Christmas Cones

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Retire Member
Oct 14, 2007
South Carolina
I was flipping through the latest Pottery Barn catalog this weekend and noticed they had decorated with paper cones on the backs of chairs. It looks as if the cones are made from pages of a Christmas story book. Sooo, while sitting in church today, I looked at my program and thought how it would make a wonderful paper cone to fill with treats. I always do a little something for our pastors and church staff at Christmas. What do you think? Tied up with cute Christmas ribbon and filled with tissue and small treats...cute or not?


MHH Member
Premiere Member
Oct 12, 2007
Ontario, Canada
I used old music sheet paper last year - I loved them! My sister was very impressed.
Cathymac said:
Great idea! I used scrapbook paper to make cones to put on a Victorian tree...I love the idea of putting them on the back of the chairs.

I went to a tour of homes for the holidays last year in my town. The Garden Club decorated a variety of high end priced homes for the holidays. One hose had the cones on the back of the chairs (they used that plastic hook with the pull thing-I think from 3M) and it was lovely. They had those metal cones filled with peppermints and such. How adorable. They also strung mini white lights in and out of emptied out wine bottles on a bed of garland. How spectacular it was!!!


MHH Member
Oct 16, 2007
Oh, what a neat idea!

I need to find something to use for this that would match my table ware!

A few years ago I attended a women's retreat and we made lots of little crafts from different countries. I *think* it was a Scandinavian country that made little heart-shaped baskets from paper, I remember weaving strips of paper together, but not much else. I need to dig around for that...I could use wrapping paper or something and weave little cones! TFS!


Super Moderator
Oct 10, 2007
Arkansas-Go Razorbacks! Whoo Pig Sooie!
The only scrapbook store in our town recently closed! I'd planned on getting paper from there to make cones for favors for a couple of parties and for a couple of trees. I wanted the music one and the ones with cream colored lace doilies. Oh, well....guess I'll have to make a Hobby Lobby run! It's only about 30 minutes from here, but frankly I haven't had 30 minutes lately!! LOL!