CC 2013 - Get Cooking Week!

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Oct 22, 2007
South Bend, IN
Sick the first few days of this week and running behind. Ugh!!!

[ ] Christmas Cards - No joy here yet! I've ordered a cute elf hat for DS to wear in holiday photo and it should be here by Friday. That gives me the weekend to get the photo taken and cards ordered. Nothing like cutting it close. :(

[/] Gifts to Make - Finally started working on crafts again last night, made decent progress on ornament I am making for DMIL. My goal for the week is to finish it and then finish wooden peg dolls I started to go with castle set for DS.

After that I'll need to decide if I have time to do any other crafts this year.

[ ] Pantry Inventory - Got the pantry mostly cleaned out and in better shape. Still need to go through and inventory though.

[X] Spice Check - Here's a silver lining! Having replaced all my spices after the house fire I can safely say none of them are expired and all should be fresh! lol

[X] Holiday Baking Planning - I plan to make 2 types of cookies this year. Beyond that I don't think I will do anything else. Too cramped in apartment, too crazy with everything else going on.

[X] Freezer Clean Out/Inventory - Tiny apartment freezer over fridge is as cleaned out as it is going to get. Ha! BUT - DMIL and I just filled her deep freeze with a bunch of meat from the local butcher. There is still plenty of room left and she has generously invited me to use it as needed.

[X] Fridge Clean Out - Done. I do this out of necessity almost every week. The apartment fridge is so tiny and hard to organize we wouldn't survive otherwise.

[X] Thanksgiving Recipes - I'm in charge of bringing the mashed potatoes next week. Anything other than that is because I have a whim. Recipe for PW Mashed Potatoes is online, but will print for easy access.

[X] Freezer Cooking Session - Does making another batch of breakfast burritos for the freezer count?

[X] Black Friday Sale Planning - All over this! Still need to review lists with DH and plan our priorities. We've booked a sitter for later in the evening on Thanksgiving - about the time DS goes down for night anyway - so DH and I can do some shopping.

Need to do some more planning/thinking about online shopping as well. We still need to replace the deep freeze we lost and I'm hoping to snag a BF deal.

[/] Christmas Gift Buying - I've picked up a couple more stocking stuffers here and there. Need to discuss some gift ideas for DH's family with him. Also need to decide on and order certain gifts I have planned for DH.

[/] Stock up on non-perishable pantry staples - Have stocked up on brown sugar, butter and cream cheese.

Butter was $1.69 a lb at Aldi last week so I got 6! Long shelf life in fridge or I can throw them in DMIL's freezer too. Cream cheese was $0.89 a package and the exp date isn't until April so I'll definitely have time to use them this holiday season!

Plan to get more flour, white sugar, etc. when I go shopping at the end of this week. As well as a few other things, cocoa, etc. that I'll need.

OH - and DMIL and I decided to get the 50 POUND bag of potatoes from local shop - only $8! We'll use what we can over holidays and she plans to can the rest. :)
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