Anyone doing the HGP this year?

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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 22, 2007
South Bend, IN
Wow! I love that I got so many replies! And here I was worried about being the only one doing HGP!


And yes, SparkleNana - I do drink highly caffenated drinks almost daily (Starbucks is my secret vice) - how did you know???


It's also fun to see that some have already started on HGP type tasks - I've been thinking about getting a head start too.

But I've confined myself to trying to finish up more "spruce up" types of tasks. You know, repainting trim or touching up the paint on doors/walls where it has been nicked.

I'm planning to tackle cupboard/cabinet reorganization here and there during the month of August.

So if for example, I empty out and reorganize the contents of the laundry room cupboard this week as I plan to - when I get to the week I've designated for that area I will have less of a hassle in front of me. I can focus on deep cleaning and it will take me less time to finish.

That is my theory anyway! :grin:

Does anyone want to talk about organizing the posting of the weekly threads once the HGP starts?

I'm willing to do it but I am unable to get online on Sat/Sun so I would have to post the thread the Friday evening before. If no one minds that, I am game.

But I will to defer to others if they would rather take on the task - or we can have a primary person and backups in case someone gets sick, kidnapped by aliens, etc. :haha:

And it sounds like we might have some links to the other board where HGP is also done...

Throw some thoughts out there if you can!
Sticking my tongue out at ya cuz even though I have everything printed from last year I am only working on annual party stuff right now....... Stomping foot, because I feel I am behind a bit. LOL


Super Moderator
Oct 10, 2007
Arkansas-Go Razorbacks! Whoo Pig Sooie!
After reviewing both plans and my house, I've decided to do the HGP this year again. After a couple of years of hit and miss doing my own plan I decided on the HGP for a few reasons:

1. Although most of my house has been deep cleaned, reorganized and redecorated over the summer (I've been BUSY!), I need to do a few little things that I might not get to on my own..example-the storage shed out back. It's bursting at the seams, needs a big overhaul, plus we want to move it, so it has to be emptied...might as well get rid of a bunch of stuff at the same time. Added bonus-I know that there's some Christmas stuff in the back that I haven't seen in about 8 years..might be something good in there! Plus, DH will help me! And, because we don't have a garage or attic, we have two weeks to get it done! Yay!

2. I need more time to get holiday prep done than the CC allows...I will incorporate the CC, but if I start really focusing in August, even the CC is a snap! Christmas in July helped tremendously, and I really plan to ENJOY THE FALL this year, so I want to space out all the busy stuff, to allow a little Christmas and a little fall activity every day. CiJ proved to me that just a little work every day reaps big rewards!

3. Ya'll are just a really fun bunch to hang out with!That's why I'm doing the HGP!!


Santa's Elves
Oct 11, 2007
Baltimore, Maryland
After much consideration and the fact that my place has not been kept up during the summer months, I will be doing HGP. My place is in desperate need of deep cleaning (carpets, windows, bathroom tile). For the last two years I have done HHP but then my place wasn't as neglected has it's been. LOL Then I will incorporate the CC when it starts.


Active Member
Premiere Member
Oct 18, 2007
Sebastian, FL
I've been giving this so much thought and have decided that I will be following the HGP and then jump in on the CC when that starts. I'm going to set up a HGP notebook this time, never did that before. Maybe that's why I couldn't finish it, I didn't have what I needed in front of me.
Great for you!!! I printed all the printouts from Melinda Whitehead's site and her printables. It was great!!! But she doesn't keep up with it and her forum that she had started she never kept up with. I tried finding out where she went but no one ever knew. Very sad that she didn't continue with the nice work she did. But her printables are stillup on her site, i know that there are other printables as well for this but that is where I got mine from.

It's called Holiday Countdown Notebooks


Premiere Member
Oct 24, 2007
I'm doing the HGP and will jump to the CC when it starts. I have done it this way for a couple of years now and it works well for me.
I will be moving sometime (not sure if it will be before or after Christmas) we are traveling back and forth between 2 places and spend a couple weeks here and a couple of weeks there. It will be dificult but I will try to work at both houses that way I will accomplish double duty.


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
AuntJamelle -- I would love love love to duiscuss the HGP on weekly threads. I don't care if they start on Friday -- the head start is an organizing bonus! :package:


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Dreamto -- I may also be travelling between two places. I am sure there are lots of complications that our MMH family will have during HGP. Illnesses, family emergencies, huge overloads at work, volunteer projects, etc. etc. We are quite the flexible group. And I feel that we encourage each other -- rather than competing. (Competing is not the spirit here at all! In fact, we are all quite lovely. We HAVE been called adorable.)


Retire Member
Aug 17, 2008
I'd like to join in this year, too. I've started the HGP and the HHP several times, following along and getting good ideas from everyone but never posting. Like many others, I've found the plans to be helpful in getting ready for the holidays, even when I don't completely finish it all. Maybe this is the year!!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 22, 2007
South Bend, IN
I'm getting more excited every day!

Unless anyone else has their heart set on it, I will plan on starting to post the weekly HGP topic threads on Friday, August 29th.

I can't wait! :grin:


Retire Member
Aug 18, 2008
I've tried all three plans in previous years. CC isn't enough time, and HHP was too overwhelming. So, I'll be joining you in the HGP this year. We just recently put our house on the market, so decluttering was already done. I hope HGP will help get me ready for the holidays and keep my home looking good for showings.

DH is working in Tampa and the kids and I are in Ohio until our home sells. It could be a depressing year if we're not together leading up to Christmas. We'll visit family in TN for Thanksgiving and Christmas, but I'll still do a "holiday" meal for our DH and kids when he's in one weekend ( he gets to come home twice a month)

AuntJamelle, I look forward to your HGP weekly topics to be posted early on Fridays - Thanks for volunteering.


Retire Member
Oct 13, 2007
Vancouver, B.C. (Canada)
[quote="mamabear"]Great for you!!! I printed all the printouts from Melinda Whitehead's site and her printables. It was great!!! But she doesn't keep up with it and her forum that she had started she never kept up with. I tried finding out where she went but no one ever knew. Very sad that she didn't continue with the nice work she did. But her printables are stillup on her site, i know that there are other printables as well for this but that is where I got mine from.

Apparently Melinda has had some health problems, but she is now back with us. Thank goodness.

Am gearing up for HGP - am currently updating my holiday planning binder and I've picked up cleaning supplies as well.


Retire Member
Oct 15, 2007
I'm definitely doing the HGP! I did it a few years ago and it worked out great. Of course, I'll tweak it so it fits our lives. I'm so looking forward to getting my house in order.

AuntJamelle, I'll be watching for your posts. Thanks so much for taking this on.


Retire Member
Oct 15, 2007
I'm definitely doing the HGP! I did it a few years ago and it worked out great. Of course, I'll tweak it so it fits our lives. I'm so looking forward to getting my house in order.

AuntJamelle, I'll be watching for your posts. Thanks so much for taking this on.