Anyone doing the HGP this year?

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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 22, 2007
South Bend, IN

Or am the only one? :-(

I know alot of folks are going to do the Houseworks Plan this year.

Just curious! :grin:

I am really pleased with the way the weeks will work out for me this year!

I like starting with the Front Porch because it makes me feel like I'm starting at the very beginning. And to be honest, we never use or front porch or go out there, so I'm not dealing with clutter that has reaccumulated by the time Christmas rolls around.

In fact, Front Porch week (Aug 31st) will be the perfect time to get things cleaned up and put out the outside Fall decorations I want to do this year.

I've subbed out some of the rooms in my home that I have for those I don't that are on the plan.

By the time we get to Attic Week (Nov 16th) I am ready to start "staging" the Christmas decorations I want to put up first. I'll use that week to pull them down from the attic and have them sitting in the spare room for easy access. I'll also take time that week to deep clean the hallyway the attic door drops down into.

Dining Room Week (Nov 23rd) is towards the end of the plan, which is nice for me since it's one of the easiest rooms in the house for me. By that time I will be full Christmas decorating mode and not wanting to spend a huge amount of time deep cleaning.

So I'm hopefull that things will go smoothly for me with the HGP this year...but LIFE always rears its head :slap: , so we will see... :haha:

So if anyone wants to chat about HGP specific types of things, I'm all ears.

Otherwise, I will probably just piggyback onto the HHP discussions where I can.



New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Auntjamelle -- are you drinking some of those high-caffine energy drinks? How come you have this energy - and are looking forward to work? Whatever happened to just trying to survive August?

I believe I WILL be doing the HGP with you this year! It is a great plan. And I am so glad that you are already making allowances for life getting in the way! It ALWAYS seems to. But we will be cheering each other on here at MHH! Thank you for starting this thread (and please pass the energy drink! I desperately need some!)


MHH Member
Oct 15, 2007
I don't know what plan I am going to follow. I think I am going to try a little of all of them. Maybe I will do some of all of them. I just hope I am better organized than last year.

:package: :package: :package:


Retire Member
Nov 11, 2007
I plan on doing the HGP this year. Last year was the first year I hadn't done it in several years, and I ended up in the hospital 2 weeks before Christmas and worried about getting everything done while I was sick.


Retire Member
Oct 13, 2007
I am definitely doing the HGP. In fact, I started already because I have way too big of a house to do it in the traditional number of weeks. So I added on six weeks to the beginning. I really need to finish it, too. We've done so much to the house this year that it was in constant upheavel from contractors and moving things around for them. I need the plan just to get the house in order. You wouldn't believe the amount of furniture where it's not to be, carpet waiting to lay, and general clutter.
YIPPY!! jackfrosty said there was a whole forum for HGP and wow I am so excited. I am very much a SHE and well I did HGP last year and was very please so am looking forward to it this year. I am sad that I didn't get my advent calendar done last year but hey i was dealing with a Grandma in the hospital and other illnesses. So I hope this year is when I get to refinish the calendars.

I am so there for August 31st!!!!!! and I love doing it in the order they have too!!!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 19, 2007
You can count me in for HGP.

I will not be doing the housecleaning part though. There will be plenty for me to do holiday wise.

I already have the weeks printed off (to do lists) and put them in my winter notebook. I need to go back and make sure I have the necessary notes in my calendars though. I am trying to get my mom to join me.... she is dragging her feet.

My parents have decided to come to my home for Christmas... I have lots more menus to work out (a weeks worth) and a guest accommodations to prepare.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
Southern Illinois
I just printed off the HGP. Did a couple of the checklist and list but I write to big for the lines so will do my own on the computer or paper. HHP doesn't look bad will compare. Try one this year and see where it goes!


Santa's Elves
I've only done the countdown in the past-but I'm hoping to try this out!
Lana wrote-
Did a couple of the checklist and list but I write to big for the lines so will do my own on the computer or paper
I find that, too. I''l probably still print them to have a reference in front of me when I'm doing my lists, etc.
We have a porch, which is more like a mudroom/laundry room, but we don't have a front porch-and our cement step in the front is in disrepair. I must see if it is in the budget to put on a step and railing, at least.


MHH Member
Oct 22, 2007
I think I'll give this a try this year. Didn't really have a chance to try either last year. I should be done getting all settled in and ready for some deep cleaning. Plus, we're supposed to be moving again (soon I hope) and the deep cleaning will help get the house ready for inspection. So, I printed out the weeks yesterday and will print out the to-dos this week and incorporate them in my calendar daily to-do pages.


Premiere Member
Dec 27, 2007
Austria - Europe
I think I will do parts of HGP and parts of HHP. As I will miss two weeks in September due to a holiday, I have to adapt these plans anyway.
Furthermore, I don't have so much space to clean and declutter so I can also simplify these plans a little bit.

chilli :flower:


Retire Member
Oct 14, 2007
Fallsington, Pa
Yes I will be doing the HGP this year-in fact I have cheated a little and already did the living room and most of the kitchen-I have been working on getting rid of all the paper clutter I have from printing everything-I have deleted all my groups except the HGP-Organized Christmas and Holiday Magic-I was spending too much time on the computer and really not enjoying life because I was so overwhelmed-these groups I have kept are the ones I really enjoy and they give me lots of ideas for every thing I need to make my life enjoyable. WOMAN

:bigsnow: :bigsnow: :bigsnow:

I'm a believer

MHH Member
Oct 14, 2007
I am quite motivated to do it this year, last was a disaster for me and although I made sure my two girls had a wonderful time it just didn't feel right. Too much left to the last minute...
I found that if something was already done that was on the list for that week I chose to do make food to freeze the freezer. My kids were enjoying my cookies for months!!!

also i'd like to ask.... I also frequent the shesintouch boards and we did HGP last year as well over there. Every week I would Copy and Paste (for those that didn't have time to go to the site but wanted to check in with the shes board) and put it into the thread with some color and different fonts to make it seem fun for them can we do that here as well?

The girls over at the shes board can't wait to start either. Not as many as I thought would come but usually it takes a few weeks into it for them to start getting motivated! But leave it to us Magical Holiday girls to want to start a few weeks before we should LOL.



MHH Member
Feb 26, 2008
Wow how the time flies!!!!
Will be doing HGP this here. Since I was on vacation I had decided to do some deep cleaning, so I have already started. Lucky me. The closer the holidays get, it seems that the shorter the time is to get things done. Will be using the concept to get things done.

Thanks again for the reminder. :bigsnow:


MHH Member
Nov 3, 2007
Southwest Ohio
I'll be following along too. Can't wait! :pink: Over the years I've kind of developed my own version that is a combination of the two plans adapted to fit my house and life, so I won't be following exactly, but I'll definitely be keeping track here!


Santa's Elves
Oct 13, 2007
West Midlands, UK.
momof4 said:
I'll be following along too. Can't wait! :pink: Over the years I've kind of developed my own version that is a combination of the two plans adapted to fit my house and life, so I won't be following exactly, but I'll definitely be keeping track here!

I'm with you Momof4, I did the HGP last year and must admit did really well with it. But this year I have written my own, it's a combination of HGP and HHP with some of my own things thrown in to suit my home and lifestyle. So I'll be keeping track too!