Gingerbug's 2011 Word: Quest

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MHH Admin
Oct 9, 2007
Missouri, USA
I thought it might be fun for those of us that pick a word to start our own threads with our word.....and then we can add to the thread through out the year....sort of like an ongoing journal of "living our word". People can also reply etc to our posts in our thread.....but each of us that wants to ...should start our own word thread........that way people can make more personal responses to our "journal" etc...and we can keep them all sorted out and easy to follow.

So I wrote in the other thread how my Quest might be different throughout the year and how I live the word might change based on life etc....I'm not going to do it monthly because that is an artifical divider but rather simply start out and see where it leads me...

I think right now as we move into January my quest is about's not just about cleaning and it is so much more than is also about some "order" in my thinking and dreams and goals....because without a bit of order and planning those goals and dreams never reach their full potential but instead just remain some wispy idea.....that's just vague and unattainable...

So I start 2011 on a QUEST for ORDER.....this is a quest that may continue throughout 2011....even when I start to live QUEST in different ways this core part of my quest may remain...perhaps not talked about or wrote about...but still there ...hovering in the wings...waiting for center stage....and practicing its part in my life....


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Jan 1, 2008
Love it Ginger. I will try to do my thread later. Wanted to reply here so I can follow & learn from your Quest...


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
Love it ginger. I look forward to following you on your quest.


MHH Admin
Oct 9, 2007
Missouri, USA
The Quest for Order....

I started pondering today how maybe I need to spend some time in 2011, putting my thinking in order too....and maybe to really do that I need to focus less on others and more on I need to spend some time in self reflection, some alone time, some time really getting to know ME........


MHH Admin
Oct 9, 2007
Missouri, USA
Well New Years Day (1-1-11) a couple of my friends suggested we head out grocery shopping at the military base which is about an hour from where we live. (One is in the military and shopping is cheaper etc) So I saved my grocery money for this little expidetion rather than doing my regular shopping....I should have known that one's quest would not start with something as mundane as grocery shopping......

So when they arrived at the house to pick me up...another friend was with them...I didn't really suspect anything because I thought she had just decided to go too....When I got in the van however...I noticed the word "journey" taped to the back of one of the seems we were going on a "mystery trip"...of which I was the only one it was a mystery

Along the way she read clues and as we got closer I realized we were going to Alton Illinois....and I figured we were going to Fast Eddie's but I let the "surprise unfold"....Fast Eddies is a very popular bar/burger joint and it was PACKED....we found a table, had some great food, a few drinks and listened to the band...and had a lot of laughs....

I told them that I had sensed my Quest would start out about "order"....not decluttering and cleaning but putting my life sort of in order...examine my thinking, ways of doing things etc...AND that this little trip wasn't about ORDER at thought I was going to be using some coupons...but then as I was typing this I thought maybe the day was a "quest clue"......maybe its telling me to go some other direction....or perhaps it is saying...spontaneous is better than order, go with the moment....That was one of the readings my friend did about how we so often forget to "LIVE THE MOMENT" because we are so wrapped up in other things or thinking about what we need to do next etc.

So....DAY ONE....had all the elements of a Quest...A search for something illusive (joy)...some mystery, some danger (at any given moment I thought someone was gonna kill good natured ribbing)...It contained enlightenment (Stacie's readings)...and the attainement of something important or valuable...(memories)...

I just wonder where elese this word will lead me....LOL


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Oct 13, 2007
Sounds like a fun time!


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia
What a great way to start the new year. Much more fun than grocery shopping.


MHH Admin
Oct 9, 2007
Missouri, USA
Here are some "quest clues" I have gathered so far this year....

1. Live in the moment
2. Possibilities
3. Accept the challenge
4. Question


MHH Admin
Oct 9, 2007
Missouri, USA
This quest is hard work...LOL

One think that start "buggin me" toward the end of 2010 was how much time and effort I spend doing things for others that seems to go unappreciated. Most of the time this doesnt bother me...because I do those things because I want to ....not HAVE to....but several things happened that made me step back and take another look at this aspect of life.

I felt like I needed a "break" from the role of social planner and some other "roles" I live...and thus I know part of the Quest is centered on making this change in my life. That is not to say I will not do the normal things I do...the things I want to do. It simply means that I will do a little less and that I will allow/expect others to also do things. And if they are uninterested in assuming the role than some things will go to the wayside. I do not intend this as a rant at all but simply a reflection that I want to change ...I still want to do things/plan things etc....but that I want to do it a bit less and BE OK....with that

I also know that part of the Quest is doing things for myself that I want to do and letting go of guilt associated with doing so. I am not talking about being totally self centered...LOL. But simply that if there is something I want to do I should do it and not feel bad that others can't or that I am having an experience that someone else is missing out on....We all have the ability to add excitement to our lives, to find fun things to do, to save money for things we want to do etc...I am not in charge of making sure EVERYONE has a good time....LOL

These are rather disjointed ramblings as I search for the meaning of my quest .....


Well-Known Member
Premiere Member
Apr 23, 2008
Canberra, Australia your ramblings. I agree with you on the social side of things. I put so much effort in making sure everyone has a great Easter, Birthday, Christmas etc, but when it comes down to my family having to organise anything it is dismal. I have to constantly remind DH to buy something for his father's birthday and then on the day he says to me, do you have cash, do you have a card for him. It is not my responsibility to get DH out of the fire. It is his father.

Anyway enough of the rant.
Keep enjoying your quest.