home at 21) I'm a light sleeper,so the bed shaking woke me up with a start and by the time I took a few steps to the bedroom door ,the room shook again. I went down the stair's so fast that I don't even recall going down them. My dad has always been an early riser and was in the kitchen watching tv . I said with terror in my voice"Daddy theres something going on! I think there was just an earthquake!" He said that he didn't feel anything and that I must of been dreaming.I started back towards the stair's when I heard dad say that they just told on the news that there had indeed been an earthquake .

My dad lives in Albany and is 4 hour's 12 minutes and 243.48 miles from Mt Carmel,IL where the epicenter of the quake was.

This is the first time that I've experienced an earthquake in Indiana since the mid to late 70's


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 22, 2007
South Bend, IN
Well it just goes to show I shouldn't yell at my dogs when they bark in the wee hours of the morning!

They went nuts - all three barking/howling - I don't remember exactly what time - but I'm sure that is what is was caused by now! We are in northern Indiana - so maybe not - but it would fit. They never do that kind of thing unless something very different is going on.


Dummy me, I took 2 sleeping pills last night to get to sleep early to get up early and was so groggy I just yelled at the poor things and went back to sleep! :thud:


Retire Member
Jun 22, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
I remember when Illinois had that earthquake, it was on our Los Angeles news too. Good thing it was early in the morning. Last month we had a 5.4 just after 11:30 am and we had just gathered about 225 first through sixth graders in our 1951 church sanctuary for the closing minutes of VBS. They were really scared and many of them dove under their chairs and a few were crying and a spotlight in the balcony had fallen over with a crash, but once it stopped the more earthquake-experienced adults were able to calm them down after a short prayer and we just continued with VBS. When I got home and turned on the news to check the magnitue and epicenter (5.4 and 30 miles away) they were showing how the schools that are year-round had evacuated. So much for our church spending all that time planning evacuation proceedures and then practicing once a year during the services. :slap:


Retire Member
Oct 16, 2007
Earthquakes are so scary! One of my most scary moments ever was after the San Francisco Bay area 6.9 earthquake. My family lives in the bay area, but I was in college 8 hours away in one of my classes about to take a test. I had no idea there was an earthquake until I heard people talking about it. During the 20 minutes it took for me to get to my apartment all I heard on the radio was how there were fires everywhere from the broken gas lines, a section of the bridge collapesed and another freeway had fallen onto another section of freeway crushing and trapping people. I was in such a panic. It was before everyone had cell phones, but even when I could get home to call, I wasn't able to get through for hours. Apparently calls weren't able to get through into the bay area, but they were able to call out. Boy did I give my parents an earful for not letting me know there were ok (after the relief of course).
It's a good reminder though for us all to be prepared. Maybe do an inventory and take pictures for insurance purposes now that we are about to start the cleaning plans.