Christmas 2009 in Review...

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Oct 13, 2007
I actually re-wrote my answers to these questions in a Word document. I'm sure i'm missing some things but i'll realize them later. Anyway, here's my new answers.

What worked well?
• I didn’t use all my décor this year and it still looked nice.
• We only did 3 joint Santa gifts and they were all board games the kids wanted.
• I made 2 homemade gifts and they were well received.
• We stayed home and didn’t travel. It was nice not having to pack and unpack and haul all the kids around.
• I got several decorations items made by the kids at their schools.

What didn’t work so well?
• I didn’t plan out the elf activities so everything was spur of the moment which turned out to be a real pain. I had a few gifts for them to leave but no dates for them to leave the presents.
• Christmas Day meal turned out awful. I was sick and all the food didn’t come out well. Maybe move big meal to Christmas Eve night instead of the next day. Or make more food ahead of time so all that has to be done is turkey on the day of the meal.
• I forgot to mark the presents that I wrapped off on a list so I knew what was wrapped and what wasn’t. I also forgot to check for battery needs.
• I didn’t plan ahead to save money for gifts.
• We never drove around and looked at the lights. Would like to do that next year.
• I didn’t stock up on baking necessities early and ended up buying them when we were crunched for money already.

What would you do differently next year?
• Start saving money in January for Christmas presents. Plan to save $100 a month Jan. – Oct.
• Plan elf activities in great detail.
• Make more homemade gifts.
• Get Christmas cards out earlier with holiday stamps.
• Buy baking supplies early.
• Reevaluate the importance of lots of gifts. Focus more on needed items and realize that money does not equal happiness. Toys are easily and quickly forgotten but memories last forever.
• I would like to do more homemade decorations like paper chains and snowflakes, things like that.
• Mom suggested them just doing stockings for the kids and adults.
• I want to think about doing a 12 days of Christmas.
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Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
What worked well?
Not many last minute gifts
Decorating early was great
Homemade gifts made before November
Kids had great gifts this year.
Internet shopping was a great help.

What didn't work so well?
Not much baking accomplished this year
and as Masslass said 'The fridge and freezer were overfilled before the holidays began'
Posted Christmas cards too late

What would you do differently next year?
Stockings have to be bought & wrapped before nov. 15.
Elf gifts have to be bought before nov. 15.
Need to know my NY's eve menu before beginning of december... not just decide the 29th!!
I want to make christmas curtains! and no more new decorating... what I have is nice and enough.
Mom & me want to make christmas stockings for adults... no more gift-exchange between siblings (less $$).

More baking, decorating, parties, etc.? Less?
More baking, decorating is ok, parties was ok... but I wish I could change NY's eve to only the evening buffet.... no hot - sit down supper before. This is my downfall... I get too tired.


Santa's Elves
Premiere Member
What worked well? Following HHP and being organized, so that when I started a new job 8 days before Christmas I was not panicking at all. Making a lot of homemade gifts. Following the budget that we set.

What didn't work so well? I did too much baking. I forgot that MIL gives everyone chocolates at Christmas, so I bought lots of goodies for stockings and now we are drowning in candy and chocolate.

What would you do differently next year? Wrap as I buy, less baking, making more homemade gifts.

One of the little old ladies I do at the retirement community always gets a ton of chocolates for Christmas (I mean pounds of it) from her freinds around the world. So in Janurary she has a Chocolate party for the residents to get rid of it All; and they all have a blast. Maybe you could get in some of your neighbors to enjoy some treats?
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Winged One

Retire Member
Sep 2, 2008
Fluttering happily in the clouds!!
I will come back to report properly when I have time, but the HGP really helped to keep me on track, although there were still things needing doing on Christmas Day.

Overall, not bad, a few things need more attention, and there are definintely things to pay attention to earlier next year.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 24, 2007
All in All it Was Nice!

What worked well?
* Used my Christmas Notebook!
*Photo cards from Snapfish ordered and addressed in 5 batches and sent out on time. But it was $$.
*Didn't put up lights outside. I had a pathetic display anyway. I went to Dollar Store, got garland and red ribbons for the front of the house and it was great! No extra electricity bill!
*Visited grandparents the week end before Christmas (3 hours south of us) and did our Christmas together. Also had my brother and his wife there and my half-sis!
*Put together two Christmas Shoe Boxes for Operation Christmas Child and did a field trip tour of the the packing site here in town.
*Our homeschooling group did a "Swap". This idea was a friend's and she thought if we all brought the items around our house we don't need, especially old toys, and dropped them off at church (a room we asked for the use of for three days), then while you were there, you could "shop" (for free) and pick up things you could use as gifts. Like siblings could "shop" for each other!!

What didn't work so well?
*Decorated later than the day after Thanksgiving. Oops!
*Missed getting out to see the live nativity up the street and the free concert up the road. Wanted to do some more light looking.
*I wished we could have focused more on "others". We did do some for a family in need. But always wish it could be more.

What would you do differently next year?
*Decorate for Christmas on Black Friday! (I usuall do, just got late this year)
*Buy cheaper Cards and insert a re-print of family photo!
*Make a gingerbread house with my DS6 (who will be 7 next year!) Sound fun!
Wrap gifts as I buy them. Already got the on sale paper at Walmart!!!
*Make more gifts!

More baking, decorating, parties, etc.? Less?
*More cut out cookies. Did a few, but they were missed.
*Some more Christmasy activities.
*Some sort of Christmas party would be nice.


Retire Member
Oct 14, 2007
Western North Carolina
Great questions, sort of been pondering them in my head for the past few days, will try to sort them out now:

What worked: Letting my 10 year old daughter haul out the decorations, and "help"..had to do some re-arranging and overlooking, but it went a long way to getting it all out, since she did alot of it while I was working the week-end after Thanksgiving..also doing a few cards at a time, here and there seemed to work better this year..

What didn't work: WHEN oh WHEN will I learn to wrap presents as I get them, WHY am I wrapping presents on Christmas eve?? Also, I am doing some different baking next year..maybe a quick bread for people I usually give baked goods to...the cookie baking was nice, but seemed kind of exhausting on top of everything else..

Doing different next year: less baking and more wrapping LOL, oh and more time here, I haven't been here as much as I would like the past few months..


Santa's Elves
What worked well?

Christmas worked great for the most part - just enough us time, family time, God time, friends time. We stuck to our guns for the needs of our family of 4 and I'm thankful.

What didn't work so well?

We had more travelling than we wanted this year. We originally opted out of one family event for this reason, but after a death in the family and some resulting drama, ended up going for the day Christmas day. We had a plan for our family of 4 this Christmas and I would have been happy to go ahead with it, but I felt like I needed to make a concession to be near my Mom. It wasn't what they wanted (they wanted a 3 day commitment), but I feel like we made the best decision that considered all of us. And we still got our Christmas eve at home with friends - that was the one aspect I was not willing to sacrifice.

What would you do differently next year?

No travelling next year - with 6 trips in '09, We're staying put and sticking to it in 2010. :)

More baking, decorating, parties, etc.? Less?

I had this aspect just right this year - just enough. I'm thankful for that balance.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 19, 2007
This Christmas was pretty insane. I was not prepared and I didn't have the Christmas spirit. I decorated the house but was not pleased at how it turned out. I scrambled to finish up gifts at the last minute. Not fun.

I think next year we are going to have different priorities. I think next year I am going to buy my dinner and relax a bit more. I am going to insist on no extended family-- it just stressed me out. I know Christmas is suppose to be about family but I think we are going to stick with only the immediate family. Hopefully less stress.

The plus side of this years Christmas-- we had white Christmas.

Winged One

Retire Member
Sep 2, 2008
Fluttering happily in the clouds!!
What worked well?

Hmmm, well, I was reasonably well prepared and had managed enough time for crafting certain presents in advance. I had the planning done, so there was not a lot of rushing around and stressing about things that HAD to get done. This was partly that I got things done in advance, and partly that both DH and I made a concious decision that we'd do things the "easy" way this year. So we bought whatever looked good on the 23rd (which happened to be a turkey crown) and decided not to have a starter (as we had plenty in main and desert and would be travelling next day). And we seemed to get presents that were appreciated by all - especially DD.

What didn't work so well?

Leaving a few troublesome cards until late to get addresses. Forgetting to schedule some "me time" and rest periods. And never really getting into the spirit of the season ourselves (DH and I) - too much uncertainty and stress around, and a distinct lack of festive spirit (not alcoholic, just festive gatherings) in our circle). Over-spent on gifts slightly - although we still stayed within what I had saved, I had expected to spend a bit less overall.

What would you do differently next year?

Make sure to schedule "ME TIME" appointments in advance, and general periods for rest and relaxation. Arrange a few gatherings of friends for lunches well in advance.

More baking, decorating, parties, etc.? Less?

We got the decorating about right around the house - more would be nice but what we had worked well. DD wants a bigger tree next year - but it was only a 4 foot tree which DH had gotten free so we didn't think we could justify buying another. DH wants to get a new set of lights for outdoors as the old set of cherry lights for over the weeping willow tree died this year.
Baking - did a fair bit this year and it all went down well. I made chocolate truffles and fudge and cookies as gifts (cookies weekend before, sweets on Christmas) which were all welcomed, and jars of mincemeat as well. I didn't go overboard on stuff for the house this year so we didn't have any waste afterwards (or piles of cookies to munch through). I think I'll do about the same next year - perhaps making mince pies for a few people rather than cookies.
Parties - neither DH nor I really had any - so definitely a few more planned for next year. Probably more in the way of making sure we catch up with groups of friends rather than work gatherings.

Finally travel. We went down to our folks on Stephen's Day (320 km, in icy weather, so taking an hour longer than the usual 2.45 hours) and back home again on 29th (delayed a day for a family funeral). Still icy. And then we went to the West coast on New Year's Eve for 2 nights - again stilll icy and what should have taken 3.5 hours took almost 5 each way (and we ended up travelling in convoy with my sister going back, which was reassuring for us all). We are all exhausted after that. I think we HAVE to cut back on travel next year.

But we also need to cut back on the rushing around on Christmas Day itself. We only got home to relax after 4 pm - and then we had to cook dinner. So we had another year when Christmas was too busy to enjoy. Oh well, here's hoping for next year!!


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
This is the third, and final, question: What would you do differently in 2010?

I really shouldn't be on the comp uter now -- but I haven't really "gathered myself together" yet! So -- here goes:

In 2010 -- I want to allow more time and planning space for the week between Christmas and New Years. This year -- that was a very pleasant week! Kind of "suspended in time". There are lots of days during that week for seeing friends -- and for refreshing ourselves for the new year!! (Which will be -- 2011!) Nothing fancy or formal --- but this is a special time.

Next -- financial things. Financial things were in shape -- and we only used cash for Christmas expenses. But -- I didn't have a really good handle on the kinds of unusual bills that come up in November, December and January. (Like -- the death of the TV set. Luckily - we had an emergency fund to replace it.) But - year-round MORE attention to financial things will be really good! And yield more peace for Christmas 2010!

The actual "parties' - - - it works so much better for me to do them in good weather -- so we can use the deck and outside spaces. However --- there are wonderful, unplanned reasons for entertaining -- like the three-day impromptu visit fro dd's sister and family -- in the middle of December. I want to build in resources for this kind of thing!!

And very important - the guest room/office. This became a "dumping ground" at some point -- and I DID NOT get it cleared out before Christmas. Luckily - we are having a "forced clear out" now -- because of the visit from ds#1 this week! Keeping this room clear and inviting has to be a priority for 2010! I would love to NEVER have to go through this kind of massive clear-out again!

Colleen in PA

Retire Member
Aug 20, 2008
Summing it all up...

What worked well?
- I started wrapping in November...what a relief to not be wrapping on Christmas Eve!
- We cut back on Santa gifts...since my boys are the only nephews/grandchildren on both sides of the family, it's overwhelming. My son didn't even notice that there were fewer packages under the tree!
- Letting my brother and SIL cook on Christmas Eve...they planned the menu, my mom did the food shopping and I provided a clean kitchen and set the table - it was wonderful!
- Making french toast casserole the night before for Christmas breakfast...we just popped it in the oven while we were opening gifts. My
DS(4) was so excited to pick out and drop off toys for Toys for Tots. I was surprised at how much he really enjoyed it - he never even asked to get something for himself.

What didn't work so well?
- Our refrigerator sprung a freon leak on December 15th. Aside from losing everything in it, we had to use a small (dorm-room sized) fridge until December 23rd when the repairman was able to "temporarily" fix the big one. It held through the holidays and then was repaired for good.
- I didn't get any baking done...this is the part of Christmas prep/celebrating that I enjoy most, but there were so many competing priorities that I let it slide. I was bummed about it all season.
- We didn't get to take the kids on a Jingle Bell pajama ride, and I never took our Magical Elves out of their time to plan their escapades at the last minute.

What would you do differently next year?
Make more "me" time...a bubble bath here and there, watch a few Christmas movies and BAKE cookies. Also, I will use Rudy Days to plan the Elves' activities in DETAIL ahead of excuses come December 1, 2010.

More baking, decorating, parties, etc.? Less?
I would love to host a small party for friends. We did this the year after my older son was born and it was so much fun. Definitely more baking. I love to bake - I know some people consider it a chore, but I find it relaxing and it really gets me in the holiday spirit.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 24, 2007
My Room of Horrors!

And very important - the guest room/office. This became a "dumping ground" at some point -- and I DID NOT get it cleared out before Christmas. Luckily - we are having a "forced clear out" now -- because of the visit from ds#1 this week! Keeping this room clear and inviting has to be a priority for 2010! I would love to NEVER have to go through this kind of massive clear-out again!

Wow, I know what you mean! Our computer/school/craft room is a dumping grounds and I'm so tired of it! It wasn't cleaned out before Christmas and it sure isn't now! Sigh .... There is this HUGE desk in there and it's suppose to be a craft table. But who can FIND the table to do a craft on under all the stuff piled high on it! Yikes, well, it's the only room in the house that bad. It's because I can dump it and shut the door if company comes ... get the piles off the kitchen table! HA And what is with the kitchen table collecting stuff as well!

However, I'm doing well on the Jumpstart thread and so .. for now, that will have to be a good goal.


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Jampass - I KNOW that we can do this! We just have to stick with this goal ALL YEAR! We have to keep reminding each other how wonderful it is to actually have a room to use -- rather than a handy dumping-ground! There are so many parts to this. CONSISTENTLY throwing things out! Giving things to the thrift shop -- or wherever we take donations! THINKING before we buy ANYTHING!

This is something that I am working on for my January goal! Making it a habit to REALLY WORK on in 15-minute sessions - using a timer!! I think this happens for some people "automatically".


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 24, 2007

All sounds good! Thanks for the encouragement!

I do do a thing around here called "Freecycle". Something you don't want, you post online, and someone else may think it's a treasure and come pick it up! I don't even have to drive it somewhere to donate!

Now, to get it working in this messy room! HA


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
The guest room/office has been cleared out --- which is SO NICE to look at -- and to be in! At this very moment, ds#1 is sleeping cozily in the extra-comfortable king-size bed! With plenty of clear surfaces to organize the things he has brought on his trip. And a clear desk -- for him to use for paperwork/computer work! It is wonderful when rooms can actually work the way we want them to!

Inspiration for much more work in 2010!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Nov 6, 2007
Southern Arizona
Great job, SparkleNana!



Well-Known Member
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Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
Sparklenana....Well done, what a good start to the New Year.


New Member
Jan 3, 2008
Thanks for the kind words, AnnieClaus and sweetpumpkinpye! And..... by continuing Christmas 2009 (in my mind) to this point in January....... I am folding all the memories from this wonderful visit into the other holidays memories from Christmas in my heart. Getting the office/guest room ready for this visit kept me from having any after-Christmas let-down...... because this wonderful part of the celebration was still to come!
We have had a wonderful day with ds#1..... including going to a basketball game that dgs#2 won in the final seconds of the game. (A treat for his uncle to see!)

Tonight, ds#1 will visit some old friends from college and graduate school. And tomorrow, we will have another great family dinner! (PLUS the naming ceremony/brunch from 11:00 to 2:00.)


Premiere Member
Nov 1, 2007
what didn't work well:
1. Being away in the summer and not having time to get certain things done before the holiday started rolling in.
2. Thinking I had time to get things done and then I had a really bad sinus infection for 5 weeks then I had problems with my arthritis.
3. Getting none of my baking done.
4. Working so many extra hours
5. Buying gifts for to many people.
6. Missing a lot of Christmas movies and specials because I was working.

What worked:
1. Having just my DS1, DIL, DGS, DS2 and his girlfriend here for dinner, and no one else. It seemed almost a very intimate dinner. We often have comapany but not this year.
2. Keeping the decorations simple. Although it was a little too simple.
3. Having a basic Christmas meal. No special dishes that are different.
4. Coming onto MHH and getting so many ideas and support

For 2010 DH and I have decided to cut out everyone except our sons and their families. We are not going out of our way to try to give to others that don't appreciate it. I had to work to much overtime to just buy gifts and I ended up not feeling well through most of the holidays. I didn't like having to skimp on my own family because the money was running out.
I'm hoping that 2010 I will have a much more relaxing holiday and I will be able to treat the ones around me that I love a lot more special than I was able to this year.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
SnowQueen..we too have decided to pare down our list. We were finding it difficult to find enough time and money to buy for our own family. Last year we cut back a fair amount and only bought for our kids, each other, and my mum and DH dad. It was much easier as we bought gifts that people appreciated and left us with a bit more money in the bank account.
I think that 2010 will be different as my brother and his family will be with us for Christmas, but I will probably buy them something small as they are travelling.