Crafters Challenge June 1st-June 7th

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Well-Known Member
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Oct 13, 2007
Southern Illinois
:welcome: To another new month!!! About 6 and 3/4ths months until Christmas!

This week I need to work on some baby stuff. Ryans friend is having a shower next Sunday as is a co-worker of mine.

Jaymee has a quilt to bind for a lady and one to set together and do. First time she is doing for somebody else so will see.

What do you all have planned to work on?

Pam Spaur

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Jul 17, 2008
Muncie, IN
Trying to get my baby sewing done. That's the plan.


Well-Known Member
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Oct 13, 2007
My crafting will have to go to the back burner for the next two weeks...a wedding to prepare for on Saturday and then church camp on June 9th. If I can find a moment to fit it in, I'll continue working on the junk journal. Now I see why I don't get into scrapbooking...all my extra time and money would go there!!!


Well-Known Member
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Oct 22, 2007
South Bend, IN
I finally finished the little felt girl ornaments!!! Finally! I literally had 2 minutes left on the last one but it sat for a week and half...sigh...well, anyway, here there are:

I also finished the embroidery on the pillowcase for DS's space themed room. My goal this week is to get sewing machine out and sew the case together. Then I'll slip in the pillow form and store the finished product in the same box as the space themed bedspread for now.

I went through my rolling craft tote and cleaned it all up, organized all my felt and embroidery thread supplies. Ready to start a new round of crafting!!! :)

I wanted to share a photo of the fabric covered cardboard letters I did for DS's room...finally got it uploaded:

Next on my radar:

***Pictures for DS room made of cut felt pieces (backed with fusible webbing) attached to black fabric backing to make the picture. Will embellish somewhat with embroidery. Plan to frame. Using space themed coloring book pages as my patterns. I have everything I need to get started - other than getting over to Staples to enlarge my patterns to the right size for the frames I bought.

I'm also toying with getting a larger embroidery hoop from Hobby Lobby. I have a small return to make there so that would cover the cost of the new hoop, I'm sure.

***I'm also working on a UFO that was meant to be ornament for MIL last Christmas. I actually got a lot further on it than I remembered, which is nice. Here is a pic of the head so far...obviously her hair will be "done" differently when finished

***Another quick project I'll try to knock out this week are these little cloud/rain drop book marks. Will be making two for DDis's twins. Vaguely planning to put these in book or journal for each of them - maybe include a gift card to a book store?

Using these as inspiration, but will searching out my own spin on the cloud shapes, their faces, etc.

That is probably enough to tackle this week, don't you think? lol


Well-Known Member
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Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
AJ your work is beautiful! such detail.

I finished my orange crate! now it will be adding pincones, greenery, lights & plaid ribbons when decorating at Christmas.
Pics on my blog in a few minutes


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 22, 2007
South Bend, IN
luludou - Thank you! :) And I love the orange crate! That is going to look SO pretty when it is all put together and lit up!!!

OK, I'm excited and have to share. I've been pondering my crafting plans for Christmas this year - with saving $ in mind. I think I'm going to take a leaf out of CEO's book and use the principle of many.

I'm going to make a craft (or in this case a series of crafts) - but I'm going to make it for several people on my list. That way I'm not buying a bunch of specialty supplies that I am only using a little of each one.

So this year is going to be a year of Kitchen Baskets or just kitchen themed gifts for all the ladies on my list, sisters, dear friend, MIL, SIL, you name it. I'll try to pick up some pretty baskets somewhere or I may just wrap it all individually - not sure yet...

I'm going to attempt some real live machine sewing. Yipe! But we're talking all straight lines and I think I can handle that. I have before - I just need to get used to machine I have access to right now.

On my list for each person are:

- Potholders
- Embroidered Flour Sack Towels
- Dish Towel Clip
- Rubber Gloves with Fabric Cuffs

Two lucky ladies will also be receiving a nifty reversible apron. And I may do a grocery sack holder for one DSis. I plan to coordinate fabrics across all the projects - just haven't decided if I'm going to choose Christmas theme, or just colors that could be considered Christmassy or what.

I could always knit some small dish cloths from Sugar n' Creme yarn...might do that.

And I have a few more ideas for things I could cheaply buy or simply make for little to no cost that would add to the ensemble gift.

It will all come down to getting the best price I can on fabric, ribbon, etc. so I'll be making heavy use of JoAnn's coupon policy! :) They just opened a new store right by us and I am LOVING that!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Dec 28, 2007
Québec - Canada
AJ I love the idea of the kitchen theme! When I make my ornaments for CIJ, I do pick one idea and do it for everyone... and my sewing has to be straight lines too :)

Can't wait to see pics of what you are doing. I prefer homemade gifts to store-bought ones.


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
Southern Illinois
AJ, the kitchen theme ideal is a good one. Love your ornaments and letters.

Lucie, the crate will be so pretty! Good job!

Jane, little by little we will get there!


Well-Known Member
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Oct 22, 2007
South Bend, IN
I've gotten a little further along on the Raggedy Ann ornament. Her body is all sewn together and the head I need to do her shoes and clothes...

I ordered a 12 pk of flour sack towels from Amazon for my kitchen themed gifts. Couldn't find carbon transfer paper at JoAnn's but did notice they have print/iron on paper - so I'll probably just go back and get that instead.

I bought a very large embroidery hoop for my "felt pictures" project for DS's space themed room...

And I picked up some jingle bells and ribbon I need for a cork ornament project I have in mind for girlfriends and maybe DS's two special teachers at daycare...

I also broke down and bought another pair of pinking shears - mine are "lost" somewhere in the storage unit and I need them for several projects...sigh

I've printed several patterns for misc. little projects and plan to cut them out and start tracing the felt pieces this weekend.

So I'm all over the place...but I'm ready to get busy!